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Use spoiler tags when it's needed. The show is done, but not everyone finished it yet.
It was all there, the history and the past beef with the saiyajins, this is the only villain besides frieza that has ties with the saiyajins and legit has a reason to hate them. And let’s not forget super saiyajin 4.
so i went on a full watch from dbz kai and super, then going to finish with the broly movie and super hero movie. but was thinking on start reading up the mangas right where the anime finishes from the tournament of power, but don’t know what volume i would need to get
when goku used mui vs moro, made this work a while back but thought id share
I'm thinking either Broly or Freiza. Freiza is probably the better pick because he's chaotic neutral now, and he'd probably really enjoy the job, whereas it'd be nicer for Broly if he could join the rest of the good guys on off-planet missions from time to time.
edit. I meant Universe 7.
Hey, android N17 was supposed to be an important one but he didn't appear in the last manga episode like Gohan and Piccolo.
i’ve always heard about Dragon Ball but never got into it until last week. are there series or movies i should start watching next?
Which would you say you prefer, and why?
An older work but I still really like the way it turned out. Shorty and Scarface, who remembers these guys from the filler episode. They took on Tien, Yamcha, Krillin and Chaotzu taking them all out, and pretty much killing them in their pendulum room test. It was Interesting seeing all the alien technologies and the filler interpretation of what I think it's Planet Vegeta. And they had such strange abilities for not even a full fledged saiyans.. Heat powers on both of them.
Let me know your thoughts.
I feel like they should’ve scrapped this whole “god ki” and “god transformations” up the moment goku and vegeta started losing to niggas with normal KI, I genuinely believe ssg and UI and UE should be exclusively last resort transformations, yall can say whatever y’all want it still doesn’t change the fact that dragon ball has the worst power scaling I have ever seen in any series and anime.
For me it’s when it was watching piccolo, an enemy of Goku, taking care of pan.
Made me shed a tear 😢
So we’re all fans of Akira but we all have something to complain about. I don’t see this much in other communities like one piece. Don’t get me wrong dbz is PEAK but the inconsistency, plot holes and power scaling is annoying. Btw watch og dragon ball it’s amazing