
Photograph via snooOG

A community of like minded individuals that are looking to solve issues, network without spamming, talk about the growth of your business (Ride Along), challenges and high points and collab on projects together. Stay classy, no racism, humble and work hard. Catch Localcasestudy at Rohangilkes.com


We learn, share, and build companies in a totally transparent way here. No b.s!

Here's how I made my first million dollars building simple businesses that you run from your laptop.

You have just taken the red pill. We're about to peel back the layers and show you how easy it can be to start and grow a local service business.

This sub-reddit was created by u/LocalCaseStudy in 2012 to show people how he launched his local service business. Less than two years later, his company is now doing over $2 Million dollars per year and at least 20 more companies that were founded from this subreddit are on pace to hit that as well. You've stumbled across what is probably the most transparent case study you'll ever see for a local business.


Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and get to reading:
Here's the Full run down of the system and what got us to this point:


Localcasestudy just launched a fully-integrated backend system for maid services and other local businesses: Launch27.com (Arguably the easiest way to launch and grow a local service business that can be found anywhere in the observable universe! Except of course, aliens.)


475,909 Subscribers


I made $105 by selling my first Framer Template without launching in the marketplace


I started learning Framer only one and a half month ago. I launched my first framer template "ClayAI - SaaS & Startup Template" this month.

Framer's official marketplace submission was closed, so I started marketing with my personal X account.

See some sample here  https://twitter.com/pentaclay

Guess what?

I made 6 sales with different discount codes and selling different licenses and earned $105 within last 2 weeks+.

Here's the preview link 👉 https://clayai.framer.website

I submitted the template to official marketplace, hoping for the best.

Also, I'm adding 7 new pages to this template which included documentation, help centre, product feature dedicated page and so on.

Use the discount code "PROMOPENTA" to get a whopping 50% off, only 21 slots left.


14:42 UTC


New endeavor to streamline candidate screening process using conversational AI phone calls

Hello! I'm an entrepreneur developing custom software for companies in the staffing and recruiting space. My niche focus are industries that experience high turn over and large applicant and screen volume. Think temporary workforces, warehouse work etc.
I've developed an AI powered candidate screening tool - It allows recruiting teams to upload their open jobs, and to create automatic screening links for each job. Simply share the link with your candidates and an AI agent performs a 10-15 minute applicant screen. The AI agent develops a list of qualifying questions based on the specific role, requirements and experience level. When the screen is completed the AI will generate and share a qualification score and scorecard with the recruiting team, making it simple to highlight the top candidates for every role.
This service allows teams to screen more candidates in less time, with more accuracy and less human bias. Screening candidates is a very time intensive activity with fairly low ROI, yet it is essential in sourcing talent for every job in the world.
I'm currently working with a staffing firm that screens more than 1,000 candidates every week and I'm looking for a few more firms to work with. So if this sounds like it would help to streamline your hiring operations let me know in the comments.
Here's a video demo of the platform:

14:20 UTC


AI for data analysis - please support on Product Hunt!

Hi folks,
This is my first launch, and I'm incredibly excited! I'm the founder of Tabuls, an AI data analytics tool that simplifies and democratizes data processing.
We've created a tool specifically designed for startups to easily consolidate and gain insights from all their marketing, sales, and product data. Instead of hiring data analysts and engineers startups can just use the Tabula team version.
Please support us and let us know what you think

13:28 UTC


Which path for businesses or startups?

12:21 UTC


Challenges of Scaling Software Solutions for Startups

Startups often face a pivotal moment when their software solutions need to scale rapidly to meet growing demand. However, this journey is riddled with challenges that can derail progress if not navigated carefully. In this guide, we'll explore the crucial aspects of scaling software solutions for startups, offering insights and best practices to overcome common hurdles. This guide is also necessary because we often encounter with startups who've not planned earlier and faced consequences.

1. Understanding the Importance of Scaling:

Scaling software solutions is not just about accommodating growth; it's about ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of a startup in the long run. Scalable architecture allows startups to expand their customer base, adapt to market changes, and maintain performance and reliability as demand surges.

2. Common Challenges Faced by Startups

Scaling brings its own set of challenges, including technical debt, scalability bottlenecks, resource constraints, and the delicate balance between feature development and scalability requirements. Addressing these challenges requires strategic planning and execution.

