The official subreddit of Dubrovnik, Croatia. Sadly it has been dead for quite some time now due to the lack of Croatian Redditors, but hopefully that will change soon enough. If you are a fellow Dubrovnik Redditor or a tourist visiting with some questions, feel free to post.
I will be in Dubrovnik for 2 days and I was wondering what’s the most time efficient way to explore Dubrovnik in 2 days. Based on the research, many people suggest to get a Dubrovnik pass (1-day). What route/itinerary will give the most efficient way which does not overlap point A to point B. What would be the must see attractions or hidden gems that are only known to locals? Any tips or guidance will be appreciated!
Hi, if someone living in Montenegro wants to go to Dubrovnik by driving, are the border people (on both the Montenegrin and Croatian sides) honest and upright, so to speak? Can you get through in a normal fashion? Thanks!
Will there be any ferry or bus services running please?
Instead of dragging on an international flight anyone have a recommendation for a local store to buy or rent?
Is there Any sport event between Saturday 26 okt to friday in Dubrovnik or in close proximity?
Me and my friend will come down to Dubrovnik in a week, I just wondering if there is any events or thing we should do. And if there is any nere by cities and town were other events or activities is recommended?
what is the place in dubrovnik where the entry cost 30€ but all drinks are free and what is best nightclub in dubrovnik?
I only used one leg from the airport and didn’t use it to return. Dm me and I can send you the receipt and you can try to see if they will accept scanning a picture of the receipt. Should work until Oct 20. This is for 2 people
Where can i get Black sobranies or cocktail ones?
Ima koga iz doline Neretve tu? Kad će pošiljka Natalia naranči na tržnice? Okvirno, ako znate...
Does anybody go swimming when its dark?
I left my van at Dubrovnik Airport & have returned to Belfast for my cousins wedding. I have had my keys stolen during this trip & need to get a new key for the van. Does anyone have any recommendations? Its Renault traffic 2008
Myself and my partner will be in Dubrovnik and staying in old town. Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations or if anything interesting is happening while we are there!
I'm in for 3 nights and I travel all over Europe to find the local spots, authentic bars and underground venues that only the local rat-head would know. I was shocked to read mostly negative comments here. Come on, there MUST be something outside of the mass tourist hanster wheel! At least a scooter for rent to get out of this? :D
I have a 6 AM flight out of Dubrovnik. my hotel offered a driver service for €50. This would be from the old town. I would be leaving at like 4am. On my Uber app it says it would be about €25 but I don’t really want to depend on booking the Uber on the day. If I try to book in advance, it says it would be €59. There’s no buses at this time of morning and I know that the airport doesn’t open until 5 AM. but I do want to get there early so I can be in line to check in for my flight as I’m flying first to Zagreb and then all the way back to Australia so I can’t miss that first flight
I’ve got a pre-booked Platanus airport bus ticket and I am flying to Rome tomorrow. I wonder where is the nearest Platanus bus stop from the Old Town going to Dubrovnik airport? Their website says it is in the cable car station but their site sometimes say it wrong. Few days ago wit is saying the airport bus drop off is at Ploce gate but it dropped us at Pile Gate. The timing are not accurate, too.
Ovo me stranci uvijek pitaju (logično) i teško mi je reći konkretno gdje mogu ići, a da ih ne oderu po džepu.
Any idea what's happening? Camera crews too
Pozdrav dragi građani/ke Dubrovnika.
Često sam u vašem gradu na par dana, nije problem pogoditi da se bavim turizmom.
Možete li mi reći koji restorani imaju tzv. gablece, dnevna jela i sl? Volio bih nešto kuhano pojesti, neki grah i sl.
Najčešće spavam na Lapadu ili Mokošici ili tu negdje kod Omble.
Poželjno bi bilo da imaju dostavu ili da imaju parking u blizini.
Unaprijed hvala
Sad sam tu student ali dosad nisam uspio pronaći. (ako imate neke druge na refill za preporucit i to je u redu)
If you are flying through Dubrovnik eventually ending in the US, and don't mind stopping by Lost-and-Found in Dubrovnik airport to pick up a small electronic item, and then shipping to me once in the US (I'll arrange and pay for shipping), very much appreciate and will figure out how to thank you. Please let me know if you can make such favor for me.
Doing some backpacking here. Would any kind local be willing to lend me their bike tomorrow? In exchange for beers at a bar or euros or a cooked meal, your choice
What is happening in Dubrovnik this weekend? Interested in live music and/or best clubs for the night? What do you recommend?
Just had a cockroach drop from the ceiling/door of the apartment/hostel I’m staying at (luckily it was in the entry way and not the bedroom). Curious how common cockroaches are in old town? I feel like the hostel will just deny since I didn’t take a picture (didn’t have my phone on me). Oh well it could be worse (bedbugs are my nightmare)
With the rain and all.
The airline has broken my suitcase.
Any idea near old town i can buy a suitcase?
Google is only giving me luggage storage, not buying options.
Thank you very much!