Welcome to the largest online community of Duolingo users mastering English, Spanish, French, German, and skills in math and music and more! Join learners of all levels to share tips, ask questions, and celebrate achievements. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, r/Duolingo offers a supportive space to reach your goals. Discover language hacks, math insights, and music practice tips—and make learning fun with our global community! 🎉📚✨
Welcome to the official Duolingo community of Reddit - a forum where you can discuss all things Duolingo!
Duolingo is a free language-learning site and mobile app that uses game-like lessons and rewards to keep you motivated!
Luis von Ahn (Founder/CEO of Duolingo) occasionally does AMAs here on reddit: here's the most recent one!
Just opened duo on my phone and the practice app is no longer there. Anyone else not see the practice icon at the bottom between the birdhouse and trophy?
After all of the gems, I have spent to make every level legendary. Now you guys take it away from me!?
I’ve made the previous units legendary until now….
Like, unknowingly misspelled a word by pressing a wrong key, accidentally pressed the “Check” button or something. I have Super, but accidental mistakes still get in the way because they get into practice, and then the practice becomes really annoying as I get something obvious like “__ your mother cool?”
Should it mark the answer as right in this case or not is up for discussion. I have my opinion on this.
I am following everyone back! My name on duolingo is Calvin Slaven and user name is IK.I.AM.STUPID (I am not trying to spam, I just accidentally posted the link twice) https://invite.duolingo.com/BDHTZTB5CWWKTGJL5WWFOWAXYU
I've been doing Duolingo for over 20 years apparently
I cant get out of this
screw duolingo and their subscription barred support :sob:
and my streak :(
Why else do we have flair called “Memes”
All seriousness whats this timer for, if i do a lesson, it goes up. Its constantly going down though and Im scared ive done my russian lessons so why is there a timer 😭
I'm learning italian in case that's relevant, but I was wondering what other resources are you using to help you learn your language?
Are there any other good (free) apps you would recommend?
If you are learning italian, can you recommend any good shows or books that can help?
Somehow managed to finish 13 daily quests within two days. I didn't even complete all quests yesterday...
It took me a while to figure out these prompts were made for people with American accents (previously I just assumed some of the prompts were wrong), but why not use example words that are actually pronounced with an -a sound, especially when the relevant sounds in words like "cat" and "sack" are closer to the correct pronunciation anyway? That's without even mentioning some of the more absurd word choices ("ri" like in "kitty"? Even with an American accent that doesn't sound remotely similar!).
I know this isn't a big deal or anything, I'm just curious as to what the thought process behind these prompts was.
Just randomly got this is it new or rare?
Today I’m getting the nothing but “the crowd is very angry and wants to speak to the president “”I’ve never seem such an angry crowd” etc. on and on about this. I am indeed angry and would like to speak to our president, Elon. this happening to anyone else?
"Do you like the books with Harry Potter as a character"? "Yes, but in my opinion the authors is mean".
Umm, it looks like I can't progress further without doing speaking exercise? I don't want to do them, have turned off microphone for Duolingo in settings and the option to opt out of speaking exercises disappeared from Duolingo. Any way I can avoid it or is it time to abandon my 365+ streak?
I started in-person weekly French (Level 3) classes last week. They run for 3 months. I would love to finish Duo by then, but I don't know. Section 6 is dragging on and it feels like eternity. Then I still have to complete 7 & 8. Does anyone else feel like they're in Duo Purgatory?