Events in Dublin, Ireland. A place to share and discover things to do - anything that might interest people living in Dublin: Gigs, museum exhibits, markets, festivals, talks, meetups etc.
Events in Dublin, Ireland. A place to share and discover things to do - anything that might interest people living in Dublin: Gigs, museum exhibits, markets, festivals, talks, meetups etc.
Looking for two tickets for Marc Rebillet in Dublin in 10th August in the National Stadium. Originally sold my two tickets for February as couldn't go due to work commitments and the dates have changed. Absolutely heart broken, sold to a friend for cost and now prices are crazy (we're 32, now 170 on resale site) looking for two if anyone knows someone selling or point me in the right direction, what are my chances of actually getting tickets. Not far off emailing managment but not even sure who to get onto.