
Photograph via snooOG

Interested in CQC? Join in on the fun!

CQC is live on Xbox One GPP and PC/Mac beta!

On /r/EliteCQC

Welcome! Here will be all things CQC! No specific rules as of yet, common sense applies.

Competitions and tournaments

Any tournaments or competitions involving full-teams (8 or 12 players) will be made visible on the sidebar in cool CSS magic using tables.


Want to know what CQC is? Read up on the CQC wiki-page about it and any surrounding pages. There will also be guides on what to do once CQC has been out a day or two.


If you have any suggestions on what could be improved with the subreddit, create a new thread and highlight any of the mods or message the mods!


487 Subscribers


LFP! to work on lvling

Howdy cmdrs o7

i would like to increase my rank in cqc on PlayStation, but when ever i log on there is either no one...or MANY UBER ranked cmdrs. what can i do beside posting on community boards.

tnx for you time o7

1 Comment
23:05 UTC


What time is best for playing arena?

That means "at what time are you playing cqc?" . I have tryied to play arena, but maybe i had bad luck (sorry for my English )

20:57 UTC


Anyone want to play some cqc?

Playing on Xbox one. I have one other cmdr who is down also haha GT is WINSTONS BEARD

1 Comment
20:39 UTC


CQC Academy - PS4

CQC Academy - PS4

PS4 cmdr's, if you wish to learn how to play, improve, and get involved in a community of regular CQC PvP players, come and join CQC Academy.

CQC Academy is a friendly CQC social group open to all PS4 CMDR's from any Squadron who wish to participate in regular matches, while learning from the only ACE CQC Veterans on PS4.

CQC Academy has run on PS4 for 3 years and has helped many cmdr's hone their CQC skills in a friendly, fun, and honourable environment. Despite the perpetuated myth of "cqc is dead", CQC Academy has kept CQC very much alive on PS4 throughout the ups-and-downs of bugs in Elite.

CQC Academy is run by cmdr's MacCait and ColonelScouse of 'Starfighter Corps' squadron on PS4. The objective of CQC Academy has been to increase the overall skill-level of players within CQC Arena, while ensuring a friendly and honourable (sportsmanship) environment.

• Simple rules: Keep it friendly. No-Drama. Honourable play only.• In return for following simple rules, players will be involved in a friendly growing community of Arena PvP'ers; while gaining tips and advice on how to further develop PvP skills in the Arena and progress within CQC• Open to all cmdr's no matter what Squadron!• Daily matches Monday - Sunday, with Team based events throughout the week.

All we ask is for is for cmdr's to help us continue ensuring CQC Academy remains a friendly environment for all through honourable play: ie no trolling players or drama, no combat logging; no use of 'lag switches' or other cheating devices; no cqc boosting for trophies and rank; no exploiting the Leaderboards. Honest and friendly sportsmanship play only.

To join CQC Academy, please private Message 'MacCait' on PSN for access to the Academy chat group where daily matches are organised.

You can also find us on CQC Discord: http://discord.me/elitedangerouscqc


1 Comment
18:04 UTC


Looking for a cpl people to come togather and grind out the ps4 cqc trophy's.

I am a trophy hunter looking for some people to play cqc on ps4 with(or just in general) . As cqc is basically dead and its actually impossible to do this without the help of freinds. Add me Ryanceri1133

06:51 UTC


CQC was secretly fixed, and no one knows about it yet.

Hello hardcore CQC fans (or lazy Reddit incumbents) I have a bit of news to share. Since the patch this week, CQC hasn’t crashed. CQC hasn’t black screened. CQC hasn’t Blue screened. CQC hasn’t fucked off to have a quiet smoke while you’re waiting to be picked up in the rain. My Squadron has put more than 50,000 points on the leaderboards, and someone blabbed to the Galaxy Express boys so they are putting much less impressive numbers, rather sloppily, on the regular also. I’m playing on the PS4, so I cannot attest to the other platforms. For me, with horrible ping from the land as far from the server as is possible to get, I have had zero drop outs since patch-day. I have had Massive lag, but that’s par for the course I am afraid and unlikely to affect less remote countries with internet powered by things more efficient than tread wheel trapped Koalas, things like electricity.

