
Photograph via snooOG

What's your desire? Chris Taylor? Andre Ethier? Prime Eric Karros and Mike Piazza? Share your fantasies here.

The Dodgers are the handsomest team in MLB. This subreddit allows its members to indulge in their deepest, darkest desires.


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Giants Fans visiting Los Angeles curious about Dodger Bulls?

Wife and I will be in LA on vacation in May and thinking it may be worth our while to bring our Giants jerseys on the trip. Wife is shy, but I definitely think her hooking up with a Dodger fan would be a great way to break into cuckolding, especially if LA is still in 1st at that time.

Would this be a good idea or should we leave the jerseys at home?

09:16 UTC


Giants Fan wants to be cuckolded by Dodgers Fan

As a SF Giants fan, Ive always wanted to lose a bet or something to a Dodgers fan, which leads to me witnessing my wife on her knees/all-fours for some Dodger Blue.

Not only would this be fun, but incredibly humiliating, especially with how recent seasons have gone for us.
Also, wife and I will be in Palm Springs this May. Curious if it would be worth bringing our SF jerseys to so. Cal. Incase an opportunity presents itself.

09:02 UTC


Dodgers vs Cubs Part 1


“What’s wrong Kershaw-sama?”

“I still miss him Smith-kun…”

“Who are you talking about Kershaw?”


“Haha gomen Kershaw-Sama…. I miss him too”

“Why would he leave us….? dattebayo, i need a minute. WHY WOULD HE JOIN THE CUBS. WHAT A BAKA!!!!!… oh- oh Gomen-Nasai Roberts-Sama, I didn’t see you there”

“Why are you crying Kershaw-chan?”

“I….I MISS HIM!!!!…. CODY-CHAN!!!!! eto…nani Roberts-Sama?”

“Kershaw-chan, look at your schedule.”


“Yes, and you will be pitching Kershaw-chan”

“I gladly accept this challenge. I WILL TRY TO CONVINCE CODY SAMA TO RETURN!!!”

To be continued

1 Comment
07:55 UTC


2022 All-Star Weekend Festivities

Lots of players be boinkin' [with their wives] because they got some extra days off, and they got to be close to home for the vacation.

Now, 9 months have passed, and the results speak for themselves.

See: Betts, Muncy, Graterol, Phillips, Bellinger

23:04 UTC


Freddie Freeman—Attack on Titan crossover

Freddie gazed out over Shiganshina, Wall Maria to the South and the rolling green plains of Paradise Island waited beyond. He couldn’t see past the wall, but he didn’t need to to see in his mind’s eye the Titans that prowled beyond.

Titans flooded into the district through the hole created by the Armor Titan. Freddie glanced up to the Colossal Titan towering over the Wall, but his attention was immediately drawn to the thundering footsteps of an obese Titan barreling towards Hange Zoë. True to her nature, Hange-San was taking temperature readings and other scientific observations, blissfully unaware of the immediate danger posed to her life.

“Not while I’m at bat,” Freddie said to himself, sliding his wooden bat from the holster on his back and pulling a baseball from his belt pouch.

Time seemed to freeze. Freddie lifted the ball upwards, his hand releasing but the ball continuing its lofting journey into the air. The hand jumped to the bat held by his other hand, and Freddie waited a beat for the ball to reach its apogee before he released the tension in his shoulders back and forearms in an explosion of raw hitting power.

His front foot stepped forward, and his back knee fell to the ground. Freddie swung the bat in a long arc. The fat end of the bay hit the ball square on, and with a loud crack the ball was aloft, a line drive straight towards the Titan’s gaping mouth.

Hange looked up too late and emitted a squeaking shriek. But the Titan was even more too late for his dinner:

The ball plummeted between the Titan’s teeth, traveling and impossible 200MPH off the bat at a 60 degree angle. Just as quickly as it had gone in, the ball erupted from the nape of the Titan’s neck, seemingly unslowed by the trip through the Titan’s nervous system. The Titan dropped to the ground, crumpling inches in front of Hange.

“Oooooh!” she cried in delight, rushing forward to examine the specimen before it disintegrated into steam and skeleton.

