
Photograph via snooOG

A place for fellow CMDRs to create, join, and organize Teams (formerly wings) or Squadrons in Elite Dangerous

Lets find you a wing

Looking for a player group to fly with? Look here first.

Welcome to /r/EliteWings, Commander!

This is where you can find fellow Commanders to fly with in the harsh galaxy of Elite: Dangerous!

Here's some things that are much better to do when in a wing:

  • PvP

  • Wing missions

  • Bounty hunting

  • BGS manipulation

Posting Guidelines

Please follow Reddit's rules & Reddiquette. Be sure to follow the subreddit rules as well.


5,051 Subscribers



1 Comment
01:12 UTC


From the Shadows to the Stars - Join THE REPUBLIC's Journey

Hello, we are a small tight-knit community looking for new players to join us. We are interested in any skill levels (beginner/intermediate/experts), we want to grow this community/squadron and progress altogether. For now the squadron is focused on: Bounty hunting/combat, exploration, trading and progress towards the thargoid war. If you're interested you can join our discord. Join here

o7 commanders !

14:21 UTC


Join The Exiles in Elite Dangerous!

1 Comment
13:45 UTC



o7 CMDRs,

Whether you're a new player looking for help, just overwhelmed after returning to the game or even an elite veteran looking for something to keep you going, Simbad is a great community for you.

Based in a region of the bubble that offers 15% off ships and outfitting, you'll appreciate the view from your new space home in Farowalan's Bamford City. Located on the outskirts of a HAZRES we bounty hunt at, this prime real estate opportunity offers a superb outfitting selection at discount prices, & local material traders of all types. Our player's Fleet Carriers are standing-by to assist you unlock engineers or travel to a mining spot. Be sure to also visit our Asteroid base in Nu Tauri named Simbad's Refuge.

We just returned to the game in force and are currently at war with another player faction. Join us!

Squadron : Simbad [SMBD] (join Discord before applying)

Website : https://simbadgaming.com/

Video Trailer: https://youtu.be/ydRHQc3potQ

Discord : https://discord.gg/wtTXuQA

15:48 UTC


The Independent Pilots Armada declares sovereignty in the face of Archon Delaine, and is now recruiting CMDRs to join its cause

***Incoming all-frequency transmission; Origin: Pegasi Sector, Nervi System***

To all CMDRs, hear me! The Independent Pilots Armada has returned!

Hear me, Archon Delaine, and heed my words with caution! My heart is filled with sorrow. The Pegasi sector is plagued by a ceaseless wave of oppression, violent crime, and instablility brought about by the actions of the Kumo Crew. All people suffer under the rule of the Pirate Lord.

This is why the Independent Pilots Armada has returned, to fight against the tyranny of Archon Delaine! So long as the Kumo Crew's systematic criminal oppression of the Pegasi Sector continues, our rebellion shall grow. We have already achieved a great victory by removing of the Kumo shell confederacy, the Cavalry Command of Yuma, from the Nervi system.

I shall continue to fight against these oppressors and their supplicating minor factions! Therefore, here and now, I declare the Nervi system to be an independent and sovereign power! Free from the chains of Archon Delaine, this one system is our first dominion!

Even in the face of our recent victories, our battle is far from over. Even now, a new force of Kumo Crew supplicants threatens the stability of our sovereign system! The Independent Pilots Armada sounds this rallying cry! Any CMDR who believes in fighting against those who would use their strength to oppress the weak, regardless of profession, skill level, or availability, is welcome amongst our ranks in the battles to come!

Those who are interested in joining the our cause can join our Discord Server (https://discord.gg/pyQzn8T) and submit an in-game application to our Squadron "Independent Pilots Armada" (tag: 1IPA)

22:14 UTC


Want to find friends and wing up? Looking for a casual group? Check out Sidewinder Syndicate!

If you are interested in finding friends and joining a group, take a second to read this and I bet you'll find something that you like!

Sidewinder Syndicate is one of the most friendly and casual groups out there. Whether you are a new player or a seasoned veteran, we welcome all!

Our main mission is to have fun and enjoy the game, while making a real contrinbution to the galaxy through our faction. As one of the oldest yet continuously active player groups in Elite, we have a long history as a casual yet dedicated community.

We allow anyone to join us regardless of gameplay style. With a large contingent of veteran players, our group succeeds particularly in managing our in-game faction's influence and coordinating pvp combat operations. Our BGS is extremely active, with contribution tracking and credit matching initiatives. Of course, we offer a learning environment for new players to get involved.

Whether you want to run some wing cargo missions with your buddies or fight wars for our faction, we are glad to wing up and have fun.

