
Photograph via snooOG

Elite: PVP Community TS! Hosted by The Imperial Inquisition with the help of Reign of Annihilation!

Elite: PVP Community Teamspeak

TS Info


This subreddit has been created to give groups a place to coordinate and organize inter-clan battles, and inter-faction battles. We are hoping to give moderator privileges to leaders or representatives of such groups, so that the community owns the subreddit equally. We will be contacting such groups directly. We hope this can bring clans together to select systems and bring their wings to test their skills against each other. Think about it like an in-game CqC for wings, without the cramped space.


296 Subscribers

08:26 UTC


I will duel anyone anytime anywhere... hmu

07:31 UTC


Wyrd Wars Episode 2

Elite Community Combat Events presents: Wyrd Wars Episode II: The Plasma Menace

Following on from the success of the last Wyrd Wars event please join us for Episode II, that will be held on Saturday 28th September 3305 at 1800hrs UTC.Sign up can be made in the ΞϽCΞ discord server where you can choose your side red or gold. Will you choose Harry, currently cloning the child army in his image or the masked lieutenant L’intouchable?We look forward to seeing what side you choose to support. This event is open to all regardless of ability or playstyle. Group affiliations will be left at the door, will you be the hunters chasing down Harry’s Cutters or one of the Legion Defending?Come and join us in the ΞϽCΞ server for a great evening of fun.


22:51 UTC


"Bro..Quit Stream Sniping Me, Homie!"

03:18 UTC


Team Code - World Police - Viper Mark III vs. Python

06:40 UTC


CMDR Fly Auburn fighting in The Codes home system!

02:10 UTC


Capn Murica APA vulture vs FDL

01:50 UTC


Help with armor engineering.

Not quite sure what the best way to go about this is, but here is my setup atm:


Reactive surface composite with G5 thermal res mod. and HD mod on HRP. Sitting at about 25 - 30% res across the board on hull. Am I doing this right or am I completely messing my self up? Thanks.

1 Comment
17:37 UTC


CQC Tuesday; Action and Prizes. • r/EliteDangerous

02:34 UTC


1 on 1 PvP lessons?

o7 fellow commanders! I consider myself as a decent combat pilot, I have taken down many elite and dangerous ships (With security help of course). I finally found myself in a Vulture and destroying most things in my path. Sadly I feel that I've hit a bit of a plateau in my progress and was wondering if a commander out there would like to help me progress further along in combat. I have recently taught myself how to increase mobility with FA off. I have a viper and am willing to travel to places inside the bubble. I currently reside in Cubeo.

Thanks for reading! CMDR DMWCincy

01:31 UTC


Your favorite small ship and build for PvP? • /r/EliteDangerous

17:16 UTC


How to fight Reverberating Cascade Torpedoes (Corvette vs Cutter) • /r/EliteDangerous

05:54 UTC


Me and CMDR Deadfight found this while canyon racing. • /r/EliteDangerous

05:07 UTC


Need serious help. PVP for beginners-experts. Group engagement for fun, practise, meeting others Non-engineered cheaper ship fights. • /r/EliteDangerous

04:54 UTC


Corvette Duel: Rinzler o7o7o7 vs Jibanyan • /r/EliteDangerous

1 Comment
02:13 UTC


Ways of finding PvP

There are tons of ways to get into PvP. I look forward to hearing more options.

05:24 UTC


Logging During Combat Punishment

I'm drafting a punishment system for those who violate the rules of the game framed within the six general forms of punishment. Comments, questions, concerns are welcome and encouraged, whether through comments on this document or in forums this document is posted in.

I have expanded the punishment system to include other actions that break the rules such as griefing, combat logging, exploiting, and cheating because the punishment system could be applicable to any rules violation. A good portion of discussion was regarding how guilt was determined, but that is not the intent of the proposal. A discussion of how Fdev determines guilt is worthwhile. Additionally, much of the conversation was centering around the detection and definition of combat logging, rather than the validity of the methods. I will strikethrough the references to combat logging in the Google docs for a record of changes.