Freddie was distracted by his ball. Other citizens had stopped to watch, transfixed by the ball’s soaring trajectory and distracted from the Titan menace around them. No danger: the Titans were equally transfixed.

Freddie pointed to the space just above Wall Maria, standing stoic and backlit with his arm outstretched to announce his destination.

Time slowed again, an experience of Zeno’s Paradox. The ball inched toward the Wall, finally creeping to a halt and hovering just before the Wall. The world froze, with a sharp gasp or breath.

And then it broke free, like the dreams of Eldians the world over. The ball emerged into the green free world beyond the walls, unencumbered by claustrophobic walls or racial prejudice or the ever present threat of extinction. As they watched, the citizens of Shiganshina felt their spirits escape with the ball.

From below, a voice rang out. “Out of the park! A walk off home run ! Hip hip hooray for Freddie freeman!” There stood Armin Arlert, facing Freddie and flanked by Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman, both still entranced by the ball.

Armin’s celebration broke the spell. The citizens of Shiganshina broke out into cheers and hurrahs, a roar of triumph and fervor. As I they dodged the renewed frenzied attacks of the Titans, they changed Freddie’s name: Freddie Freddie Freddie! He beamed. And then he noticed something peculiar.

As they darted around the district, the townspeople grabbed sticks and pipes and other implements, and stuffed rocks into their pockets. And then they got to work.

From all corners rang out the clang of stones meeting bats. Rocks shot through the air like meteors, burying themselves in the Titans’ napes. None were as powerful and detestation as Freddie’s but that wasn’t necessary.

Titans dropped like flies, and Freddie Freeman looked on as the Battle of Shiganshina wiped out the Titan menace.

1 Comment
15:48 UTC


Miss you guys

20:06 UTC



I can't help but think of Tommyburger at a time like this.

Rest In Peace


05:04 UTC


Just a reminder that LA County voters can come vote at Dodger Stadium. One of the best looking ballparks in the world.

1 Comment
23:18 UTC


The 2020 Los Angeles Dodgers have won the World Series and are the Champions we knew they were

I’m happy, a little weepy. Happy that we got there, I just wish everyone could be there with the team. I have loved watching the run, even if it has been frustrating at times. Kershaw gets his ring! Hard work, perseverance, some luck ... and run support.

03:54 UTC


For you, Tommyburger

04:38 UTC


Opening Night Game Thread

Self explanatory. This is the best thing ever, except for the things that suck. Discuss, dodgergirls and dodgerboys!

1 Comment
02:06 UTC


I fucking love baseball

And I’m so happy that I’m currently watching a live Dodgers game against another MLB team with Joe and Orel in the booth. This is what makes life worth living and I love it and you and baseball and the Dodgers and life

02:03 UTC


Cardboard Cutout

I sure don’t have a picture — but I would like to sponsor a cutout for TommyBurger. Does anyone have a photo that could be used?

Edit: Now that I think about it, probably not a great idea without permission from the family and I don’t know how to contact them. I guess I could just make a donation in her name, but I liked the idea of having her there in some way.

04:04 UTC


Kike has posted a stache pic

21:35 UTC


Passing of our friend and moderator, TommyBurger.

21:59 UTC


The Universal CityWalk Club House has some merch half off

While we wait wondering the fate of the off season and before I witness the Rock’s next cinematic masterpiece Jumanji The Next Level I wandered into the club house store and noticed some items clearance priced.

I picked up a Maeda shirsey... I also saw some Belli, Ryu and Kelly. While lot of Stripling and probably more in sizes that don’t fit me.

It was $15 and I know I have vowed to show FO levels of fiscal restraint but ...

I need a little more baseball in my life.

05:02 UTC


Corey and Will are engaged!

04:21 UTC


Offseason blues

Look, it’s that period between the postseason and spring training that holds quiet peril for the roster. I can’t freak out about how the team is performing so perhaps my brain has just decided to worry about other things like trades. I was blindsided when Matt Kemp was traded to the Padres and recently the “Dodgers shopping a fan favorite outfielder” rumor is popping up again.

I don’t want Joc Pederson to leave the team. At least not yet. I think I would be more upset about a Joc trade than a Corey trade because I am sure the return on Seager would be substantial but I don’t think other teams value Joc like I value Joc.