3. Insights and Best Practices:

a. Start with Scalable Architecture:

Begin with a solid foundation by designing a scalable architecture from the outset. Consider architectural patterns like microservices, serverless, and containerization to enable flexibility and scalability as your startup grows.

b. Prioritize Performance Optimization:

Continuous performance optimization is key to maintaining responsiveness and reliability. Implement techniques such as caching, load balancing, and database optimization to enhance software performance.

c. Invest in Automation and DevOps Practices:

Automation and DevOps practices streamline deployment, testing, and infrastructure management, facilitating scalability and reliability. Embrace CI/CD pipelines and infrastructure as code (IaC) to achieve seamless scalability.

d. Scalability Planning and Capacity Management:

Proactively plan for scalability and capacity management to avoid being caught off guard by sudden growth. Conduct scalability testing, forecast demand, and optimize resource allocation to ensure readiness for expansion.

e. Iterative Approach and Agile Methodologies:

Embrace an iterative approach to development and Agile methodologies to adapt to evolving requirements. Solicit user feedback, prioritize features, and make data-driven decisions to incrementally scale your software solutions.

4. Case Studies and Success Stories:

Explore case studies of startups that successfully navigated scalability challenges, learning from their strategies and outcomes. Y Combinator success stories could give best insights.

12:15 UTC


Selling my two (100k and 50K) Instagram accounts for cheap price.

I used to sell on SWAPD but recently the market there is super slow and resellers are buying IGs for super super cheap. I thought I might sell it somewhere else so I had to check on reddit too. I wanna sell them ASAP.
I post random videos and both accounts has 20% max US audience. Other 80% is mix. You can DM me if you are interested and later we can hire escrow.

1 Comment
12:00 UTC


AI-enabled email manager, FREE private beta for a limited time (aiworker.email)

My brother and I have created a tool, that manages your emails with AI, you do it from a telgram group and you only have to give him some guidelines to reply and he does it all, if you want to try it we need to get feedback so we are giving free accounts. aiworker.email
Best Regards

09:39 UTC


Notion Templates: Ensuring Consistency for Organized Documents, Tasks, and Projects

09:10 UTC


Looking to build a killer sales team, see if you are fit for the position.

Hey everyone,
I've been pouring my energy into a new project over the past few weeks, and I'm super stoked to share it with you all. It's a program that I'm hoping will shake up the traditional education scene, particularly in computing courses like software engineering and cybersecurity. From start to finish, it's all about educating, mentoring, and landing job placements for individuals at a fraction of the cost they'd shell out at a university or boot camp.
Here's the deal – after spending a solid decade in the industry, I've realized that I've learned way more outside of traditional education than I ever did in a room with a hundred other people. I've been collaborating with both experts and professors to piece this program together, and while it's still a work in progress, I'm aiming to have it up and running by September 2024. We're currently gearing up to onboard potential candidates and spread the word.
The concept is pretty straightforward: we're on the lookout for folks itching to dive into a computing career (we specialize in over 20 different paths, like Cloud Computing, Web Dev, and Cybersecurity) and present them with our program. The cherry on top? They're guaranteed an entry-level position at one of the 200 (and growing) companies I've been in touch with by the end of the year-long program.
If you're interested, I'd love to chat more over a call or a meeting. You'd be diving into this exciting new program where you'd earn £400 for each candidate you enroll. Sound good?
So, here's the lowdown: we'd have to hustle a bit and bring in some new candidates, whether that's through online marketing, tapping into online or real-life communities, or good old word of mouth, to make it rain with those commissions. It's all about reaching out to some new faces, showing them what we're all about, and getting them on board.
And hey, not only will you be stacking up the cash, but you'll also be helping our company grow and thrive. Win-win, am I right?
But here's the kicker – it'd be a good idea to get in early, because we can't offer the same rate forever. It just wouldn't be viable in the long run.
Let me know if you're up for it, and I can send over a brochure detailing it further. There's only so much I can cover in this post, but trust me, it's an exciting opportunity you won't want to miss out on.

07:28 UTC


SermoAI Fintech Assistant is now live

Hi Everyone!

We're excited to announce that SermoAI banking assistant is now live on Product Hunt!

Our innovation is set to transform banking customer support by providing AI-powered comprehensive customer support in clients' native language. It's not just about technology, but about making banking communication more inclusive and user-friendly. Let's work together to make the fintech industry better by offering advanced solutions to the market.

We would be grateful for your support!

