
Photograph via snooOG

Are you a supporter of endangered species? Interested in learning more about them? This subreddit is dedicated to all aspects of endangered species. From fun facts to serious issues anything related to the critters or plants in trouble is open to discussion.


A community for sharing and discussing news about endangered species with the aim of protecting species and their habitats from extinction through knowledge. We view this statement in its broadest sense. Feel free to discuss and post all aspects of species loss; from potentially threatened to critical, all forms of life, and the large range of opinions concerning conservation techniques. We value all forms of knowledge and perspective and hope you join us in the conversation.

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White sturgeon’s decline could land it spot on endangered species list

California's Fish and Game Commission has approved white sturgeon as a candidate species for listing under the California Endangered Species Act as the fish's habitat in the Bay Area declines amid increased pollution and a loss of spawning grounds. 


04:06 UTC


Endangered species plush Kickstarter

Hello fellow endangered species lovers! I designed a plush of the Darwin’s Fox named Zorro and created a Kickstarter to have 300 of them made! We still have an early bird special going on at the moment with 11 remaining to claim and would love to have your support. Whether or not you have the means to back and get a Zorro right now, you can still help out by backing $1-5 or even just sharing with people you think might be interested! Thank you so so much!


20:24 UTC


Introducing Project Endangered: Fashion with a Purpose!

We're excited to introduce you to Project Endangered, a clothing brand with a mission to help endangered species.

What's Project Endangered?

Project Endangered is more than just a clothing brand—it's a movement. We believe in the power of fashion to make a positive impact on our planet. Each collection we design is inspired by and dedicated to a specific endangered species.

How Do We Help?

For every purchase you make, 10% of the proceeds go directly to charities and foundations that support the conservation efforts for the species featured in our collections. That means when you buy from our Orca collection, a portion of your purchase helps protect Killer Whales in the wild.

Visit our website Project Endangered to check out our latest collections and learn more about our mission. Follow us on Instagram Projectendangered.co for updates, stories, and to see how your support is making a difference.

Thank you for your support! Let's create a brighter future for our planet's most vulnerable species.

20:39 UTC


A second critically endangered Chinese pangolin is born in the Prague zoo in less than 2 years

A second critically endangered Chinese pangolin is born in the Prague zoo in less than 2 years

1 Comment
15:13 UTC


This youtube video glorifies the farming of vulnerable soft-shell turtles in Vietnam for “millions”.

Kind of disgusted with how he approached this topic, what do you guys think?

12:01 UTC


Rusty Patched Bumble Bee

Forum for discussing the bombus affinis species, which became critically endangered in 2017.

02:32 UTC

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