Anyways, I am very fond of most of this team and I would like them to be together, healthy and ready for 2020.

Uh, and because this is the FanFic sub I’ll just add that Chris Taylor is also off limits.

03:22 UTC


Spring Training anyone?

Hi friends! I’ve allowed myself some time to heal from the 2019 postseason and am looking toward the future. Just wanted to check in and see if any of y’all were planning on attending some spring training games... it would be cool to have a meetup if some of us are there at the same time. I was planning on attending the Feb 29/March 1 games.

21:21 UTC



Hello all...I do hope you're doing okay. Once again, October baseball bit us in the ass, much earlier than any of us wanted. I do have to say, being able to have that stress off my shoulders has been kind of refreshing. Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer if we were still playing, but the freedom FROM baseball is weirdly welcomed.

Some questions:

  1. I strongly believe Chris Taylor will be traded this offseason. How do I cope?

  2. Are you an outdoorsy person? When was the last time you went camping?

  3. Would you rather snuggle with otters or swim with dolphins?

  4. What's your Halloween plans, if any? Costumes?

Be well, friends. Let's keep each other sane out there.

19:48 UTC


October 10 2019- Loss

Chris Taylor sits silently in the passenger seat, Gwen driving from a sad, silent Stadium. No music plays in the car. The windows are rolled up, the mood deep and heavy. Chris doesn't look at his phone, he doesn't speak, he doesn't know what he wants to do.

They drive through a quiet Los Angeles to their home, the ride quick and uneventful. Gwen navigates easily, comfortably, as she always does. When they pull up to the house, Chris sees the warm glow of the place he and Gwen have made home. He hears the yelping of their dog to greet them. When he opens the door to enter, the dog jumps up, happy and unaware of the loss Chris just suffered. Gwen heads to the bedroom. Chris follows, wanting to change his clothes.

Quickly, Gwen pulls on a pair of joggers and running shoes, then says to Chris gently, “I'm going to take the dog for a walk. We'll be out for about 45.” Chris nods. Gwen kisses his forehead as she walks past. The warmth of her lips tingles on his skin.

After he changes, Chris gets a beer from the fridge and settles down in the media room. He turns on the TV out of habit, but doesn't really pay attention to whatever's on the screen. Instead he opens his laptop and starts looking for flights home. He loves Gwen deeply, so much, but right now he needs his home. He needs to get away from Los Angeles. After he buys a flight for the next day, he finally looks at his phone and starts answering texts. It hurts, but he does it.

When Gwen and the dog come home, Chris meets them in the front room. The dog wags his tail and comes up to Chris, wanting scratches. Chris obliges happily, wishing he could be as carefree as the dog. With a halting voice, the sad ballplayer addresses the woman he loves.

“Darlin? I booked a flight to go home. To VB,” he begins.

Gwen glances at him, not worried, not surprised. “Okay. That's kind of what I expected. When?”

“Tomorrow.” Chris sighs. “I just need to get away, I need to get home for a while.”

Gwen nods, then turns away. “For how long?”

Chris shakes his head. “I don't know. I bought a one-way. I don't even know if I'll be here next year, I don't know what's going to happen.”

Gwen looks at him sharply. “Wait. So what exactly are you saying?”

Chris sits down on the sofa, the sofa they picked out together, the sofa they've napped on, eaten dinner on, made love on. “I'm just saying I need to go home. I don't think I want to come back to LA until Fanfest. I need to get my head right and I can't do it here.” He reaches for her hand and holds it tightly. “I love you so much. I'm not saying I want us to end, but I just need home and family.”

Their dog senses tension and he lays down between them, concerned. Gwen rubs the dog with her foot. “What if...what if you don't come back here? What are we supposed to do?”

“I don't know, Darlin. I guess we'll figure it out then,” Chris answers. “Just know that I love you. Me leaving tomorrow isn't changing that. Me being in VB doesn't mean I'll love you less.”

Gwen leans on her knees, petting the dog, cooing to him. She loves that dog so much, Chris thinks. And he loves her too. They'll take care of each other when I'm gone.

“Can I...do you want me to...” Gwen begins haltingly, unsure.