Check out the link below to learn more about our AI banking assistant. https://www.producthunt.com/posts/sermoai

07:20 UTC


How a simple newsletter can be your ticket to seven figures – My experience

Hey everyone, I want to share with you how a business model that many overlook is aiding me in my goal to hit seven figures: newsletters.
Not many talk about it, but the monetization possibilities are vast and can be tailored to any niche. Inspired by the successes I saw, I started the Capital Movement Newsletter, sharing business and finance insights. In just a few weeks, I saw promising results. That’s why I decided to create an eBook to guide others on this path.

Have you tried something similar? What have been your experiences and challenges with newsletters?

If you’re interested in learning more about how to start and scale in this business, here’s the link to the eBook.

Looking forward to your comments and experiences!

05:58 UTC


Why is 75% of this subreddit obvious scams

It seems like maybe 1/4 posts at best arent some obviously fake story accompanied by a link to a website that sells a useless product or course, and of the ones that fall into that 1/4 half of them are teenagers/dropouts asking how to make 200k a year from dropshipping or smma

whats even funnier is that so much of the “proof” here is obviously fake, like a random graph showing a 500% ROI without anything more is just comical

to anybody who actually has groundwork solving a problem and building a business around it instead of trying to scam people: I guarantee you most instructors at business institutions will offer unparalleled help and information compared to this subreddit

05:46 UTC


what keeps you up at night?

What are the biggest challenges or problems in your day to day? Recently learnt to code, looking at a few spaces like B2B / Ecommerce / Legal Tech and a bunch of others to solve for (definitely B2B focus).

Don’t have a product, no mockups either. In fact, just speaking to people rn, that's all.

have some ideas like using AI models to display products (something along those lines for the Ecommerce space) but haven’t settled in on anything yet.

Would love to know:

– what are your biggest challenges in running your business?
– what’s an annoying pet peeve you wish was solved?
– what could be automated?
– made better?
– cheaper?

Hope this gets approved – just looking for some problem statements to explore.

Cheers and thanks.

05:29 UTC


Now I am a bit more mature, and I am building my career around my identity, not myself around the business.

I am 28, and in the last decade, I’ve invested a lot of money, time, and energy in multiple projects, different sectors, and all of them failed miserably except one, which is making 200k a year now and keeps me rolling.

I am not enjoying it at all because it is a cloud kitchen business and despite the fact that I tried to get as close as possible to online businesses, my clothes still smell like food, I have tens of employees, I am not free of location, magic cannot happen in this space, and the sky isn’t the limit.

Now I am a bit more mature, and I am building my career around my identity, not myself around the business.

From all the failures I had, I learned that whatever I want to sell, from products or services to even a mayor of a town, you need one thing for all: DISTRIBUTION.

Without eyeballs, you cannot sell anything. Attention is the ultimate currency.

So here I am, researching and building in public a database of new online businesses and their organic growth strategies, all which I’ve built anyway, transparent or not.

As Naval Ravikant famously said:

“If you want to make the maximum amount of money possible, if you want to get rich over your life in a deterministically predictable way, stay on the bleeding edge of trends and study technology, design, and art—become really good at something.”

And that’s what I am doing. Staying at the cutting edge of trends, studying technology, and becoming really good at growing online distribution.

All publicly at (let me know in the message if you want to see the website)

Wish you all the best.

04:49 UTC


What stops you from just starting a fund?

I’ve started several businesses, with varying degrees of success, but never been very good at fundraising for my own projects.

Contrastingly, I’ve also helped other people strategize on fundraising a significant amount of money (probably somewhere around $760M+ since 2014). And these were all weird projects, nothing copycat, unique ideas people had that were hard to show comps for. I never got paid for it, I was always just helping friends and friends of friends brainstorm. I guess I just never thought of doing that as being my kind of role, until now.

Recently though, I directly helped someone raise a significant amount of capital ($17M) as a strategic advisor, and I really liked doing that. I always over-prepared for fundraising, so when I helped this friend out I found I was immediately good at coaching her on how to present her business idea to investors and target the right investors through her personal network.

This has made me think that maybe instead of trying to launch another minimum viable business, I should instead raise a whole fund to power the full spectrum of what I believe will be successful projects in undeveloped areas of business. I have an idea for a fairly targeted fund that I think could have a major impact and make some serious money.