So, if you are still reading, pull your finger out and take a friend into the arena and see for yourselves. Just don’t score any points, Me and mine suffered through a tonne of pre-patch blue-blackness and deserve that trophy, to take it from us now would be a bitch slap and no mistake.

I’ll see you all at Attilius Orbital. o7 CMDRs

              CMDR NelliesDad
12:26 UTC


Anybody Still Active In CQC?

Looking to get started in the Close Quarters Combat Arena, and sat in matchmaking for quite awhile before I decided my time would be better spent mining 'roids. I'm hoping I just missed the traffic. But I would love to meet some people who do CQC often.

12:04 UTC


I'm looking for any advice to maximize cqc experience gain

Eventually I'd like to get cqc elite, but that's... Far away. I'd like to prestige at least once. But the XP I'm gaining seems pitiful. Is there anything I should make certain to do? Or is it just something to just sink a ton of hours into?

1 Comment
18:21 UTC


Tell me your FA off tactics.

Hello CMDRs,

Since the last patch CQC is active again and we can now at least find duels in deathmatch to practice a bit of PVP.

As I never touched this in open play I'm using the mode to gain some pilot skills against real people, one of these being FA off flying.

Generally I toggle the mode on during a turn and turn it off once I have the other person on the crosshairs.

I can also do the boost-flip-fly in reverse to fire back and that sometimes works ok.

I'm also OK at flying FA off to hide in asteroids and lose someone on my tail.

I can however never out turn other ships using only FA off, or successfully keep the other ship in my crosshair doing so. I guess I have to try changing the sensibility or something.

It's also hard to strafe and keep on someone's six, even if I'm in the iFighter and the other is in an Eagle.

Overall though I feel like I am getting some nice pilot skills that could help in the maingame. CQC is a great mode to train indirectly.

What are your best FA off tricks and tactics? Any ressources to learn or train?

12:44 UTC


2 people DM and 4 people TDM

After the patch I can see DM starting with only 2 people in the lobby and TDM with only 4 people.

Do you get the same? Is it a bug?

I cannot see anything in the patch notes. I like it though.

08:16 UTC


Things I've learned in CQC

So this isn't a "how to git gud", as I'm not yet a great combat pilot. But there's several mistakes I was making when I first jumped into a CQC arena that I know were mistakes, so I thought I'd detail them in case anybody else is thinking of trying it out, and wanted to learn from someone else's misakes rather than only their own!

  1. Maximum range means minimum damage. This is CQC, which means Close.

I was opening up with my gimballed pulses at over 1km distance. And my target wasn't dying. Then, when we were closer, my capacitor was empty. I shift pips away from shields, and surprise surprise, my opponent who I originally had the drop on, kills me and flies off.

All weapons available in the first 15 ranks or so need to be pretty close up. When I worked that out, I started killing a few more opponents. Often it's worth not firing at all until you're close enough to cause good damage, as it stops your opponent reacting before you are in range.

  1. No pips to engine

Now there's definitely magic in good pip management. I'm falling in love with the projectile weapons, just because I can avoid playing the weapons up, weapons down game. It's also fun watching my enemies twirling to avoid being hit (Twirling, Twirling, Twirling to victory!) Early games I was leaving nothing in Engine, because I wanted to be tanky-er. This was a big mistake.

  1. Playing "who has the best turning circle" with an Imperial Fighter (in anything but an imperial fighter).

This is made worse because there seems to be some flight-assist-off kind of magic trick that I'm not great at, but in any case. When I was in a furball with another pilot, and they were consistently turning faster, I was trying to trim my engine pips, adjust speed, use thrusters at just the right time and all sorts. None of it ever worked out, because my opponent just was better, or was in a tighter-turning ship. I'd die, they'd fly off with most of their shields intact. When I stopped playing a game I knew I was losing, I got a little better. So far, my alternate plans are either:

a) go reverse, shift pips to hard shield tank and weapons. I lose about 66% of the time this way, but I always make the other pilot take some pain. Or

b) I boost-run-spin-hide. This is less effective in DM, it wastes my time and that of the pilot shooting at me. I still die 80% of the time, just about 30s to 1m later. But it can be good in TDM (I learned today, playing it for the first time) when I can find a team mate to pick the tail off.

