
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for discussion of all things electrical and computer engineering.

Discuss anything related to the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Power, electronics, electromagnetics, semiconductors, software engineering, embedded systems - all topics relevant to this field, professional or academic.

Rules for /r/ECE:

  1. We won't do your homework for you. If you have specific, targeted questions regarding homework, we will help you out only if you have provided some beginning work.

  2. Tech support help can be found in /r/gadgets. If the problem is truly an engineering problem, we'll allow it, but fixing your laptop or a cracked LCD screen doesn't qualify.

  3. Do not post Discord links, surveys, or job postings (with the exception of the monthly job post).

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How to simulate analog circuits on linux ?

I'm currently using fedora linux, can't find any good software where I can simulate my analog circuits. I tried using Pspice through wine on my pc I'm not able to simulate the circuit after designing it, probably an issue with the wine configuration or something. Anyone suggest me a good software for these analog circuits for linux.

12:09 UTC


The /r/ECE Monthly Jobs Post!

Rules For Individuals

  • Don't create top-level comments - those are for employers.
  • Feel free to reply to top-level comments with on-topic questions.
  • Reply to the top-level comment that starts with individuals looking for work.

Rules For Employers

  • The position must be related to electrical and computer engineering.
  • You must be hiring directly. No third-party recruiters.
  • One top-level comment per employer. If you have multiple job openings, that's great, but please consolidate their descriptions or mention them in replies to your own top-level comment.
  • Don't use URL shorteners. reddiquette forbids them because they're opaque to the spam filter.
  • Templates are awesome. Please use the following template. As the "formatting help" says, use two asterisks to bold text. Use empty lines to separate sections.
  • Proofread your comment after posting it, and edit any formatting mistakes.


(copy and paste this into your comment using "Markdown Mode", and it will format properly when you post!)

**Company:** [Company name; also, use the "formatting help" to make it a link to your company's website, or a specific careers page if you have one.]

**Type:** [Full time, part time, internship, contract, etc.]

**Description:** [What does your company do, and what are you hiring electrical/computer engineers for? How much experience are you looking for, and what seniority levels are you hiring for? The more details you provide, the better.]

**Location:** [Where's your office - or if you're hiring at multiple offices, list them. If your workplace language isn't English, please specify it.]

**Remote:** [Do you offer the option of working remotely? If so, do you require employees to live in certain areas or time zones?]

**Visa Sponsorship:** [Does your company sponsor visas?]

**Technologies:** [Give a little more detail about the technologies and tasks you work on day-to-day.]

**Contact:** [How do you want to be contacted? Email, reddit PM, telepathy, gravitational waves?]

12:00 UTC


Is graphics card a necessary for ece student. Like 4060 etc

Same as title. Joining ece in college

10:21 UTC


Has anyone done or is doing the paul mcwhorter's course for arduino?

If you're doing it, are you making notes of it? i have completed some lecs but am confused if i should make notes or not, thanks for the help

08:41 UTC


Need some suggestions as Cultural Secretary.

Hey'll, I have an interview tomorrow where I have to give a ppt on events to organize in an engineering college. Give some suggestions/events/activities to organize that trical students might be interested in.

1 Comment
05:53 UTC


Need help shortlisting Unis and profile evaluation

Applying for MS in EECS in the USA for 2025

GRE - 326 TOEFL - 108 R - 29 L - 28 W - 27 S - 24 CGPA - 8.35 ( BE ECE & MSc. Biological sciences) From Tier 1 institute in India.

Work experience -

1.  3 years relevant work experience in validation and characterisation. Also got an innovation award and another possible award in the coming months.
  1. 6 months internship at another firm relevant to the field.


1. A design project to Developing an 8 bit, 4 stage pipelined RISC-V based processor in verilog.

2.  A mini study project to do the basic Analysis of the electronic properties of WSe2 and its potential semiconductor applications using tools such as BURAI. 
  1. I’ll also be talking about some work related projects and the innovations I did for the award.


  1. One strong from a prof under whom I did the study project.

  2. One strong from my Manager at work.

  3. One moderate to strong from a senior manager.

Unis :

Need help here as to what all can I consider? I’m specifically interested in Semiconductor Device physics . Also I’ll be taking out a loan, so may not go to a uni if the fees is very high.

So far I’ve been looking at UT Dallas, SUNY University at Albany, NCSU, UC long beach.


  1. Kindly let me know if there’s any other point I need to take care of.

  2. I’m mostly looking to work after an MS but there’s a slight chance I might gravitate towards a PHD, still haven’t made up my mind about it but thought it might be helpful to suggest potential unis.