I’m about as far from having the skillset of a CFO as you can get, so is it crazy to try to do this without an economics degree or experience as a broker?

I find myself reading sample PPMs thinking maybe I should just go for it. Am I headed for a brick wall, or is this doable?

04:22 UTC


My journey from $0 to $5k MRR in 6 months, and why I decided to pivot

This is the story of why we pivoted from usedouble.com, which was making $5k MRR only 6 months after launch, to build double.bot from scratch


A friend and I were running a grocery delivery service in Toronto. One of the worst parts was having to place inventory resupply orders almost every night, as you have to deal with different vendor websites and emails.

We have a background in engineering, but automating this task was hard due to the small amount of decision making it involves (i.e We are out of diet coke, should we order this listing for a six pack of diet coke cans, or do we need diet coke bottles?)

That is until OpenAI’s davinci-003 was released. At that point, we decided to build a tool to automate the process. The MVP of this was a spreadsheet with davinci-003 commands, this was the start of usedouble.com and we applied and got early into Y Combinator’s Winter 2023 batch.

Getting the first users

usedouble.com was launched with a tweet and a hackernews comment. Back then any GPT-3 demo would go viral on Twitter and spreadsheets were somewhat of an untapped niche so getting early interest was easy.

The product didn’t do much other than let you feed information within your spreadsheet into GPT-3 and have the output organized in cells. Talking to our users led us to building a web scraper (people were unfamiliar with LLM hallucinations back then, and didn’t understand it lacked context from the web), so you could ask GPT-3 to find information from the web and put it in your spreadsheet. All of this sounds basic now but at the time was novel.

The Twitter and HackerNews engagement got us to 1,000+ users on our waitlist. From there on, our biggest growth drivers were Reddit posts (example), AI tools aggregators (example and another example), and some Youtube videos (example), in that order. On top of this, we also did a Product Hunt launch and scored top 5. A not so known fact is that when you place top 5, they amplify you the next day on their socials and newsletter, which drives a ton of traffic.

Reddit was particularly great because once you have a few posts with a ton of traffic, you rank super high on SEO. And it's evergreen, to this day it still brings us traffic despite us not putting any further effort.

Niching down

At this point we were not monetizing and the product was very horizontal, it could do lots of things, and was not tailored to anything specific. So naturally the next question was who is most willing to pay for it. After more calls with users, it became clear that sales teams were the group most willing to pay us for our AI spreadsheet, so we started to build workflows and tools specifically for them.

We shipped new features so that you could import a list of leads onto usedouble.com, find and verify emails for them with 1 button, and enrich the leads with information from throughout the web using simple workflows that required only basic prompting. Later on we added webhooks to push and pull information from your CRM.

The most popular tool on usedouble.com was the “Online AI instruction”, which takes your question, turns it into a Google Search query, searches Google, and reads the results, and uses that to provide an answer to your original question with citations. Later on, we built specific scrappers to be able to pull data from LinkedIn, Crunchbase, Google Maps, and other aggregators. You can think of it as Perplexity AI, but in bulk.

Problems to be solved

There was always interest for more data sources, and although you could keep adding every data aggregator to your app (similar to what Clay has done), one of the issues was the low differentiation and low pricing power of the data. Everyone has access to the same data aggregators, so we could sell verified emails for 5 cents, but if we were to charge 10 cents then soon users would compare us to other services that charge a few mere cents less. A superior UX could get us some sort of pricing premium but not much.

We also noticed that most users would import a list once, enrich it, and then not come back for months. This wasn’t always the case for bigger sales teams who had a constant need to churn through leads, but true for most of our users at the time. We were not solving an urgent, recurrent problem for these users.

Another insight we uncovered was that most users actually need very simple enrichment (phone numbers, emails, Instagram handles, LinkedIn URLs), which are better served by traditional methods with which LLMs can’t compete economically. The people that want long tail enrichments are actually not that common (but they do exist).

Experimenting with outbound campaigns

Once people brought their lists to usedouble.com and enriched them, their next usual step was to launch an outbound campaign. So we thought this would be a natural next step to deliver more value to our users, and keep them coming back. Once you have visibility over their outbound campaigns, you can also measure conversion rates and see exactly how much value you are providing, instead of selling leads at market rates.

Our core hypothesis was that if we could do a better job at researching prospects at scale, we could then send more relevant emails which will convert better. Makes sense, right?