I started CQC really because I was tired of the right-hand info panel saying "Helpless". It now says "Amateur", which isn't really the description of a great and mighty combat god, but sounds a lot less like I'm a turtle on its' back, unable to right myself. Next up is "Semi-professional", which sounds a little too much like a weekend-prostitute to my liking, but that might be just me. First good sounding title is Champion imho, which is a long way off. If I learn anything else, as my other half is already most probably tired of hearing about it, I'll keep spamming the boards here.

Later, commanders!

20:39 UTC


Do you think ship-launched figthers took away some of CQCs appeal?

The gamemode had 2 ships that could only be flown there, with their ridiculous speeds and manouverability, but now you can just jump in and rando's ship for bounty hunting and fly those very same ships, with their very same zoom capabilities

Don't get me wrong, I love this gamemode and ship-launched figthers absolutely don't cut it for me, but do you think they might've helped kill CQC?

02:49 UTC


CQC Surprisingly fun

I finally gave it a go, and was pleased to find getting into a match on a weekend is not too difficult. A few hours later, I have moved off Helpless and now plan to build towards a Prestige rank.

Like everyone, I started in the Condor, a dedicated fighter with gimballed pulse lasers and chaff. This is a pretty good ship, and although I tried a variety of others as I unlocked them, I came back to this one for most battles. It falls apart fast, but it is nimble, quick to find targets and hits hard enough to take down even the eagles if used right.

My opponents weren’t unbeatable. Some played well. Some as badly as me. I got far more assists than kills, and more deaths as well. But it was possible to have some truly awesome moments; hard-reverse and dropping behind an opponent following me. With shield gone, pulling between buildings, shifting energy to engines and running to shield boost power-ups, chased all the way. For a “failed” or “unpopular” feature, it was extremely polished, well designed, balanced and edge-of-the-seat adrenaline fuelled fun. And yet, the top post on Reddit has been “why is CQC so unpopular?” for 3 months.

CQC is definitely not dead. It is awesome.

TL,DR - if you have been avoiding CQC because you expect it to be:

  • dead (no players)
  • difficult (only Elite players playing)
  • hard to get competitive (need to grind for a playable ship)
  • dull (Two ships pointing at each other in empty space)

Then play it and make up your own mind. IMHO it is none of these.

21:21 UTC


Why is CQC so unpopular?

I can't help but ask this question; I find this game so much fun and perfect for my schedule; I can play it for 15 minutes in a quick bout before I have to head out somewhere, no long-term commitment required, and its exhilarating as you start to improve. Why do I feel like the only one who's into it? I mean, how come it hasn't gained more widespread acceptance and playability?

It's especially crazy in VR :)

21:10 UTC


After playing over 1600 hrs in the core game, last night I played CQC for the first time

And holy shit was it fun. Why aren't more people playing it? I mean beyond the obvious.

I've only played Death Match so far. What are the other modes like?

1 Comment
06:08 UTC


Looking for a copy of Elite Dangerous: Arena (for windows or OSX)

Hey guys. Unfortunately I missed the opportunity window and I was unable to purchase a copy of this little 'gem' on time. If anyone who owns a copy could please upload somewhere for me download I'd appreciate a lot, I'm saving a history of all ED related game versions released and currently I'm missing Arena as a stand alone game. A PM with the location will suffice, there is no need to start a discussion.

I do have horizons and I know I Arena is available there, just want to save a copy of the 'stand alone' arena/CQC that was sold on Steam long ago.

Thank you in advance! Note: Xpost of Elite Dangerous Reddit.

19:44 UTC


Someone fucking play with me.

