
Photograph via snooOG

This is for the production and collaboration of Elite Dangerous community videos.

Rules (as of now):

  • Don't be a jerk

  • Don't spam your personal videos (although asking for constructive criticism is allowed)

  • Standard reddit rules, unwritten rules, and common sense (sort of falls under "don't be a jerk").


45 Subscribers


[introduction]Wasp Radio - Content Wanted

Hi there! My name is CMDR Olivia Vespera and I run Wasp Radio. A relatively new radio station launched to cater towards the Distant World's Expedition. We play music about exploration, travel and lonlieness. Along with that, we do galnet reports, DWE announcements, and soon we'll be putting up interviews from the community

We are currently in need for audio content, ads, community music and VAs to help create content to flesh out our radio. I have a few ideas on some things, but i'd imagine you guys will have better ones!

This is an opportunity to reach out to a community of explorers out there in the lonely black. Reply here. :)

You can listen to us here http://waspradio.playtheradio.com/ And our forum thread is here https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=226765

Let me know if i'm doing this the right way. =p

17:25 UTC


[Journal 1] New idea to keep content here.

So, I've been doing a bunch of research and work on the side to make myself better at making videos in general. I also have a script ready for the next video I would like to do (If anyone is interested, let me know. I will make another post about that soon anyway). However, I need to keep this place somewhat alive with some sort of content, so I'm going to start these journals of what I've been up to in the Elite Production range recently.

To start off, in game, I've been grinding credits to fund the characters (ships) that I think I will need. I'm at just over 100mil right now, and I'm liking the progress. Out of the game, one of the biggest critiques I've gotten from "Authority" was that the sound was shit. I've been going to Lynda.com taking classes on Premier Pro so I can get better at it. If anyone has any pro tips, please let me know.

Anyway, that's what I've been up to. If anyone needs help or has questions, feel free to let us know.


18:55 UTC


[Casting Call] Time to bring this place back to life. I need two commanders for some quick shooting either tomorrow or next week.

This shoot is simple. I want to film the "cat game" scene from Super Troopers shot for shot in Elite Dangerous, and dub the sound over. It shouldn't take long to get all the angles. I'm thinking one Hauler for the Jim Gaffigan car, and Eagles for The State Troopers.

If anyone is interested, reply here.

16:34 UTC



1 Comment
16:26 UTC


Heya, looking to join the production community!

Hello, my name is CMDR Shirokaze in game. I'm pretty new to reddit, joined because of Elite: Dangerous actually and I found this sub. I don't know how active any of you are, but I was hoping to make myself available for anybody looking to collaborate.

I'm a video editor IRL and I got a youtube channel going recently:


If anyone wants to collab in any way, needs 'actors' for videos, extras to fly ships or wants any kind of help in anything production related please let me know, I'll be very happy to help out!

E:D has stolen my soul and I'm committed to this hobby :)

See you all in space,

CMDR Shirokaze

19:51 UTC


Introducing EDAssets - A site containing various assets including PNGs and vectors

I found it hard to find a place that has all the assets of Elite: Dangerous content, for when I wanted to create images for subreddit styles etc. So I wanted to create a collective page or site containing all of these assets, which in then turned out to be EDAssets. Edit: I forgot, I also had it on a Dropbox link. But it was a bit bad to host the content so I wanted to put it on a site instead.

EDAssets is a project made in AngularJS (JavaScript) containing of categories and images in those categories, all free to use within Elite: Dangerous content (unless it's commercial).

I'm currently in the work of vectorising a few more icons and as such I'm showing it off here to get feedback before I put it on the main /r/EliteDangerous sub, if you have any requests on what sections should be vectorised first feel free to say so.

Feedback, help and improvements are always welcome, source code is available on GitHub.

23:33 UTC


DIRECTION UPDATE - Quite a bit of information in here. Please give feedback.

First off, I want to thank everyone who checked in. Of course, I never had in mind anything LA Hollywood quality -- I still don't -- however, it's clear that we have a lot of talent around here, and with it I hope that we can make something awesome.

Next, I would like to discuss an idea that I've been forming since the creation of the brainstorming thread. Here's the pitch: A wing consisting of two explorers and two escort fighters is hired by a corporation (probably that in-game cartography company that you sell data to, Universal Cartographers) to find a lost explorer who has stopped checking in. It would be a 6 episode series starting with the hiring of the pilots and their meeting, and culminating in the discovery of an explorer gone space mad.

I imagine the episodes would fit this loose outline:

    1. Pilots hired by company, Exposition from Universal Cartographers, Course plotting, Quick pilot introductions to each other, Setting off.
    1. Pass through Lave Cluster, Pirates, Combat, Add conflict within the group somewhere.
    1. Leave inhabited space after refueling at the last outpost.
    1. Exploration troubles: no scoopable stars, emergency drop out, field repair, fuel transfer. End with finding last known system of the lost pilot. Instead find High energy wake.
    1. Track down lost pilot, They need to pull him out of supercruise (this could be some conflict. Why does one of them have an interdictor? Why would they need it? Accuse of treachery), They exchange dialogue and determine his space madness. He introduces the friends he made in deep space (for lack of anything alien, I'm thinking a swarm of little Sidewinders without character other than a hive-mind).
    1. Some fight off the swarm while others try to reason with the lost pilot, He self-destructs because space crazy/ can't go back/ must keep searching. Once blown up, the swarm stops. End with voice-over-narration of their report to U. Cartographers, and their response back.