We set out to prove this hypothesis with a handful of enterprise users who paid us to handle their outbound campaigns. For 2 months we ran custom enrichment flows, and then used the information to write personalized emails, all within our AI spreadsheet. At this time we were sending around 10,000 emails per week.

Our personalized emails did not convert any better than using proven templates with a couple of custom fields, which was what these companies were already using, and their preference was to keep our enrichment service and pair it with their existing templates.

We learned the hard way that for most products, it isn’t always possible to figure out whether a prospect has the specific problem they can solve based solely on public information. It is also cheap to just send an incremental email, with almost no penalty to having a low hit rate. So you can just send more emails whether or not they are the ideal target.


After disproving our hypothesis, we took another look at our data enrichment product and questioned whether this was the biggest opportunity for us to pursue in the AI era. We started to experiment with other ideas (some which went viral) and eventually settled on AI coding copilots.

Throughout all of this time, we had been using AI to help us code faster, but some of our favorite tools like Github Copilot had not gotten any better. In fact, the most upvoted bugs from a year ago are still at the top of their list 2 years later, crazy! (Examples: 2 years+, 2 years, 3 years, 3 years).

We launched double.bot with the goal of building the best AI coding copilot experience, and within the first 2 weeks of launching we managed to get 10,000 users, plus fix all of Github Copilot's bugs, but that’s a separate post.


  • When possible, charge more. We launched as a self-serve product with a free tier and plans starting at $20/mo. Our growth accelerated when we switched to B2B / “talk to sales” starting at $500/mo. The product didn’t change, but our growth trajectory did, and so did the quality of our users (our new higher paying users were more involved and willing to give more feedback)

  • Don’t always listen to your users. Listening to users feedback and feature requests is a good idea, but I’d advise against shifting your entire value proposition based on users. This is what led us to exploring questions like “Can personalized emails lead to better outcomes?” which a sales expert might shut down immediately, but some of our users were not experienced sales professionals and neither were we, so we spent time learning the basics and experimenting with it.

  • It is much easier to work on a problem that you personally have a deep understanding in. When we built usedouble.com, we knew nothing about sales. When we build double.bot, we are building for ourselves.

  • Incremental growth strategies are underrated. I am continuously surprised how many people still show up and use usedouble.com to this day, despite us not promoting it for months now. A lot of the posts and Youtube videos we uploaded many months ago never went viral, but drive steady traffic to this day by ranking on Google searches and topics people are interested in. We always seek virality but having a continuous stream of users who you can serve and retain is how you build a huge business.

01:46 UTC


[H] EXCLUSIVE OFFERS | 4580+ Orders | Adobe LICENSE | Office 365 | LinkedIn Premiums | Canva Pro | Elementor Pro | Windows Keys & More [W] TransferWise

Hello guys,

We offer a wide selection of premium licenses including a warranty. We focus on quality and customer support. So, if you have ANY questions, please ask, and we will be more than happy to help you.

Price List APRIL 2024 (UPDATED)

Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps - 3-month $38

Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps - 6-month $70

LinkedIn 6-month Business Premium $60

LinkedIn 12-month Business Premium $80

LinkedIn Sales Navigator 2 Months $80

Microsoft Office 365 Own account Upgrade 1 Year $49

Canva Premium (Teachers' subscription including 2000 invites) $45

Canva Premium (Student subscription) $18

Windows 10 Pro (Retail Key $12

Office 2019 Pro Plus (Retail Key) $10

Office 2021 Pro Plus (Retail Key) $15

Spotify 6-month Premium $15

Prime Video 6 month $25

Elementor Pro - 1 year (1 Domain) $20

In-video Lifetime Account $30

If interested in any products Please get in touch with us. on Telegram/Discord/Reddit and we will get back to you ASAP. Feedback is always appreciated in the below thread. For vouchers and price updates: CHECK BELOW

Have a great day everyone.


Telegram: elon_marks

Facebook: Premium Stuff

Discord: https://discord.gg/GXfzFT35vS

00:46 UTC


Having Trouble Scaling Up My E-Commerce Business Lately

Hey everyone,

I’ve been struggling with the challenges of scaling up my e-commerce business lately, and it’s been a rollercoaster ride, to say the least. Scaling operations is no walk in the park – it requires precise planning to ensure everything runs smoothly, from customer support to fulfillment and technology infrastructure.