#Rules Violation Punishment

Based on feedback from multiple people, it seems the most popular form of punishment for combat logging and other offenses, would be a combination of banishment, financial burden, and restitution.

  • Banishment: the guilty party is prevented from connecting to game modes. The duration of this banning could increase with frequency of combat logging violations.

  • Financial burden: fine (or bounty) the guilty party their rebuy. The ability to clear fines and bounties would need to be reworked for this method to be more effective

  • Restitution: the rebuy of the guilty party awarded to those players engaged in combat with the rules violator. Splitting this award among all players could prevent this method being used to create free money. Additionally, if paired with the banishment, the time out of game would get longer and longer, meaning the restitution element would be more difficult to farm.

What this is

  • A proposal for an Fdev implemented punishment system within the mechanics of the game.

  • A listing, explanation, and lore justification of punishments for those that exit the game during PVP combat violate the rules of the game.

What this is NOT

  • A discussion of exiting the game through game menu functions, it's countdown, or it's validity.

  • A discussion about how guilt is determined or who is guilty, merely the punishment once guilt is established. (The developers already have methods of determining guilt.)


Rule Violation

  • Anyone found guilty of breaking the EULA, Terms of Service. This includes, but is not limited to griefing, combat logging, cheating, or exploiting; as defined by Frontier devs.

Combat Logger:

  • anyone who purposefully exits the game by terminating the game or game connection during PVP combat after interdiction has begun; until either high- or low-waked out of the normal space instance, destroyed, or exiting through the game menu

Justification for Punishment

  • There should be some consequence to those who exit or logout of the game during combat violate the rules of the game. With regards to combat logging or cheating/exploiting in combat, I think this is the most aggravating thing to those that put forth time, effort, and credits to PvP. The offender is at risk and must face consequences for engaging in PvP, but the receiver can face no consequences simply by exiting the game.

#Methods of Punishment

General Theory of Punishment

  • There are generally six methods of punishment: incarceration, banishment/shunning, financial burden, restitution, public humiliation, physical pain.

  • The general idea is to apply as many punishment types together because it is difficult to know what punishment provides the best deterrent.

  • Players have brought up that being sent to solo or open may not be a punishment, and therefore not act as a deterrent to reduce combat logging rules violation(or other activities that break the Terms of Service, EULA, etc). Therefore I have added an additional banishment/shunning method.


  • Incarceration: this could be done by locking a player in open and/or in the system they combat logged from for some time (play time and real time). This prevents the combat logger offender from escaping from pursuing players by going to solo or private and exiting the system.


  • Banishment/shunning: player kicked from the Bubble into solo for some time. Removes them from repair/restock/refuel as well as other players/NPCs and money making methods. May severely limit movement since many combat ships some ships may have low jump range.

Alternative Incarceration/Banishment Systems

  • An alternative to, and combination of, the incarceration/banishment punishments would be to banish and incarcerate the offender into a prison system central to the bubble. The offender is placed at dock in the single station (Coriolis) in the prison system.

  • Temporary banishment (banning) from the game could act as a viable punishment and deterrent to combat logging rules violation. This could be implemented by preventing the player’s account from connecting to open/solo/private groups for some period of time. Disabling the player’s ability to connect to the game would have the additional benefit of preventing players from abusing the financial burden and/or restitution methods.

Financial Burden

  • Financial burden: combat logging offending pilots are fined their rebuy but not reset to station or loss of cargo. Penalizes the combat logger as if their ship was destroyed.


  • Restitution: the combat logger guilty party is fined their rebuy, and that amount is split as a bounty to all hostile players in that instance. Provides a reward for those that engage in PvP and penalizes combat loggers offending players. This punishment would not stack with the financial burden.

Public Humiliation

  • Public humiliation: combat logger the CMDR name(s) of players found guilty of rules violations are published in a weekly GalNet article the station news feed as "Pilot's Federation Crime Report" of all systems they violated rules. The nature of the offenses will not be listed. Ship flagged as "coward criminal" similar to wanted.

Physical Pain

  • Physical pain: Not sure how to implement this. /s This is most assuredly unpopular, impractical, and illegal.

