/r/EarthBound is a subreddit dedicated to Shigesato Itoi's cult classic JRPG series, EarthBound / MOTHER!
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/r/EarthBound is a subreddit dedicated to Shigesato Itoi's cult classic JRPG series, EarthBound / MOTHER.
1. All posts MUST relate to the MOTHER series
2. Do not post links to ROMs or ROM sites
3. Do not put any spoilers in your post title
4. Do not post Let's Plays
5. Follow the reddiquette
6. No posts about rare item drops (e.g. Sword of Kings) or favorite food/PSI name jokes.
7. If it's not your art/OC, credit the creator of it
8. Low effort memes/edits belong in /r/shitpostbound
9. No NSFW/NSFL content. If it could get you in trouble at work or at school, it does not belong here.
Any spoilers in comments should be hidden by writing something like this:
[Mother 3 Spoilers](#s "Lucas Exists")
Which shows up as:
Someone before made a post like this but they didn't include all status ailments and the ones he left out were prob the biggest ones. I can not make a poll including all since its too big so I split it into two, it will be near this one when posted. Plz only pick one between the two so results are accurate.
Also RIP sleep im not including since I have no room and its the least relevant.
Someone before made a post like this but they didn't include all status ailments and the ones he left out were prob the biggest ones. I can not make a poll including all since its too big so I split it into two, it will be near this one when posted. Plz only pick one between the two so results are accurate.
Judging on what Maria says in Magicant, he probably CAN breath air but is usually aquatic
my 3rd playthru was done today
So... I really want them in my collection, but just the cartridge on its own was a painful economic decision to make.
Are there any legitimately good Etsy repros of the box and Strategy guide? Do any of the fake strategy guides have the scratch & sniff? Are they worth it?
i was thinking about grinding for it in my next playthrough
As a child I had the earthbound players guide (still do), as a child I couldn't really google things to see what did and didn't work; I got to level 99 in the factory. This was my second playthrough but it kind of killed the pacing as I just wrecked the rest of the game. Here I am 20 years later in the factory farming starman supers and just hit level 99 with my entire party again. Luckily I'm playing on switch online so I can use the save state feature but phew. Over 250 starman super encounters and no sword. Thanks for listening to my rant as I'm just sitting here farming recovering from a surgery so I have all the time in the world
Edit: Ahhhhh i meant sword of kings, I beat sea of stars a few days ago and must've been on my mind
Guess how we got the candle in
The official second trailer for MOTHER: Rebound 2 has dropped on Halloween. Revealing the darker side of the Rebounds universe.
If you are aware of the changes both Earthbound Beginnings and Earthbound for their non-Japanese releases, it kinda would make common sense that Itoi would've made similar changes for Mother 3 too right? Too bad Nintendo didn't see any reason to support the dying GBA in the west at the time and thus declined to give the green light. And since Mato was by all accounts very conservative when the time came for the fan translation (basically only the text was translated while leaving everything else intact, 'questionable' Magypsies included) it's no wonder why many people would thing that Mother 3 would be unable to be localized in first place. We have no idea what changes if any Itoi would've done so I guess we rest easy that people likely would'nt have split their hears if Mother 3/Earthbound 2 did get a proper release, changes courtesy of Itoi included.
I wanted to show off my Flint cosplay with my 3D printed Drago Fang!