Player base: Active on PC

With over 1250 veteran and new members, we are consistently active in game as well as on our discord server. We create and participate in many events like exploration expeditions and pvp tournaments, such as our recent suboptimal ship showdown.

We are accepting!

Join our Discord

If you would like to learn more please check out our INARA.

Here is a recent squadron promo video. Become a member to join the fun!

20:30 UTC


Dark Echo [Ech0] Is recruiting!


It's a lonely galaxy out there, commanders. . . but it doesn't have to be.

Dark Echo is a globally based squadron with 8 years of history out in the black. In that time, we have fostered an active community of commanders who are all watching each others backs. We have members who participate in all aspects of the game, BGS, AX, base raiding, exploration, etc. If you have an interest, you can find a wingman, if you want one. We have many experienced pilots in our ranks, but we do value new players, and greatly enjoy coaching them through Elite's many. . . . shall we say, obtuse systems.

Despite our growth, we have maintained a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. We have a dedicated group of die hard players, as well and commanders who pop in every few months. There is no playtime requirement, as we know there are many other interests competing for our attention. All members are welcome to play however they desire. We encourage open play, but we welcome solo players who just want someone to talk to during their travels. We even have a squadron journalist, for those who interested in RP. The only activity we do not participate is ganking/seal clubbing.

That being said, we always have someone in a voice channel, and we do regularly communicate on Discord/Squadron chat. We also try to frequently run events such as Titan bombing/Anti Xenos ops, Exobio excursions, friendly CQC matches, mission farming for new folks, or just fighting in conflict zones. Sometimes we'll also run the "Disci Disco" where commanders will listen/contribute to a Spotify jam session, while pursuing their own endeavors.

For the more dedicated players, we have 3 "specialist" wings which you can apply for, that cover BGS, Anti-ganking and AX ops respectively.

You are welcome to join the Discord to see if you enjoy the vibes. Applications are processed daily.

1 Comment
09:02 UTC


Join ESW Largest PlayStation Squadron Very Active

If you are a new or veteran commander and want to join a squadron, check out The Elite Space Wings (FIRM). We are the largest active squadron on the PS platform with over 400 members. Top of the leaderboards in Everything. Something you don't know how to do? We got you, our squad has many mentoring possibilities for new and seasoned players a like. We are a 24/7 squad with Commanders from all over the world so someone is always on.

18:04 UTC


Mining in the open Space of Elite Dangerous as a roleplay Squadron - What to do in ED?


We are the Miners Corporation. Our Ships are Yellow to warn you and we use the ID: MICO or [MICO].

We are dedicated brave Miners and collect all Materials/Metals found in Pristine Rings.

The best spots to mine are the overlaping Hotspots for specific Metals and the harsh conditions of a Hazardous Ressource Site. These haz res sites provide a 100% Bonus to the mineable fragments which doubles the outcome!

We always want to build wings for social contact and protection. Mining in a wing in haz res site is the best method having fun and get the most out of the miningtrip. Beware there will be no Police and alot of Pirates!

Guestworker are always welcome! Your Cargo Hold is completly yours. You can do with it whatever you like. But we would love to see, that you sell on our Carriers. We raised the Prices for only mineable Metals/Minerals significant! You dont reli to Platinum when you mine for us!

Since we are operating in open we see us forced to have "Executioners" in our rows to give extra protection for our mining operations. We hire your guns!

Thanks for beeing with us! See you in the Rings!

09:02 UTC



o7 Commanders,

as the title says I am looking for mercenaries that don't ask questions and just take the money for the job.

We provide the credits and instructions and in return we only ask that you get the job done.

As an insurance that this isn't some prank, you will get 25% if you agree to enroll for the job. The 75% will be paid in full after the task is completed.

There is no skill requirement of any kind. This is a good deal for even a new player to make some hefty sums of credits!!

DM if you are interested!


1 Comment
22:55 UTC



Recruiting players new to elite and bored veterans to a russian-english squad RUSLAVINGYEMPIRE, number 1589, those who pledged allegiance to the glorious empire are most welcome!!!

20:26 UTC


[PC] [NA | EU] Rapture Gaming Community now recruiting! Recruitment


In Rapture Gaming Community we have a mix of veteran players and players just learning the game. We have multiple Fleet Carriers amongst the group and are looking to expand our Elite Dangerous membership through recruiting new members. We host dedicated game nights for our members to group up, explore the galaxy, make a fortune and grind those ranks. Our veteran players are available to assist you with Wing Missions and advice on ship builds for whatever actions you have in mind. We also have an in-game player faction, the Fuse Syndicate, to support and have BGS goals to work towards. Expand through the stars, and eventually conquer the bubble!