Really confused with respect to uni shortlisting so any feedback would be appreciated!!!😃

1 Comment
05:39 UTC


Urgent help !!!

Does anyone know how to set up Electric eda tool ?

05:16 UTC


Grad school recommendation for international ECE student with assistantship or funding opportunity

Hi everyone, I’m planning to go to the US for grad school in 2026 fall. I’m going as an ece or cse student specializing in signal processing(audio and image domain). I’m looking for more schools to add to my list. I need schools that provide assistantship or other funding things for Master international student. Below is my profile and current school list.

Profile gpa - 3.69/4.0 Research experience - 2yrs undergraduate researcher at school lab, research internships from Germany and domestic institute for 5 months and 2 months, respectively. They’re all regarding computer vision or image processing field. Work experience - 2 months college student internship at reputed semiconductor company and currently working as a software engineer developing audio solutions at same company. It will be around 1 yr and half work experience as a software engineer when I apply. Research papers - 2 papers in Q2 journal about image processing.

Current list Ambitious - GaTech, Purdue, UT Austin Moderate - NCSU, UW-Madison, TAMU (CSE) Safe - University of Florida

My lists are quite ambitious, so I’d like to get advice. My goal is to settle in US by getting a job after graduation. If there are any schools that match my need for funding/assistantships please let me know!! Thanks in advance and im excited to see your responses :)

05:07 UTC


Interview help for an OSAT/ATMP company

I'm a fresher interviewing for an up and coming company that's try to set up fabs, I'm a graduate from EE and got this interview out of the blue. Taking suggestions on what are the basics I should be through on and any advice on how to make an impression on the interviewer that I'm genuinely interested in this field.


1 Comment
20:36 UTC


If you have several years of work experience, would you choose in-person MSc program (going from full-tile to part-time and thus salary cut in a country you live and work) or attend online in MSc in another country (full coveres financially) in another country you dont plan to work or live?

As the question suggests, I have the opportunity to attend a prestigious university's MSc program in the country where I live and work, but it would require me to go part-time and take a salary cut of approximately 25%. Alternatively, I can attend an online MSc program fully funded at two mid-level U.S. universities, UF and MSU. I am struggling to decide which option to choose, as both universities offer almost the same courses.

1 Comment
19:33 UTC


Clarifying some really stupid circuits questions after 6 years out of school


I'm going back to school for my masters in ECE with a non-ECE background (bachelors in different engineering field) so I'm getting dropped into the deep end with an analog circuits class. I have a few super basic questions about this inverter circuit homework problem:

NMOS is at the bottom, source is at lower potential, so it should be the very bottom of this diagram. Do I assume it is at 0V, making the gate to source voltage 0.7V?

The output (?) voltage is 1.5V, so I assume that's the voltage for the inner two (PMOS source, NMOS drain) terminals?

The effective voltage for NMOS and PMOS is simple when they're on their own, but I can't find any information about calculating when they are in a CMOS together. Does this change anything about their V_eff?

What is the extra connection coming out of the "gate" for both sides? I assume it's the body in a 4 terminal device, I'm just sort of confused on the layout and how it's drawn.

I'm trying to find some good videos or resources to catch me up on this (the course is more focused on circuit design, not analysis) but I'm struggling to find the right keywords to search because I haven't found much good material.

Thank you!

16:29 UTC


Razavi solution???

Is chegg or numerade worth it ???

1 Comment
15:04 UTC


[PCB Update] AC to DC Transformerless Power Supply

14:37 UTC


Where can I find more exercises like these?

I have a logic circuits exam that comprehends from bool's algebra to counters. The textbook related to this course is written by my professor, but not every topic he asks at the exam is into the textbook. I can't find more similar exercises and the ones he provided aren't enough.

Here is the first kind of exercise:
Given the function h(x,y) = x[y+f(y)], prove that:

  • h(x,y) doesn't depend on the value of f(1);
  • prove that if f(0) = 1, h(x,y) doesn't depend on y;

This kind of exercises is usually solved using Shannon's Expansion Theorem.

The other kind of exercises that I need is this one:

Given X = [x_2, x_1, x_0] a non negative natural number:

  • design a combinational logic circuit that calculates Y = X^(2)

This kind of exercises usually asks to calculate some kind of arithmetic expression, sometimes with shifts, sums, power or logarithms. The only components I could use are full adders, half adders, decoder/encoders and multiplexer/demultiplexers.

I can't find any additional resources nor exercises that could help me passing this exam, since I failed it many times :')

Any suggestion or help will be much appreciated

14:34 UTC


How to make sure that I pass technical test?

Hello, it is internship season in my college so companies are recruiting. The most important shortlisting step is the Aptitude test (It is called an aptitude test but almost all of the questions are technical.)

