
Photograph via snooOG

Eador: Masters of the Broken World is a turn-based strategy in a fantasy setting. The game combines a lot of different elements from a whole bunch of games genres. There are tactical battles on a hexagonal battlefields and heroes traveling around the map, but also complex economical and political system and ”a grand strategy’ approach to the game campaign.

Eador: Masters of the Broken World is a turn-based strategy in a fantasy setting. The game combines a lot of different elements from a whole bunch of games genres. There are tactical battles on a hexagonal battlefields and heroes traveling around the map, but also complex economical and political system and ”a grand strategy’ approach to the game campaign.

Official Website

Official Facebook page

Official MotBW Forums

Official Genesis Forums

GOG Forum


232 Subscribers


How to Install and Play Eador Genesis on Android Phone or Tablet

I made a quick video tutorial on how to install Eador Genesis from the GOG file on your Android device.

It's the same process if you want to install and run New Horizons on your phone.

Happy to answer any questions or troubleshoot through any problems you may encounter.

16:54 UTC


Eador New Horizons Versions

I was thinking about getting back into some Eador New Horizons, and realised my game version is a couple versions out of date, but I was struggling to find what might have changed between versions. For reference, I have version 21.0630 installed, and afaik 23.0710 is the most recent translated version. Does anyone know if there's any substantial changes that would make it worth my while installing the newer version?

02:07 UTC


Discord or other channels to discuss New Horizons?

There was a similar question on this sub, but it's pretty outdated.

Are there any places (preferably Discord channels) to discuss New Horizons except Eador forum?

1 Comment
22:43 UTC


Casualty+Kill Count And An Additional Question


For (nearly) two years now, I've been making a list of games which have a kill count in them (available through a link on my profile); and my seemingly eternal journey of inquiring about this topic all across Reddit has now brought me to this game series...

So, is there any reason for me to add these games to my list? Do any (if not all) of these games have a kill count/record of casualties featured in them?

Furthermore, is it true that "Eador: Masters Of The World" is a remake of "Eador: Genesis" with virtually no differences besides graphics?

Thank you in advance.

22:21 UTC


Any mods that makes the early game faster.

Most complaints I have about this game is how repetitive is at the start of a shard.

The combination of slow exploration + very weak heroes at level 0 makes it a pain to get through the first few levels.

anything that makes that better?

16:47 UTC


How do I start a race alliance quest when I already own a race province?

I have a dwarf province I captured from Erdu. When I captured it I had no option to negotiate as it wasn't neutral. But now that I already own it I can't seem to find a negotiation option. Do I have to plunder it until they rebel then negotiate? I don't want plundering lowering my karma if plundering causes a large change in karma.

Edit: I'm still can't figure it out. I gave the province to Erdu then conquered his stronghold 11 turns later. Then when I invaded the dwarven province it says former guards are occupying the area with no prompt to negotiate with the dwarves.

02:15 UTC


Will there ever be a new Eador?

As the title says.

I fell in love with Eador: MOTBW and later Imperium, but at this point, Snowbird seems to be dead. Does anyone know if there are any plans for new titles, DLC, spin-offs or perhaps mods, by any company or modder group, or individual person?

Or is Eador dead?

P.S. I'm aware of the ongoing "Fixers of the Broken World" modding - I'm asking specifically whether there is some new content being worked on.

15:43 UTC


Why second ring neural guards has the same power as a first one?

I was playing Eador: Master of the Broken World, maybe a 5 or 6 years ago. Now trying to revisit it and restart the campaign, and finish about 5 shards. However it was surprising to me that creatures in second ring was not better that ones from the first, I remember that power of the creatures progresses with the distance from the castle. My game version is 1.8.3. Is this something from the new patch? Can this be changed to the old settings?

04:22 UTC


Auto resolve can be more than a bit ridiculous

The game has many merits, if it were a bit more polished, it would be a classic. Having an AI high level hero conquer a highly defended province with an army of trivial soldiers without a single loss is just the auto-resolve calculator taking it too far. I wish I could slap a screenshot of it, but the game won't let me get one.

I play the campaign on the highest difficulty and occurences such as this are more of a late game inconvenience whilst playing the cat and mouse before besieging the AI's capital, still seeing the game cheat like that takes away from its many strengths.

14:42 UTC


Favorite Builds?