Who we are: We are a gaming community, not a clan or loose affiliation of people playing the same games. We exist first and foremost for our community. People make friends here and this is where our members come to relax and spend time playing games with people from all over the world. While we have some incredibly skilled players, rG is not built to be a competitive gaming clan. We’re a family and we put families first. rG is comprised of different perspectives, backgrounds, races, and religions. At Rapture Gaming, we treat each other with kindness, generosity of spirit, and respect - regardless of an individual's rank within our community.

The environment we provide: We provide a cheat free, stable, and fun community gaming experience to all rG members and public guests. We promote teamwork, community, and the betterment of all members. We are a community and everyone is welcome, as long as they can be respectful to the games we play and the gamers we share our environment with.

What being part of the rG team means: rG members work together in and out of the games we play. Members assist other members with basic game knowledge, computer and gaming technical support, and community administration. Sometimes, our members help each other in their personal lives. Nothing is off limits when it comes to helping another member of our community. We only ask that you abide by our rules and engage each other with respect and maturity.

Discord: https://discord.gg/tHD67pr

Inara Squadron: https://inara.cz/squadron/9679

14:50 UTC


We Want You.

Crymson Squadron seeking new Recruits. Enlist today! (PC) https://discord.gg/JYxv7P8dtf

As part of Crymson Squadron you will have the opportunity to climb the ranks and immerse yourself in an ever expanding community of pilots. Here there is something for everyone.

You will begin your enlistment as a new recruit. From here you will promote based on activity. The ranking system is as follows:

  1. Recruit
  2. Private
  3. Private First Class
  4. Petty Officer
  5. Squadron Leader
  6. Lieutenant
  7. Executive Officer
  8. Captain
  9. Chief
  10. Master Chief
  11. Rear Admiral
  12. Fleet Admiral

Specialized roles which need to be filled asap are as follows:

  • Historian
  • Post Master


03:44 UTC


Galactic Shadows is looking for members

Help rebuild the Galactic Shadows squadron.

The Galactic Shadows squadron is looking for new members! We are looking for experienced active pilots that will help grow the squadron and The Galactic Shadows Syndicate faction through BGS work, but all pilots of all skill levels and interests are welcome. New to minor faction operations? We can help you understand it to help the Galactic Shadows Syndicate grow. Looking for a new home come help rebuild the squadron.

Join the Galactic Shadows today!!!


18:46 UTC


Looking for others for missions, willing to travel

Good afternoon,

Im CMDR Azeos, and I just returned from a 2 year journey to Sagittarius A, I'm back in the bubble, and looking for people to join for missions or pirates or really, whatever, 2+ years is a long time to just fly, jump, and scan. Working on engineering material farming, and aside from that, always looking to lend a hand if needed. Not much done with PVP or on foot missions, as I generally have no interest in the former, but I do have interest in getting out into a spacesuit.

Not sure what's next, but have at it!

15:57 UTC


Returning Player - Looking for Wing Mates - UK Player

It's been a while since I had played... Infact since the port to PC was allowed.

I have oddessy, an alright fighter, from what I remember. Got various ships and a carrier (not many extras currently), ( had to decommission it before the port and I wanted it back, got it back last night when also polishing off the bindings on the streamdeck ).

Currently at HR1980 was going to do some mining but wanting to learn more on the newer things in the game.

If anyone wants to help an old - nearly 30... - lad out, my steam id is - jackass214 -

Safe Flights CMDR


08:46 UTC


Fleet Admiral needed

Fleet Admiral needed

Newly founded Crymson squadron is in need of a Fleet Admiral to assist with logistics and recruitment. This is a long term position but the squadron is semi relaxed so you wouldn’t need to be online excessively.

The fleet admiral is second in command and will periodically need to assign roles and manage squadron members and activities.

Currently we are at one member which is me. The squadron is not accepting new applications and won’t be until the discord is polished and all the ground work is laid for smooth onboarding. I have managed a squadron of 75 back when support was still active for console users. I have since switched to pc but the devs dropping console support was hugely discouraging and I took a break for a while. You can just reply to this post if you’re interested and message me directly. Let me know why you’d be a good fit.

03:00 UTC


[PC] [NA | EU] Rapture Gaming Community now recruiting! Recruitment

1 Comment
01:28 UTC


Vanguards of Jericho is recruiting!

Do you love Liberty and Freedom? Do you hate Tyranny and Thargoids? Then the Vanguards of Jericho is a Squadron for you! We accept anyone who wants to help us liberate our surrounding systems of tyranny and help remove Thargoids from our galaxy. Thats right! Those disgusting FREAKS weren't made in the image of God, and its about time we send them straight to HELL!