#Lore Justification

  • The lore justification for this punishment system would be the Pilot's Federation policing their members. The Pilot's Federation is an apolitical and neutral organization. A code of conduct or uniform code of justice could be created. All members would be subject to the galactic jurisdiction of the PF.

#Annexes and Addendums

Increased Bounty Value

  • The fundamental problems of the crime and punishment system are not the values of the bounties, but the ease of clearing bounties and the difficulty in collecting bounties.

  • Simply increasing the value of bounties put on players wouldn't fix the issue, and might make it worse.

  • For example, let's say the bounty given for player destruction is 5% of the OFFENDING player's ship. For decent combat FDL this would be ~300,000. Their friends get in sidewinders and get destroyed, rapidly pushing the offending player's bounty to the cap. Roles and ships swap, instant free money without leaving a system.

  • If the bounty were given based on the rebuy of the defender's ship, the scenario would just mean the offenders are attacking other players, instead of each other.

  • We must also consider the impact of increased bounties on the BGS. Bounties and fines are directly tied to the lockdown and civil unrest states. Currently a small but dedicated group of players can lockdown a system in a few days. If the bounties increased in value, the time needed to lockdown a system could shorten to the point of locking down a system in one day.

EDIT: Added introduction

EDIT: Added link to this thread and Frontier Forums thread

EDIT: Added content to clarify the intent of the proposal is not to determine guilt because the developers already have methods of determining guilt.

EDIT: I have expanded the punishment system to include other actions that break the rules such as griefing, combat logging, exploiting, and cheating because the punishment system could be applicable to any rules violation. A good portion of discussion was regarding how guilt was determined, but that is not the intent of the proposal. A discussion of how Fdev determines guilt is worthwhile. Additionally, much of the conversation was centering around the detection and definition of combat logging, rather than the validity of the methods. I will strikethrough the references to combat logging in the Google docs for a record of changes.

01:46 UTC


Just a reminder that there is a PVP event this Sunday in LFT 65! We're also teaching noobs 1 hour before the event! :) • /r/EliteDangerous

18:02 UTC


More community support and involvement in PvP • /r/EliteDangerous

06:10 UTC


PVP Battleground System

Is there a thread, reddit, or forum post discussing systems for active PVP combat where people looking for some action can go to for reliable PVP?

I know that Community Goals (CGs) are popular for PVP, but these can be far flung, or have stations that are tens of thousands of Ls from the primary star.

What characteristics are desirable for a PVP battleground system?

Personally I would like to see a PVP system with the following attributes:

  • Central to the bubble

  • Anarchy system

  • Not controlled by any power

  • Have a large station with a well stocked outfitting station

  • Surface settlements, for surface combat at a specific point

  • HAZRES, for added NPC dynamics in PVP battles

21:09 UTC


Spreadsheet with the forward/vertical/lateral thruster acceleration rate of each ship?

Was wondering if anyone had something similar in hand.

04:25 UTC


5.000.000 CR Bounty Search - Dead or Alive

I have been wrongly accused by CMDR FireFox13 to use CHEATS in the game, he has offered a reward of 1,000,000 CR for my head for this, I multiply by five the reward for him, I do not tolerate that he accused me for that. If somebody must be accused of something are FireFox13 and his troop of the 51TH by cowards, attack a single ship with a squadron of 4, what a cowardly act, because i get to escape in time from his cowardly act, they accuse me of something?, perhaps are resentful for not be able to catch me , if used cheats, why escape?, crimes on your system? perhaps have you bought it?, only attacking ships with WANTED, not innocent ships. Please a little of courage, if this CMDR dares interdicting me again, do it alone, not accompanied by his herd. I said, while the reward for my head stays, I offer 5,000,000 CR paid in gold or any other canisters for the head of FireFox13. Fly safe and happy hunting CMDRS.

20:45 UTC


The official Public PVP teamspeak has moved.

Reign of Annihilation teamspeak: reignofannihilation.teamspeak.pub

Anyone is welcome to come in at anytime for PVP reasons. We will do our best to accommodate your group(s).

02:07 UTC

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