I realize that this sub might not have a lot of activity but I just started playing this franchise (I'm currently trying both MotBW and New Horizons). I have to say that I'm having fun even if I'm still getting beaten a lot.

What are some of your favorite builds? These could be the builds that you feel are the most powerful or simply be the ones that you have the most fun with?

Currently, as a beginner in NH, I find myself hiring lots of mercenaries. I think my current favorite is the very basic combo of swordsmen and scout.

PS - This is likely to be up here for a while so if you happen to see this months after I post it please feel free to respond!

04:10 UTC


Weird performance issues

Depending on the graphics settings, the game becomes a slideshow, on a rig I built this year.

The weird part: Neither CPU nor GPU load is particularly high (as you would expect from 2023 hardware running a 2013 game): GPU load is around 20% and even single-core CPU load doesn't go above 70%. (this is on a core i3 13100f and an intel a770. Yes, I know, lol intel arc, but still massively overpowered vs. 2013 cards)

And yet, it is definitely a problem with the graphics performance, as the FPS go up a LOT if I lower the details. So what's going on here? Where's the bottleneck, and is there anything I can do about it?

Do any other Arc users have the same issue - i.e. should I blame it on Arc driver issues (even though DX 9 performance seems fine across the board now)?

1 Comment
13:01 UTC


Dragon Eggs?

Hello guys,

is there any other way in Eador: Genesis (New Horizons) to obtain (Faerie) Dragon eggs than the one you get from the castle building? I'd really like to have another dragon. 😉

Thx and hfgl!

11:34 UTC


How to get really good at OG Eador:Genesis?

Speaking for myself, can't beat the aesthetic of the OG. But while I feel very competent at the beginning of the campaign, when I get to the harder stages I find myself struggling a lot.

In short I seem to have a hard time keeping units alive. Whereas early parts of the game seem to encourage treating units as expendable meat-shields for your hero, later stages of the game seem to require rolling around with a large group of highly-upgraded units. I can't quite seem to nail the transition.

When I watch highly-skilled players do it, they just seem to naturally manage battles in such a way that their units survive much better, but it's hard to see why, or what they're doing in particular. How they're thinking, especially, that is different from how I'm thinking.

This is a difficulty I have only ever had in one other game, which is Battle Brothers. It's odd to feel like I'm just not catching on to something that should be obvious.

Anyhow, any recommendations on guides, videos, etc? I get pretty far in the campaign and it sucks to choke at high levels.

21:32 UTC


Is it OK to turtle on beginner setting? (new New Horizons player)

I just picked up New Horizons and it’s awesome. I have to admit this is my fourth sincere attempt over the past 9-10 years and I’m finally starting to get it. Third shard woo hoo!

Is it normal to spend dozens of turns leveling up slowly chipping away at easy fights and generally exploring? Another ex., I had to spend 15 turns sieging a small castle - not the final one) If I did this in Heroes or Songs of Conquest I’d be toast by end game. Because of the permadeath I am trying to build my young wizard very slowly and carefully.

Also, what does the large number on the left indicate when you hit TAB (seems like it’s always 0, 1 or 2; I figure this is important!).

10:14 UTC


Eador Masters of a Broken world low fps?

Hello, I get horrible low fps in my system for some reason. My system is above and beyond anything the game requires, got R5 2600, 16GB RAM and Radeon 5500XT 4GB.

The game barely make it to the 20something fps with everything turned to lowest... I don't have any numbers but I'm sure on my older system I played it 4 years ago it was playing much smoother (i3 2120, 8GB RAM, Radeon 7850 1GB).

Is there anything I can do?

21:08 UTC


Upgrading Units in Eador New Horizons

I've been playing Eador New Horizons for a wee while now, but I feel like I'm missing something with upgrading units. Do I need to do anything to upgrade (for example) a crossbowman to a sniper? Or is it just a random chance on level up after they reach the level threshold?

14:44 UTC


Eador Genesis - New Horizons

Just heard about this mod, but it seems that eador.com is down as I cannot access any link I find through google. Looks like the hosting is Russian.

Anyone has any alternate download links for the mod, or should I expect the website to come back?

17:33 UTC


Looking for new horizons english translation mod

I googled it but the links are giving 404 errors at this point. Any help anywhere? Thanks

1 Comment
04:09 UTC


Eador Genesis - New Horizons, sumoning skill bug?