Goddamnit, I love CQC. I haven't played it since it came out. I took a really long break from Elite because I hated the grind but I've come back for 2.3 and 2.4 and I'm enjoying it, but I miss CQC. I must've queued up 10 times in the last couple of weeks, sometimes for upwards of an hour, and found no matches. Frontier even put 2 CQC bug fixes in today's update.

So someone fucking play with me.

04:11 UTC


First CQC Experience

So yesterday while sitting about in my girlfriend's flat, I stuck ED on with her account and decided that I didn't wanna risk breaking her Cobra Mk3, so I clicked on CQC and decided to watch some YouTube while waiting to see if anyone else joined. After 5 minutes, we had the 4 players needed to start a game and I thoroughly enjoyed flying around in the Condor while getting some exp! I didn't wanna leave the game as this was my first experience with it, so I ended up ranking her to level 5 within an hour of flying about while more people joined the match. Honestly, it was amazing fun and I wish it had more popularity. I hope this sub gets more active to let people know it is actually played!

Cheers guys, see you all in the void


08:46 UTC


Whats your one small change to make CQC more active?

What's your one easy suggestion that would bring a number of players to CQC? Mine would be increased payouts. Only a small change that would make people play. On par with bounty hunting or or something.

02:12 UTC


Elite CQC PS4 - CTF trophy

Want to do CQC on ps4? Add me, "omgcow".

It's hard enough getting a game let alone the CTF trophy, so perhaps adding each other we can get games to pop!

19:42 UTC


CQC Tuesday: Have Fun, Win Prizes

So we kind of forgot to tell you fine Xbox One folks, but CQC Tuesday has changed for a few weeks! The main format stays the same but importantly, now we're giving away a prize a week!

All those who manage to get a kill on PBSF Pendragon will be put into the hat to be drawn (at random) to win your choice of the packs below.

To join in, just search Deathmatch from 9pm GalTime (10pm BST) and you can keep up with the stream at http://beam.pro/PixelBandits where we'll be announcing last week's winner as well

Assassin Pack* Adventure Pack* Entrepreneur Pack* Explosive Pack* Wings Pack* Pax Pack* Gravity Pack* Flight Suit Pack (x2) Explorer Name Plate Pack Practical Name Plate Pack Combat Name Plate Pack Pirate Name Plate Pack Passenger Name Plate Pack Trader Name Plate Pack Boundary Ship ID

*Money can't buy. Only available as prizes.

1 Comment
19:31 UTC


Starting the Elite Crew Lounge™ discord for searching crew or ships to join!

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/8QgqWC6

Want to try the Condor with multicannons, you don't trust your NPC crewmate to pilot your ship, and none of the randoms in matchmaking carry Condors? Out there exploring, feel like taking a break and pew-pewing something? Maybe you're doing piracy and need free pips and someone to talk to the traders the traders while you keep them in sights. Or you need some specific video material to record using the external camera?

I'm starting a new discord for multicrew. Unlike the in-game matchmaking, discord allows us to agree on details or search people with specific requirements before joining in-game. The voice chat is better and you can hang around and chat.

I need people to kick start this new service. Regulars to search for crews or fighters to request ships, pirates etc. I'll do multicrew myself when I can, but it's impossible to do alone. So feel free to join!

(use the /ranks command to view available tags, and use /rank [rankname] to join the ones you want)

16:38 UTC


Oooooh. CQC goodness

I had no idea this was a place but having discovered it, thought I'd let folks know about CQC Tuesday if you haven't already.

CQCT Has been going on for quite a while now, and it usually makes it REALLY easy to get a game in. To take part, you just have to search Deathmatch from 9pm GalTime, pretty much every Tuesday :)


11:20 UTC


CQC Left out in the cold?

Why am I surprised ... ?

Once in the LoBBy you can check your ships and stats, however since the drop of 2.3 the links to the Games TDM,DM and Cap the Flag are U/S!

08:19 UTC


CQC is the best way to train your flight skills.

And I'm very surprized people still - more or less - ignore Elite : Dangerous Arena despite the incoming 2.3. It's 100x better than flying through station rings, and 10x better than racing in canyons. I mean, yeah if you're not good at combat it's going to be hard at the beginning to dodge beams, asteroids, or even walls while there are 3 psychos chasing you, but it's damn worth trying. I saw my flight skills improve in just one week playing 40min every night (no I've not been paid to write this).