Apply on Inara today: https://inara.cz/elite/squadron/14588/ (must be 18+)

1 Comment
08:39 UTC


Are you ready to be an Exile?

Join The Exiles in Elite Dangerous! 

07 Commanders!

Are you ready to embark on an epic journey among the stars? The Exiles are looking for brave pilots like you to join our ranks and explore the vast universe of Elite Dangerous.

Who Are We?

The Exiles is a close-knit squadron dedicated to all facets of the Elite Dangerous experience. Whether you're a seasoned commander or just starting your journey, we welcome you with open arms. We're more than just a squadron; we're a family of pilots who share a passion for PvE, some PvP, trade, exploration, BGS shenanigans, AX combat, and much more. As a bonus, we've established our Player Minor Faction in the galaxy, allowing you to shape the future of our corner of the universe.

Why Join The Exiles?

Diverse Activities: We offer a wide range of activities, so you can pursue your passion, be it trading, exploration, hunting Thargoids, or making your mark in Powerplay. Experienced Pilots: Learn from our experienced members and get help with any aspect of the game, from ship loadouts to effective trading routes. Close-Knit Community: We're not just another squadron; we're a close-knit group that values camaraderie and teamwork. BGS Shenanigans: If you're into Background Simulation (BGS) manipulation, you've found your new home. Our minor faction needs your support! AX Combat: Brave the black alongside fellow commanders to take down the Thargoids and protect humanity.

How to Join The Exiles

Joining us is as easy as jumping: Visit our squadron's page in-game. Click "Request to Join." Join our Discord server, where we coordinate our missions, share tips, and have a blast together. Ready to Soar with The Exiles? If you're ready to embark on an incredible adventure in Elite Dangerous, look no further. Join The Exiles today and let's journey through the stars together!

Fly Dangerous commanders. o7


Discord Link https://discord.gg/pW2AMFEHUc

In-Game Squadron Name:

The Exiles [EXLE]

20:30 UTC



Join The 10th Legion Today!!

Greetings Commanders.

I speak on behalf of the 10th Legion in an effort to convince you to join our ranks and fight for the glory of the Empire!

Who are we?

The 10th Legion is an Imperial faction based in the Elysia system. Lorewise, we are an Imperial military unit assigned to Admiral Denton Patreus’s Fleet. As a respected group amongst our peers, we are involved in the politics and battles of the galaxy.

What do we do?

We specialize in BGS activities both with our PMF and the rest of Patreus space.

What can we offer you?

All of our members strive to make the legion a fun place to be, after all we are playing a game and as such there should be nothing but fun. We welcome all pilots, experienced or brand new. If you’re looking to learn how to play Elite and get the most from your career, look no further. Our leadership is dedicated to making sure that new commanders are well trained in all aspects of the game so that they can decide for themselves which area interests them most.

Where do I sign up?

You can find us here on Inara and join our discord with the following links:



15:54 UTC


Wing Massacre Missions

Saving up for my Fleet carrier doing Wing Massacre Missions in Hip 3509. Would love some company to speed up the process. DM me if interested

13:37 UTC


[PC]Seeking Adventurers, Explorers, and Soldiers. Become an Elite Praetorian Mercenary Today.

00:04 UTC


Paladin Consortium is recruiting

Paladin Consortium Recruitment Poster

Greetings commanders, I am here representing the Paladin Consortium, a Player driven faction within the Elite dangerous universe, and I would like to invite any commander, young, old, seasoned or veteran, or even first-time players, to visit our discord and talk to me or one of our Membership officers about joining our amazing squad.

We offer full training in our Academy, with specialists in combat, trading, mining, and exploration and more!

So, why join a squad I hear you say? We'll let me tell you, I spent my first 18 months playing ED as a solo player, and while I learned a few things, and made a few credits, I felt like I was roaming the enclosure, waiting for the keeper to come with the keys, something was missing, a purpose, a purpose beyond that of my own interests. So I looked around for a squad, and after joining a few, and not really getting that interaction I was looking for I found the Paladins, I can honestly say it totally changed the way I play this wonderful game, we fly in wings nearly every day, use the discord Voice channels to organize our efforts, and coordinate our tactics, as well as have special events posted weekly, we have expeditions being conducted out to the black, as well as regular combat, and trading or mining activities.

Flying and working together is how this game was meant to be played, so if you're looking for an active squad who work together as a team have a blast doing it! … the Paladin Consortium is the place to go! OK so here are a few quick facts about us to fill in the gaps.