I was playing against the AI in the benigner mode to learn this game, as i conquer all the world i start a game with the AI set at skilled level, i come across a strange thing, a enemy mage level 7 with summoning skill level 12, i was thinking that the max of this skill was 5, and the mage was even chosen a new class. My mage was level 8 and i get all my troops erased by his sumoned wolf, his stats was so high, that i think a dragon will have a hard time to kill that. Another thing was one of my lands taken by an ranger level 20 and that was even 15 turns passed, i won by spamming fear on him... Is this game fair?

16:53 UTC


Turn 5 Win

New Horizons mod, Tiny Seas shard, Astral turn 1, Expert difficulty.


Turn 1 Commander hired. Dismissed cuz crappy skills and trait. Another commander hired. Has Leader and a Healer unit. Set him to Plunder. Built Forge. Bought Marshall's Baton.

Turn 2. Built Swordsman School, trained 3 Swordsmen. 3 Swordsmen + Healer deathball assembled. Conquered nearby Free Settlement province.

Turn 3. Conquered nearby Lands of the Dead because unguarded Iron. 2 skelly, 1 spear skelly, 2 Zombie. Lost a swordsman cuz I split up one of my swordsmen and lost tempo getting it back into the main fight.

Turn 4. Encountered local lord province. Unguarded. Marched into it and took it.

Turn 5. What a surprise, lord's castle just adjacent. Had a commander hero guarding; figured he's injured/recovering, might as well give it a try. My healer would be able to heal my injured Swordsmen before the fight anyway, and Swordsmen are just OP. So I do it. Turns out he was using disposable spearmen strat, and was left with only 1 spear, and no castle garrison. Beat them easily, and I win. XD

BTW kinda curious. What's your fastest win on Eador?

18:13 UTC


Eador Imperium - How to get schematics so I can build certain buildings in the provinces?

02:20 UTC


Eador New Horizons - any active forums or discords about the mod? Also siege mode question

Hey guys, is there an active discord or another forum to ask questions?

Questions such as is the siege mode of the dwarven crossbowmen reducing the possible shooting range to 3?

08:34 UTC


Eador: New Horizon question about masters

Hey all, does anyone of you know if the masters got additional interactions in the campaign?
I`ve been reading about getting to them and opinions seem to be that some of them are underdeveloped. I was wondering if the mod adds to them anything new.

1 Comment
13:01 UTC


Eador master of the broken world: Point of invafing other masters?

What is the point of invading other masters in eador master of the broken world?

11:05 UTC


Just installed Eador: New Horizons!

So do I just play through story first or what do you guys suggest?

1 Comment
02:00 UTC


Eador Genesis (the original): Astral Energy Meta

Hey guys. I've played Eador Genesis a few times in the past, but because each shard takes so long, I never got all that far in the campaign. I'm starting again, with the hopes of playing the entire campaign.

(I know there's the community mod, I'm not playing that version right now.)

My question is... and to be clear I don't want exact strategies or any spoilers, but... how should I be viewing the accumulation of astral energy, and when do I want to spend it? In the beginning, I try to prioritize taking shards with high energy income, because it seems like it could be quite invaluable, but it's so unclear when to know if a shard will be easier or harder, or when you might need the boost. The game also allows you to skip turns on the astral, but gives you very little sense for what a "safe" number of turns to skip might be. Can you safely skip a few over the course of the campaign, can you skip 30% of the time, or 50%, or really never at all? Again, I'm not looking for an exact answer, because I like to figure things out for myself, but in this case, the game doesn't seem to be providing ANY sort of indicator for how the astral energy/skip turn features might work or are intended to work.

I'm playing on Master difficulty, if that's helpful in any way.

15:43 UTC


Mod tools and help: larger shard map for hotseat?

For the game, "Masters Of The Broken World"So I found these mod tools:http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=252589&sid=bb8e6d77b7c45da3611bddb399122e44

How can I increase the hotseat shard maps? I think they could be double the size of colossal. Ive asked the guy who made "Fixers of the broken world" and he was was kind enough to consider it in the future (his mod is mandatory if you haven't installed it yet and its a very important mod to use). But I would like to see this happen earlier if I can, and maybe I can learn myself. How and what files would I change? I assume and it seems that its very hard to mod things, and its not like modding "Beyond Earth" or other such games... Way harder.

Any ideas?

23:44 UTC

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