Chris finishes her sentence with the first smile he's had all night. “Yes, Darlin. I'll want you to visit. New Year's Eve for sure. Because I'll need to kiss you at midnight.”

Relieved, Gwen exhales. She nods and rubs his cheek. He leans into her touch, closing his eyes. She puts her other hand on his other cheek, cupping his face gently. With her thumbs she massages his closed eyes, softly and soothingly. All the hurt and disappointment from the evening come rushing forward into Gwen's touch. Chris allows himself to feel, really feel the emotions.

After a while, Chris reaches for Gwen and holds her tight. She folds herself into his embrace, fitting herself next to his body. She fits like a glove, she always has, he thinks. “Darlin, I'm going to bed. I just want to go sleep and forget this whole week.”

She nods. “You go ahead. Do you need anything?” She kisses his cheek.

He shakes his head. “No. I'll be okay.”

In bed, Chris tries to fall asleep. But the events of the night keep churning in his brain, and sleep is elusive. Gwen comes in a bit later, quietly undressing. He hears the dog settle down in his crate with his usual sighing and scratching. Chris feels Gwen slide into bed next to him, her skin cool. Without saying a word, she wraps her arm around him, spooning him close. A couple kisses on the back of his neck and suddenly his eyes feel heavy. With his love holding him close, her breath against his back, sleep starts to come. Chris falls asleep, finally, cradled in the arms of his love.

17:49 UTC


We ready for October?

Hey everyone! We’re nearing the end of a glorious season and I just wanted to say that I love you all and I’m so proud of our boys. I know we’re going to get a lot of hot takes next month, but I take solace in the fact that at the end of the day, r/dodgersfanfic is about appreciating the babe boys for all they do and how good they look doing it.

Let’s go all the way this October!

18:32 UTC


Game Chat 9-8

18:37 UTC


Checking in

Hey fam. Just checking in. It's been a little over four months since my dad passed away. It's still tough, but it's definitely been getting easier. I've enjoyed watching the Dodgers this season, and know my dad would've as well. I'm still avoiding the game chat and main Dodgers sub because honestly, who needs that negativity in their life? I pop in occasionally and don't even recognize the majority of the usernames posting over there. It's good to see familiar faces are still posting here, albeit sporadically. How's everyone been?

15:26 UTC


Clinching at home is on the plate

I was listening to the radio broadcast and I believe that they said that it’s now mathematically impossible for us to clinch on this road trip. It’s much more likely that we will clinch at home. Which is what I know I want to happen.

So I might try to go to every game next week just hoping to celebrate with the boys.

05:56 UTC


STILL ALIVE- August 23 2019

Hello all! I'm sorry this sub has been so quiet this season. Although I've had a few stories in the on-deck circle, I haven't had the energy to edit and post. Plus, it was hard to get motivated when CT was on the IL.

I hope you're all doing well, enjoying the season and the summer. I'm thinking about having post-season game chats again, just based on what the main sub is looking like during the Yankees game. What do you think?


04:31 UTC


Where my dodger girls at

I miss you all how is everyone going?

05:16 UTC


March 1 2019- Spring Training

They settle into a routine, Chris and Gwen. Up early in the morning for a light breakfast, then Chris head to Camelback. Separately they get to work, he on the diamond, she in the office. Gwen doesn't come to all the games, sometimes choosing to visit other ballparks. She loves going to the small ballparks sitting in the outfield. When she does come to Camelback, she sits with the WAGs, gradually getting more and more comfortable in that lifestyle.

The usual boredom of Spring Training is alleviated by Gwen's presence. Chris comes back to the house knowing she's there, happy to see him. They take walks, watch movies, cook dinner, and learn how to live together. Gwen learns to share her space more effectively, and she works hard to communicate. Chris realizes he's spoiled by how the Dodgers treat the players. He's so used to the little things in life taken care of, Gwen makes him realize he needs to be more proactive. She often calls him out on chores, but never in a nagging way.

They go to team functions together. Justin's BBQ was fun and funny, and Gwen again impressed his teammates and wives by her easy going friendliness and her competitive spirit. She plays with the kids in the pool, giving impromptu swimming lessons to some of the kids. She teaches them how to dive and do somersaults, how to do cannonballs, and tosses them high in the air. The kids all love her and Chris surreptitiously watches his teammates. They watch Gwen play with their kids and the smiles they have on their faces is obvious.