I figure if at some point on each video if we have some "Commander's Log" or something from the lost pilot as voice-over-narration, we could show his progression into madness culminating in his self termination. That's my pitch in a nutshell.

This seems like a lot of work. I am fully aware. That is why, to get our bearings, we should do the short little video to the script I put up the other day. I think it would be good practice, and not too complicated. Here's the link if anyone missed it. Of course, if anyone else has an easy to do 2 minute practice video that we could all be a part of, we could do that instead.

Finally, some technical points about "how to film" in ED. Specifically, the cinematography aspect of it. I was thinking for Face-to-Face shots, we would use a third ship in Debug Cam to look at the two ships. For Over-the-Shoulder, we would use in-cockpit cameras of the speaking commander looking AT the ship that is being talked to. For personality and identity, I think HUD's should be unique colors.

Sorry for the giant wall of text, but this is a lot of information I've been sitting on and stuff to think about. I sincerely believe that this is all completely doable, even outside school and work and real life. It just takes coordination.

PLEASE give your feedback, even if it's a thumbs up or thumbs down.

TL;DR Read the bullet points for pitch.

19:42 UTC


Short 2.5-3 minute Elite Production video script

Alright, so here's a script I made a little while ago, but couldn't use because a lack of interest in my group. I think it would be good as an introduction to what we can do. I don't think it would be too difficult if we take it shot by shot. This could generate interest in the community as well.

Below is a link to the script. Let me know what you think.


21:29 UTC


Voice Acting and basic sound production

Hi folks, this is CMDR Jakob Voraine. I'm an experienced podcaster and voice actor, primarily recording stories for audio format. I've also done basic audio engineering for podcasting but strictly hobbyist work.

I have no real experience in script writing or the script production process, but I can provide feedback on what is easier to record/pronounce (for advertisements, dialogue, speeches and so forth) from the recorder's point of view.

00:28 UTC


Media- and Webdesigner wanting to join

Hello everyone,

Just got the message that, if i felt like joining, i should make a post here.

I can help with various stuff ranging from: Logos, Websites, Website related stuff (plugins, scripts etc), Visuals and everything that could need a mind for Design. I can also offer the Teamspeak from EBH and create Channels for you guys there if needed. Could also offer my FTP for file transfer if needed.

Feel free to add me on Steam: Avery vas Mirage (link to my Profile over at: www.avery-vas-mirage.com)

1 Comment
14:33 UTC


Video producer checking in

You may know me from my series of videos, Wonder of the Galaxy, over here https://www.youtube.com/user/titusballs

Interested in helping out, although my time is a bit limited right now.

09:49 UTC


Can we recreate the Damocles video in game?


This is something I ve always wanted to do (or someone else to do! :p ) but I dont think I can pull it off on my own. We would need to find a system with both capital ships in a Conflict zone to start with (there were a few in previous updates) etc... Just an idea at this stage, but hey

07:30 UTC


Audio engineer checking in!

I'm an audio engineering student so if anyone wants help with audio/sound on a project hit me up! I have a bunch of ProTools experience and general sound design knowledge, and am looking for experience and possibly things to add to a portfolio for after my course.

06:22 UTC


I would like to help out

Hey, I'm commander davemaster21. I have experience in video editing and would like a reason to pick up more video editing skills. I would love to work with you on an elite production. So if you need help let me know.

04:35 UTC



Checkin' in to say good sub to have around. I create a lot of different content over at Infinitely Gaming but Elite has taken over lately. Primers/guides, pvp videos and right now working on getting my own machinima off the ground.

Experienced video producer and voice actor, may be willing to lend my voice at least ;D

Cheers, -Mem

01:22 UTC


Brainstorm Session

Let's brainstorm some ideas for a story. Do we want to do one long video? A series of videos with one story? A short proof of concept? What themes do you want to convey? That sort of thing. Let's get going!

21:24 UTC


Welcome to Elite Production!

This subreddit is for the production of videos. We should channel the various minds and talents we have and form a larger production. Mainly, we would all be working towards one project, however asking for help on a personal project is allowed. I imagine this to have a similar production sequence as other films and such including: story ideas, scripts, actors (controlling ships), voice actors, camera operators (probably in an eagle), audio knob turning and stuff (I'm not too knowledgable in that field), editing, possibly some after effects stuff . . . You know, the works.

For now, feel free to use this thread to introduce yourself and what you are able to bring to production. For example:

"Hey, I'm CMDR Qaspr. I just graduated in English with a concentration in writing. I am good at story creation. I can write in prose and script format. I've had some experience in video editing, but I'm by no means a professional.


21:19 UTC

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