Here’s the thing: Scaling too quickly and ending up drowning in chaos, or scaling too slowly and missing out on golden opportunities. It’s like trying to find that sweet spot where growth feels steady and manageable.

So, I’m looking forward for some guidance. Have any of you been through this scaling process before? What tips or strategies do you have for ensuring a seamless transition to a larger scale without losing your sanity in the process? I’m all eager to learn from your experiences!

Drop your insights and advice in the comments below, and let’s tackle this scaling challenge together.

00:06 UTC


Product problem or growth problem?

I successfully scaled a VC-backed tech start-up from zero to several million annualized in ~2 years. However, it was not smooth sailing, with many significant periods of stalled growth, losing PMF, and rebuilding.

I found that one question that constantly plagued me at each new stage was:

  • Is a lack of growth a product problem or a distribution problem?

This lack of clarity was one of the hardest aspects of growth. Because there are many ways you can build out a product and there are many ways to test different distribution channels, trying to test both at the same time can quickly lead to a lack of clarity.

  • If you have 4 product tests and 4 distribution tests, the combined result could be 16 different tests you could work on

Was curious if anyone else has felt the same way. I've worked with a variety of early-stage entrepreneurs and it has felt to me that this is a common issue. I've seen many iterations of the following type of questions from others too.

  • "We haven't made sales yet, should we pivot the product or start on a new idea?"
  • "We haven't made any sales, should we enhance a feature set?"

"We think the product is great, but we don't have any customers to get feedback, so how do we know the product is good?"

  • "We tested X distribution channels but made little progress. Should we try another tactic/distribution channel or is my product bad?"

However, I've found that for the best growth, you usually need to work be thinking about both product and distribution simultaneously.

For instance, you might want to improve your product, but if you have zero customers who can provide you feedback, how do you even know that you're improving it in the right way?

I'm considering putting together a free survey/diagnostic tool to help provide clarity for decision-making. It should help answer the following.

  1. Do you have a product problem or a growth problem? Or is it both?

  2. Based on the above findings, what are the next executable steps you should undergo?

Curious to see if anyone else has struggled with this issue and has any thoughts to share?

22:17 UTC


Looking to connect with other entrepreneurs

Hello! I'm Aidan, from the Kansas City area and am an inspired entrepreneur. My father and I started a business together, creating clothing and accessories themed around Kansas City, and other things that inspire us, such as hot rods, robots, and monsters (if you'd like to check us out, we're here https://www.hammothdesigns.com/).

I'm interested in hearing from this community and learning more about starting a business, some things to stay away from and things to go towards, and really just gain knowledge through other people's experiences. So if anyone has any advice, criticism, or anything they want to talk about, I'm all ears!

20:13 UTC


Marketing my courses/digital products creatively for maximum reach?

I 21F have been building courses and digital products since starting to learn how at 17, 3 years after graduating high school. Since I love teaching people, writing, and putting things together, I find that I thrive in being able to come up with ideas for some new material and building it out into something beautiful.

However, there's another side to it. Of course in order to be able to profit from these things, I need to be able to market it online and gain new clients. But the challenge lies here: I don't really enjoy being on social media, yet I still do when I have to and put lots of effort into it. I want to be able to bring people in with my content and get their attention, but I haven't had any luck thus far. It's like almost no one sees my content no matter how much I post, which decreases the possibility of anyone finding out about my courses in general.

So here's my question: How can I creatively expand my reach on social media and market my courses in a way that gets maximum reach? Which social media or search engine platforms are best for this?

I'm open to any insights and answers that you guys have, and I thank you all!

19:55 UTC


Satellite as a Service Customer Discovery

I'm an entrepreneur at an early stage start up. I'm in at the stage where I'm testing out my hypothesis. I would like to talk to other entrepreneurs / product managers who use satellite buses for their own businesses.

Is anyone available to fill out a quick 5 min survey?

Thanks in advance!

19:44 UTC


help needed registering a business as an under 18 in the UK

I went to the HMRC website and found the whole process extremely confusing. I was trying to register as a sole trader. I don't have any tax returns or anything, and the website led to me to do a self-assessment which I found confusing, and I don't know if I can even do it as an under 18. I am not making enough money to be taxed, but I may make enough to be reported over the next tax year. I am registering because for a lot of markets you need to registered as a business. I would really appreciate some help and guidance through the process, as well as someone clarifying the rules for under 18's.

19:18 UTC


Recruiting for our AI Wellness Startup

Hi friends!