It seems that things are going smoothly. Spring Training is humming along and he's feeling stronger and more baseball-ready. Gwen's friends have come and gone, spending 4 days in Phoenix. It was a welcome distraction for them all. She hangs out with them and they make their treks to different ball parks, they go out to eat, Chris and Gwen have them over for dinner and poker night. When they leave, Gwen's sad to see them go.

About a week after, Chris comes home after a night game. He calls out for Gwen and finds her in the bedroom. She's dressed to go out, in her casual rocker style he loves. Make up and hair done, he's confused what's going on. She tells him she wants-needs to go to a show that night, that she's restless and misses LA. He's momentarily hurt and wonders if she's tired of him. She insists she's not, but she needs to see a show.

“Darlin, are you tired of me?” he asks, genuinely worried.

“No, Baby. Not at all. But I need some live music in my ears, I need to dance and sing. I'd love it if you come with me, but I'm okay by myself.” She kisses his cheek. “I don't want to get snippy and uptight with you. I just miss LA and all the stuff there is to do.”

Chris lays back on the bed and stares up at the ceiling. The next day is his personal day, the day he doesn't have to go to work or even check in. He promised he'd be an equal partner to Gwen. He knows she's put aside her life in LA for him, to join him in Phoenix. He also knows that he can sleep all day the next day if he wants. Sitting up, he sighs. “All right. What do I wear to this show?”

Gwen's eyes widen and she launches herself at him. “Really? Really you want to come with me?”

Her excitement is all the confirmation he needs; he made the right decision. “Yeah, I'll come with you.”

She hops off the bed and grabs his favorite flannel and his brown chukkas. “That's it?” he asks, surprised. He was expecting to have to get dressed up. She nods.

Quickly, he changes his shoes and grabs his flannel. Gwen calls a Lyft and they head out. On the ride he asks about the club, the show, who's playing. Gwen fills him in, chattering excitedly. Her eyes are bright with excitement and it's infectious. By the time they get dropped off, her enthusiasm rubs off on him and he's looking forward to the show too.

Following her into the club, the first thing Chris notices is how quickly she's at home. She talks to the doorman, the bartender, guides him to a spot where the sound is the best. The openers are still on stage and they sip their drinks and listen. He can tell Gwen's analyzing the band and their music, and when the set ends he asks her what she thought. She breaks down the band and what she thought with the experience of someone who's seen hundreds of shows. He doesn't understand all that she said, but when she explains more, he gets it.

When they're at the bar, she falls into an easy conversation with another couple. She makes friends easily, much easier than him. Gwen doesn't have to be guarded in public and he's envious. They talk and laugh with the couple, both friendly and fun. She has a good sense of people and he's grateful.

When the main act comes on stage, he and Gwen are in the middle of the crowd. The music is bouncy, fun and a bit folky. The women on stage engage the crowd and elicit calls and response. Chris and Gwen bounce together with the music. He watches her as she dances, sings along, laughs and claps. She tosses her hair and her bright smile lights up his heart. Suddenly, he grabs her and kisses her, hungry and hard.

She doesn't pull away but throws her arms around his neck, returning his kiss just as hard. When they part he's smiling. He's so happy he came with her, seeing her doing what she loves, the world she's been a part of for such a long time...he loves it. He loves how much fun she's having. He loves that her world and his are so different, yet she fits in with each one seamlessly.

When they leave the club, he's full of adrenalin. Back at the house, buzzed and happy, Gwen strips and hops into the pool. Chris goes into the bathroom and grabs a towel for Gwen, then a bottle of water for himself. He sits by the edge of the pool and and waits for her. Gwen swims to the edge and pulls herself out, still smiling. He hands her the towel and they go inside. When they go to bed, he's truly happy he went to the club.

05:53 UTC


Offseason: Case Closed

There are still a few premium FAs on the table (Kimbrel, Keuchel, etc), but with Harper and Machado both off the table, how do you feel about the offseason and heading into the season?

Also, who do you think the Dodgers will target at the trade deadline?

22:47 UTC

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