  • We have our own PMF in-game with nearly 40 systems.
  • We are a "Triple Elite" player group", which means we are officially recognized by Frontier and in the wider ED universe.
  • We play in all time zones US/AU/EU. Regular events and community meetings. Most of us now play on PC, and in the live version of Odyssey
  • We play in open, (but don’t let that put you off, we know how to protect each other).
  • We often use open voice channels to chat about the game as well as organize events. But most of all … WE HAVE FUN DOING ALL OF THE ABOVE.
  • We despise ganking or players taking advantage of other players and actively work towards stopping it.

Would you like to know more? Please join our discord, where we would be pleased to talk to you and answer any more questions you may have! https://discord.gg/palcon

1 Comment
05:55 UTC


Looking for group

Looking for any squadron that is very active and do roleplay.

19:36 UTC


ReVolt is recruiting!!!!


Looking for an active group? Join ReVolt!

Are you new to the game or a veteran tired of flying alone? Join ReVolt!

We are a fun bunch of people that love elite and are active on daily bases.

Doesnt matter where you from US,EU,aussi or asia everybody is welcome!

We believe everybody should play the game how they want to play, in this group there arent any obligations!

We do all kinds of stuff:

- Minor faction

- Thargoid hunting

- PvP, PvE

- Bounty hunting

- Pirating (not killing inocent CMDR's)

and so on.

Does this sound like your cup of thea than check us out on discord:

22:17 UTC


Paladin Consortium is recruiting


Greetings commanders, I am here representing the Paladin Consortium, a Player driven faction within the Elite dangerous universe, and I would like to invite any commander, young, old, seasoned or veteran, or even first-time players, to visit our discord and talk to me or one of our Membership officers about joining our amazing squad.

We offer full training in our Academy, with specialists in combat, trading, mining, and exploration and more!

So, why join a squad I hear you say? We'll let me tell you, I spent my first 18 months playing ED as a solo player, and while I learned a few things, and made a few credits, I felt like I was roaming the enclosure, waiting for the keeper to come with the keys, something was missing, a purpose, a purpose beyond that of my own interests. So I looked around for a squad, and after joining a few, and not really getting that interaction I was looking for I found the Paladins, I can honestly say it totally changed the way I play this wonderful game, we fly in wings nearly every day, use the discord Voice channels to organize our efforts, and coordinate our tactics, as well as have special events posted weekly, we have expeditions being conducted out to the black, as well as regular combat, and trading or mining activities.

Flying and working together is how this game was meant to be played, so if you're looking for an active squad who work together as a team have a blast doing it! … the Paladin Consortium is the place to go! OK so here are a few quick facts about us to fill in the gaps.

  • We have our own PMF in-game with nearly 40 systems.
  • We are a "Triple Elite" player group", which means we are officially recognized by Frontier and in the wider ED universe.
  • We play in all time zones US/AU/EU. Regular events and community meetings. Most of us now play on PC, and in the live version of Odyssey
  • We play in open, (but don’t let that put you off, we know how to protect each other).
  • We often use open voice channels to chat about the game as well as organize events. But most of all … WE HAVE FUN DOING ALL OF THE ABOVE.
  • We despise ganking or players taking advantage of other players and actively work towards stopping it.

Would you like to know more? Please join our discord, where we would be pleased to talk to you and answer any more questions you may have! https://discord.gg/palcon

1 Comment
06:12 UTC


Phantom Sentinels Wants You! [PC/US&EU]

1 Comment
00:50 UTC


Want to find friends and wing up? Looking for a casual group? Check out Sidewinder Syndicate!

If you are interested in finding friends and joining a group, take a second to read this and I bet you'll find something that you like!

Sidewinder Syndicate is one of the most friendly and casual groups out there. Whether you are a new player or a seasoned veteran, we welcome all!

Our main mission is to have fun and enjoy the game. As one of the oldest yet continuously active player groups in Elite, we have a long history as a casual community. With impending game updates, there are many exciting opportunities with our squadron.

We allow anyone to join us regardless of gameplay style. With a large contingent of veteran players, our group succeeds particularly in managing our in-game faction's influence and coordinating pvp combat operations. Of course, we offer a learning environment for new players to get involved.

Whether you want to run some wing cargo missions with your buddies or fight wars for our faction, we are glad to wing up and have fun.

Player base: Active on PC

With over 1230 veteran and new members, we are consistently active in game as well as on our discord server. We create and participate in many events like exploration expeditions and pvp tournaments.

We are accepting!

Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/gdaKcsmn4K

If you would like to learn more please check out our INARA: https://inara.cz/wing/564/

Here is a recent squadron promo video. Become a member to join the fun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q1XuSY0EBY

23:35 UTC

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