The Embark team has officially launched our website to start collect email addresses for our waitlist, and as we get closer to raising funds and our official launch every day, we are looking to grow our core team members. We are particularly looking to make our website copy open enough to interpretation in case we have small shifts in our product offering, while still portraying how we are unique and exceptional Embark will be in just a few lines of text.

Looking to be a part of building an early-stage startup alongside a our 2x founder CEO? We are currently recruiting team members with the following expertise and can ideally commit over 10 hours/week. By being an team member, you currently will not be compensated, but will be given equity and pay according to contribution after we raise funds.

  • Marketing and Ads, Social Media Management, and Copy writing
  • BD + Partnerships, and/or Operations
  • Front-end or full-stack dev for Swift
  • Product Designer, UI/UX Designer, Visual Designer proficient in Figma

And of course we welcome you to sign up if you're as excited as we are about the launch!

More About Embark:
Embark is the first solution that provides on-the-go wellness and stress management to the fingertips of corporate employees and busy individuals.

Many people working in corporate experience stress and burnout, yet there are few products addressing this epidemic directly. Embark allows you to manage your emotional state anytime, anywhere with AI-recommended wellness activities—no meditation room or earbuds required, whether you have 1, 5, or 10 minutes.

Embark is designed for quick relief in any setting, perfect for busy schedules and even commutes. Coming soon to App Stores!
🩵 Tailored wellness activities for any setting, regardless of your available time.
🩵 More than guided meditations: a variety of interactive tools and fresh activities suited to your interests and lifestyle.
🩵 Combat anxiety and improve focus with evidence-backed techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
🩵 Created with care by a team of therapists, AI specialists, and former employees from Tesla, Meta, and Carnegie Mellon who understand burnout.
🚫No meditation spaces, earbuds, or prior experience needed.
🚫 Skip the therapy speak.
🚫 Ditch lengthy, dull podcasts.
🚫 Reduce mental health days off due to burnout

Ready to Embark on your wellness journey? Join the waitlist on our website http://embarktoday.ai to be one of the first Embarkers to gain early access to our the closed beta of our product, stay in the loop, connect with our community, and gain access to exclusive offers pre-launch. Thank you for your support and we can’t wait to create the future of personal and emotional wellness with you!

With much anticipation,
The Embark Team

18:51 UTC


How I created a demo vid without a working product (and spent $0)

For my new startup, I decided I would actually follow advice to validate and market it first before building it fully. So I created a waitlist page, but I knew that videos are great to communicate your product. The problem was, how do you make a demo video if you have no product? It's easier thank you think. You just need to do one thing:


It's all smoke and mirrors. Your goal is to just to give a visual representation of what your app will do at its core, nothing needs to actually work yet.

Here's how I made a nice demo vid without having a working product:

Step 1) Quickly created some mockups in Figma of what I would show in the video.

Figma is a really great design tool. Easy to make mockups that help visualise your goal. I made some pngs of what my frontend would look like in the video (mainly just a form for user input).

Step 2) Coded a barebones version of those mockups.

Literally added a new page in the codebase of my current site. Spent 3 minutes writing some HTML for what the user will see on the frontend.

Step 3) Coded a barebones version of what the app does.

Took less than a few hours. Doesn't matter how complex your app will end up being. You just need to show the core value offering. For me this meant writing a short node.js script.

Step 4) Record it

I recorded myself writing some data into the frontend I built. Then I recorded myself running the node.js script.

Step 5) Edit it

This is easier than ever before with the tools we have available. I used Capcut (the official tiktok editor). It's the perfect editor for something like this. Forget Premiere Pro, After Effects, Sony Vegas or whatever.

I literally just added my two videos together. Trimmed and sped them up. Added some text. Added transitions (Capcut has prebuilt transitions!!). Exported it and it came out looking super clean.

Step 6) Use your awesome demo vid

I now had a demo vid that basically shows what my product is about without even having a product yet. The work I've done represents basically 5% of what the product will be/look like eventually, but the demo vid is enough to tell you what it does at its core. (Link to the video if you're curious.)

Tools used:

- Figma (mockups, design)

- Capcut (editing videos)

- Coding (create a dummy mvp)

- Screeny (chrome extensions for screen recording)

That's how I created a demo vid without a working product.

18:26 UTC


Investing is hot. Building platform for traders to share skills.