Anyway, TL;DR : Just play cqc people.

08:42 UTC


USA West coast?

It's anyone there?.... Ever? Can we start something?

03:42 UTC


Does anyone still play?

Everyday I queue up for a game and sit there waiting and nothing. I try every game mode and nothing. Everyday.

10:05 UTC


Specific questions from a newbie

Fellow Commanders!

As a guitarist, I think learning to fly a ship in CQC is akin to learning a musical intstrument. When people talk about deathmatch 'skills,' they seem to mean mainly two things: the ability to multi-task (maneuvering + radar + pips) plus instinctive, almost intrinsic knowledge of certain procedures. One of such procedures would be the 'quick flip:' throttle into the blue area, boost + FA off, 180 degrees turn, FA on. In order to be successfully implemented, the quick flip needs to become instinct.

Currently I'm confused about some of these procedures.

0) First of all, could some veteran perhaps record a fresh video of a massacre, so that we newbies would watch and learn from it?

Existing videos are dren. There's one from Isinona where he simply soars around, FA off, shooting the hell out of people, and no one even tries to shoot back at him. In the battles I've seen, he would be blown out of the sky in seconds, FA or no FA.

Now to my questions ...

0.1) Some say that using maneuvering thrusters is the key to success.

I can't see how. The things are pretty slow and take a significant time to start. One guy on youtube has a video describing a 'dive' during a standoff. Your attacker flies in a straight line, you fire the 'down' thrusters and at the same time pitch up to face the bottom of the other guy's ship.

Ha. Probably works with Anacondas, but any fast ship will just have to turn its nose down, which is way faster than the thrusters.

0.2) When to keep my speed at 100% and when to keep it in the blue zone?

Obviously, I always stay in the zone while hunting. But when I'm not shooting at someone ... On one hand, full speed gives me a better chance of escaping from a potential attack; on the other hand, less maneuverability means I'll be a glaring target flying pretty much in a straight line. During some battles, I tried staying in the blue zone all the time, only using speed boost now and then, but my weak record doesn't allow to gauge the effectiveness of the approach.

1) People say, go and hide, don't stay in the open unless you want to become toast.

Yet most battles are fought in the open. Let's say I circle a station (or whatever you call those barrel things) using my maneuvering thrusters or hide behind asteroids. But I need to blow someone up, right? I glance at my radar and see some ships shooting the hell out of each other. I race toward them, and now I'm suddenly in the open.

And as soon as I find a target, approach, and start shooting, someone else immediately begins shooting at me. Yeah, I'm in the open, after all.

So my first question is, how to approach your prey in a 'smart' way?

2) Continuing from the previous point, I'm under attack now. Because I've been hunting someone, my speed is in the blue zone for better maneuverability. What are my options?

I can do a quick flip.

However, in most cases my attacker and I would be flying similar ships (Condor/Condor or Condor/Imperial Fighter), the guy would sport full shields and have an obvious advantage since he fired first. All the while I'm turning, he's zapping me; all the while I'm boosting in his direction, he's zapping me. Even when I start shooting back, he wouldn't try to evade because his ship is naturally in a much better condition than mine.

I can run.

However, my speed is in the blue zone; my attacker's is probably at 100%. I boost, he's still shooting. I see the barrel of the station ahead, but I need to cover some distance to it all the while being fired upon.

Corkscrews and other maneuvers I used to do in TIE Fighter are useless since the ship is so, let's put it this way, 'graceful.' Damn slow would be a better expression.

So my second question is, how do you escape your hunter in a 'smart' way? What maneuvers can one use? When people say 'don't fly in a straight line,' what do they mean (corkscrews are surely useless here)?

Please forgive this long post, and thank you a great deal in advance, Commanders!

14:43 UTC


Whats the most played mode on PC?

Deathmatch Team-Deathmatch CTF ?

14:53 UTC

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