
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for discussion and conversation concerning the topics of equality in all subjects (such as racial equality, age equality et cetera) but mainly focusing on sex/gender equality.


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Gender equality...

Please help me to find right approach to communication with my wife.

My wife is being triggered by social issues based on women rights. And I mean really "triggered". She goes from 0-100 in like seconds đŸ˜Ș

I love here with all my heart. Although, it brings certain level of toxicity in our relationship.

I am white male, and I am predominantly taking care of home, activities and financial aspect of our life. I understand that due to my gender I am simply to capable of understanding female problems.

Today, after I made breakfast for here I witness recurrent episode of explosion. The reason was "female volleyball league uniform". After quick fact-checking I learned hat it wasn't true... JUST LIKE ANY OTHER TIME. Afterwards, i could clearly see that thoughts is her head didn't stop to escalate, and she left home in anger.

We live in Canada. There very liberal laws and rules thar are targeting equality. Personally, I don't see any obvious signs of inequality.

Please, NO disrespect to any gender! If you are not open to logical discussion just skip the post.

19:55 UTC


As a guy, why is it so hard to receive appreciation anymore?

I'm a 39m and why is it that most of my life, I have never gotten much appreciation from the women in my life? On the rare occasion a girl actually wants to date me, I've always provided everything to the girl I'm with. Worked my ass off so they didn't have to in order to give them the freedom to pursue what they wanted to do. I'd often come home with nice gestures like flowers or chocolates or random little gifts, leave them little notes around the house letting them know how much I love them. Let them live with me for free, never make them pay for anything, give them the good life and do everything in my power to make them feel special, and loved, and appreciated. Go out of my way to show that I care and that I want them in my life because I love them. And yet I've been cheated on twice. One, I literally walked in on it after coming home early, and when I told her she needed to be out by the time I got back from work the next day, she stole my dog and broke a bunch of my stuff. I've been taken advantage of to fuel their laziness and just stay home and do nothing. And I mean nothing. No nice gestures like maybe cleaning every once in a while, doing some laundry, just any basic chore that comes with living. Nope. Just sit around watching YouTube all day waiting for me to get home and cook something. Why is it so damn hard to just get a little appreciation for being the nice guy? Like, is this the kinda shit that turns men into incels? Because I'll tell you what, it's making me come to terms with a life of solitude. What's the point if I'm just gonna keep getting hurt? And what's the benefit? Sex? I never really got much of that anyway since apparently they were fucking someone else, so, I'm alright without. Companionship? Yeah, I guess. Friends can do that as well. Someone to love? Sure, but it has to be reciprocated. Whatever happened to 50/50? Isn't that what everyone is screaming about these days? Equality. So... where's the equality?

01:29 UTC


Japan's new law only helps women like royalty. Japan is the country in the world that cares the most about women and discriminates against men.

The law is called the “Difficult Women Support Law”.

Effective from April 2024.

All kinds of support for food, clothing, and housing are available without limitation.

No question of age, nationality, or status of residence is required.

No age, nationality, or status of residence is required.

Personal information is kept confidential.

However, only women are eligible.

In Japan, there is a system where only women can receive interest-free loans when starting a business.

Women can also easily receive welfare benefits.

Japanese women are often “full-time housewives” who do not work but only do housework. Many Japanese women say they want to marry a foreigner. However, Japanese women do not intend to work, so after marriage, the foreign men are often disappointed and divorce at a high rate.

The suicide rate of Japanese men is one of the highest in the world. This is because they are working all the time to support their families. Of course, wives do not work. Some wives do work, but only about 4 hours a day. Or they work 8 hours a day in their neighborhood. Men spend two hours commuting to work, work eight hours, and work overtime (the average one-way commute to Tokyo is a little over 50 minutes). And there is a tendency in Japan for men not to be whiny.

However, women say that Japanese men discriminate against women. And every day, Japanese self-proclaimed feminists complain about “discrimination against women” and women agree with them.

And recently “feminist” has even become a racist term in Japan (because it is a name for stupid feminists).

Just recently, some men have started to speak out after a major restaurant chain offered half-price meals only to women. This half-price campaign is illegal in the United States. Feminists argued that “women don't eat much, so it's only natural” and “men should be men and shut up,” and the women agreed. Until now, men have been told to “shut up like men” and keep their mouths shut.

In Japan, many movie theaters and restaurants have women's prices. In Japan, women originally paid less than men for food provided by the welfare system. This was due to the fact that women do not eat more. However, women claimed that it was unequal and started to receive the same amount as men. So why do we need women's prices?

If the above theory holds true, then the price of company cafeterias should be raised because women have lower incomes. Furthermore, since women pay less taxes than men, train fares should be three times higher, and hospitalization costs, which are covered by insurance, should be reduced.

There are plenty of systems in Japan that help only women, yet new laws are being passed all the time. On the contrary, there are no privileges that only men have in Japan.

Japan is the most female-dominated country in the world.

However, women keep saying, ``Japan is the country that discriminates against women the most in the world and gives preferential treatment to men!''

The arguments made by Japanese women are based solely on emotion and have no basis whatsoever.

13:26 UTC


'Living in a man's world'

How many of you actually believe this?

I know in some parts of the world it is certainly relevant, but I'm in Australia and actually get very upset hearing this statement being thrown around.

The common argument I hear is: 'Male dominated jobs are higher paying'.

I personally think that the real problem is that we, as a society, stereotype certain jobs as 'feminine' or 'masculine', and while there is some science to what GENERALLY occurs, in terms of the likelihood of women excelling in certain careers that entail nurturing, caring roles, and men excelling in problem-solving, engineering-esc roles, I believe this is also conditioned in us from a young age that this is what we should be doing and what we're expected to do.

I've heard of men being bullied out of nursing and childcare jobs and women being intimidated out of mining and electrician jobs and I think with shame being a very powerful aspect in how we live our lives, it is a huge impact in our career choices and I think it's a very big part of why we choose jobs.

I believe that because of women's past of being repressed, the world is too sensitive and careful not to offend to consider the fact that women do generally have it pretty lucky these days. It is unfortunate that we carry the previous trauma that occurred for many years, and will take quite a while to fully recover from it, but I have witnessed much more repression of men in my life than I have seen women suffer, just for their gender. Women naturally have doors opened for them, we have the expression 'ladies first', men are expected to propose, to work more than women when we have children, are expected to lift heavy things and not let women do the same. Yes, men are born with more muscle and testosterone, but even a muscular woman isn't pressured into those things as much as a not so muscular man, stripping this argument of any logic.

In the family court system, when parents separate, it is very biased against men, no matter what their past looks like. Unless a mother sees their children 35% of the time or less, the father is expected to pay child support. Unless the mother is a full on, aggressive junkie, is in jail or is in some other extreme, dangerous situation, she is assumed the more stable, responsible parent. 50/50 custody is extremely rare. There is no such thing as paid paternity leave in a lot of jobs. There are no government payments for stay at home Dads...

Over the years, I have also noticed so many sexist comments that are normalised and not seen as sexist to women, such as 'Oh, I had a boy look' implying someone didn't look properly for something, 'This is why women live longer than men' but those same women expecting the man to be the protector, to check that suspicious sounding noise of a night time, to defend and shield the children in a dangerous situation physically, to work in those high risk mining, heavy machinery, electrical etc jobs....

I am a woman. I believe in equality. I don't believe that equality means that every person has the same physical and emotional expectations as scientifically there is a lot more to it. But some social norms, when you really think about it, don't make a lot of logical sense.

05:32 UTC

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