Tradingview is seeing a wonderful growth in the last years. Their ideas section can be a platform.

Building simple trade signal app, for trader, to post ideas with limited information:

Order Type: sell
Current Price: 1.24538
Entry Price: 1.24500
Take Profit: 1.24400
Stop Loss: 1.26000
Timeframe: 4h
Reason: trend indicator a,b,c
Created at: 17 APRIL 2024 12:00:00 UTC

That's it.

------- EDIT:

Forgot symbol. Will be adding Symbol: GBPUSD.

18:20 UTC


$20k in Sales after AppSumo Launch (cons and pros)

3 months ago, we had $0 in sales, now we are crossing $20k⚡. In this post, I want to share:

  • How we got to $20k
  • How to get Selected AppSumo Launch
  • Pros and Cons launching on AppSumo Marketplace

Last few months, we have been working hard on our Saas product JustBeepIt. The biggest issue was that we have no marketing budget, so we had to find other ways to promote it. This is how we landed on AppSumo

First of all, what is AppSumo?🤔 (for those who don't know)

AppSumo is a marketplace where bunch of software companies sell Life-Time subscriptions of their products.

Part 1. Getting into AppSumo Select🤩

We were able to get 1st spot on ProductHunt. This is important because it helped us to get into AppSumo Select program. You can launch on AppSumo with your own efforts by adding your own product there, or you can launch as part of their Selected program where they do all the marketing for you.

Part 2. Reviews✒️.

The most important factor on AppSumo are reviews. We currently stand at ⭐4.9 out of 5. Getting good reviews is hard, you really need to have a good product and be great at customer support. At one point we were close to 4.2😶‍🌫️(not good) but were able to climb up.

Part 3. Marketing Costs💸.

As said above, once you are in the Selected Program they pay for your ads and take all the marketing costs. They also have a huge mailing list which is a goldmine for sales.

Part 4. Their Revenue Shares💰.

Now obviously this is not a charity and they take a significant cut from your sales. From what I understand they deduct marketing costs and then divide the revenue. With that said we were left with ~25-30% from total sales. But is it still work it? Absolutely, and below I explain why.

Part 5. Is it still worth it?🤷🏼‍♂️

So, they take a huge cut as explained before, but here is why it is still worth it:

  • We got close to 200 B2B from just launching
  • We understand our clients much better know
  • In the future we can develop additional products and upsell to existing clients
  • Our idea got validated and now we know people really need it
  • It is much easier for us now to seek outside investment to fund our marketing

Happy to answer any questions you have😌

17:55 UTC


Introducing Design Critique - 55€ earned so far. Feedback welcome!

Launching a second time here. First I made the mistake of writing too much and posting on Sunday. Fingers crossed for getting some feedback this time. Always eager to improve the service.
Design Critique is a review service for Your website, landing page or app UI.
I feel every founder or website owner should order this to get a second opinion. Even if you work with a top agency take this as a 3rd party unbiased audit.
You will get feedback on:
- Overall strategy and appeal
- Messaging and clarity
- UI aka Visual Design
- UX aka User Experience
- Anything else I notice
Every feedback is tailored to the request. I focus on tangible items where You can gain the most.
Why I am confident to offer it?
15+ years of experience as a designer. You find links to my website, agency site, and past client feedback. I can look also at the bigger picture from a strategy point of view.
Paid service.
2 slots for 7€ (17.04.2024)
After every +10th review, I will raise the price +7€. Buy now get cheaper.
So far I have made 55€. Can´t say its profitable but its a start. Will try to get 3850€ total.
Sometimes I feel that the small price point is a turn-off as it seems like there is no value. Don´t be fooled. There is.
Find it here

17:41 UTC


What are the best budget-friendly tools for bootstrapped startups?

17:33 UTC


Day 8- What was the duration of the launch campaign of your business?

A campaign is something I think that most online businesses go for, while physical ones go for a launch day. I would like to know your story.

-Was there a specific launch date or event?

-Did the campaign have a set end date or timeframe (e.g., "one week," "limited time offer")?

-Were there any pre-launch teasers or build-up periods?

-Did the campaign involve a single event (e.g., product launch party) or ongoing activities (e.g., social media posts)?

-Were there any phases or stages to the launch campaign?

-Was the campaign intended to be short and impactful, or was it designed for a longer-term brand awareness effort?

P.S.- Nothing today.

17:28 UTC

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