I'm finding it hard to clear the test. A huge chunk of the people who get selected cheat during the online proctored exam. How do I ensure I pass the test and increase my chances of getting an internship in this situation?

05:36 UTC


Can someone tell my why the base emitter relationship is wrong?

Hey can someone look at this post and tell me why I am mistaken. I am looking at the base emitter voltage versus emitter current plots for a given collector base voltage. I am having trouble reconciling different pieces of information in different textbooks (Boylestead and Sedra/Smith). If some BJT expert could have a look I would appreciate it, thanks!


02:36 UTC


University ranks for ms ece

Can someone provide me with a source or website that shows the university rankings for MS ECE, something like QS. I dont think qs exists for ece. Thanks !

02:35 UTC



Hello guys can anyone tell what type of projects will be usefull for VLSI as a carrier for a fresher

13:24 UTC


2nd-Year ECE Student Looking for Coursera Course Recommendations

Hey all,

I’m in my second year of Electronics and Communication Engineering and want to pick up a course or two on Coursera. There are so many options, and I’m not sure what would be most helpful right now.

If anyone has taken a course that’s particularly good for someone at my level, I’d love to hear your recommendations!


11:52 UTC


Technical University of Munich (TUM) for Electrical/Computer engineering?

Hi all, I have an option to do a master's degree in Europe, but I want to eventually work in the USA for some time. I am not American.

Is this University on any employer's radar at all? Or is it just another random name to them?

Are foreign degrees looked down upon, or seen favorably at all in the US?

Thanks so much in advance!

06:25 UTC


Trying to remember a protocol/technology

So my apartment gate opener is one where you enter a code, it emits a tone, and that opens the gate(I think!). I want to clone this tone, I am just losing my mind trying to remember the name of whatever this type of communication is.

I know this is possible, I did something similar as a college design project by just playing back a .wav file over a speaker, I just cannot for the life of me remember what this particular technology is called.

Any thoughts on what this is? It emits a tone, kinda sounds like a dial tone? I remember something about one frequency being a 1 the other a 0 etc.

02:33 UTC


Resume Review: Entry Level Validation & Applications Roles

Trying to get this down to 1 page... will definitely remove a line of coursework by position.

Also wondering how to combine the lone project with my technical experience.

I appreciate all other advice and feedback!



23:33 UTC


Beginning of career struggle, what should I do?

Hi everyone,

I'm an engineer working in analog design in the semiconductor industry, and I’ve been feeling pretty lost and unhappy in my career lately. I've been with my current company for about a year, and while I’ve gained valuable experience, I find myself constantly stressed and struggling to achieve a good work-life balance.

To give a bit of background, I’m based in Central Europe and have been in the field of Electrical Engineering for around 1.5 years, including some experience while finishing my degree. My current net salary is in the range of 2,000-2,500 euros per month.

I’m currently considering a few options for my next steps. One option is to look for a different job within analog design, staying in my current specialization but hopefully finding a company with a better work environment. Another option is to explore other areas within Electrical Engineering, potentially shifting to a different part of my field that might offer better balance and growth. Lastly, I’ve been thinking about switching to a different career altogether, though I'm not sure what that would look like yet.

My main concerns revolve around finding a better work-life balance, as I want a career where I’m not feeling constantly stressed and can enjoy my life outside of work. I’m also looking for growth opportunities, somewhere I can grow both personally and professionally without feeling drained or unmotivated. Future remote work options are important to me as well. While I know early career stages might require more office presence, I’d like a path that could lead to fully remote work or a hybrid setup with a maximum of one day in the office per week. I prefer the comfort of working from home over traditional office environments. Lastly, maintaining my current salary level is important, as I would like to avoid a decrease in income.

If anyone has experienced something similar or has advice on navigating these options, I’d really appreciate your insights. Any advice on remote work trends in engineering or similar fields would be especially helpful.

Thank you!

22:12 UTC


Seeking Career Advice

I am seeking courage to change my job. I am currently working for an aerospace company as an electronics/systems engineer. I have close to a decade of experience. I am thinking about switching to the energy industry as a substation engineer. Any words of encouragement and/or advice is much appreciated. Thanks!

22:11 UTC


Seeking Feedback on My Electrical Engineering Resume (PDF Attached)

Hi ECE community,

I’m currently preparing to apply for internships and would appreciate any constructive criticism you can provide. Specifically, I’d love feedback on formatting, content clarity, and whether I’m effectively showcasing my technical skills and experience.

I’ve attached my resume as a PDF. Thanks in advance for your help!


1 Comment
19:27 UTC

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