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Where do I continue with the 8th Doctor audiodramas?

I'm watching what's available on spotify for free. The playlist I'm using starts with Storm Warning and ends with Chapter 20 of The Eighth Doctor Adventures, "Human Resources."


So where do I go from there?

05:26 UTC


The Thirteenth Doctor Regeneration Reimagined

07:33 UTC


The first time watchers

I think one of my favorite things is when you start dating someone new who has never seen the show before because then you get to see the reaction to all of the wins, loses, excitement, references, etc. my girlfriend has never seen the show before we started dating and we just watched the 50th anniversary episode. The way her face lit up and a tear started to form when David Tennant said “I don’t wanna go” was a window into when I watched it for the first time. 10/10 recommend

11:56 UTC


If you could write your own doctor who episode what would it be about?

I’ve thought about this a lot and honestly the possibilities are endless! Most recently I thought it would be very cool if they had some kind of game they got entered into either by accident and had to win to avoid something or entered for fun with a complication in the game of needing to win to save someone(s) life. I would like to see him and a companion enter and then finding out they need to recruit a team so they go through time and space to find them just before they start.

I want these games to be uniquely made up and have a variety of different ones with challenges, with twists a turns maybe like a game show. I want this episode to be more fun than a massive stress of the whole world coming to an end. I want more person conflicts like, maybe a couple people’s lives are at risk and maybe one died but at the end of the episode the stadium of people watching somehow make a very nice remembrance of this person. Maybe it could be a 2 part episode. Idk if I explained my idea alright, it would be more clear if I wrote out the whole plot and ideas. Anyway, what are your ideas?

07:07 UTC


My bf got me a present for our 2 year anniversary 🥺🥺🥺

I love him so much. Jodie was MY doctor.

14:48 UTC


A Sketch of something I plan to draw in the future: the Cyberflash!

He’s a part of my Doctor Who and Flash crossover fanfiction thing I’m working on. You may have already seen a previous post with the 14th Doctor meeting Flash in the time vortex.

Anyways, Cyberflash is a type of Cyberman that became a speed force conduit thanks to the Master and the Reverse Flash.

1 Comment
14:43 UTC


Series 3 Confidential episodes

Is there any dvd/blu ray releases of series 3 which contains the full length Confidential episodes? I have the newest series 1-4 boxset, which have the cut down versions, are there any which have the full length versions?

19:41 UTC


Super random but I suddenly found out my classmate knows Ncutis parenrs!

Im from the Netherlands and so is she so that makes it a lot more mindblowing… we were both out at dodgeball when I asked her what TV-shows she was watching. She then asked about mine and I said I always rewatch episodes of DW. She just went “oh thats funny! My grandparents are best friends with the parents of the guy who plays Doctor Who now”

So yeah thats it I just wanted to show my excitement cuz its insane.

1 Comment
15:58 UTC


Saxophone Cover Of Doomsday

17:34 UTC


A "No Man's Sky" styled Doctor Who game would be incredible

Imagine a Doctor Who game where you are just given a TARDIS, with no instructions on how to fly it, and you could end up on any planet, anywhere in the universe. I would pay big money for that.

19:07 UTC


Where to watch the Jodie era? (Netherlands)

Hiya, first time Who watcher here.

I started with Eccleston, went past Tennant, through Smith and straight into Capaldi, but our time is getting close to an end, and... I'm wondering where to go to next.

So far I've been watching the show on Amazon prime video, which is great, but it ends after the Capaldi era. Disney plus picks up after the Jodie era, starting with the Tennant (14) specials, or at least, as a first time watcher I think it picks up there, obviously haven't been there yet.

But any other dutchies out there know where to watch 13's run? I've tried googling but I didn't find much. Hence my posting here.

Thanks in advance!

23:17 UTC


A doctor a friend made for me.

1 Comment
23:15 UTC


What is Special/Unique about Doctor Who Compared to Other Sci-Fi Franchises?

Hello everyone! I've been on a sci-fi television/movie binge these past few weeks, and I was thinking about watching Doctor Who. Besides watching a few episodes from the 2005 revival several years ago, I never sat down a watched a lot the show.

So, what about Doctor Who makes it special and stand out compared to other Sci-Fi media like Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, etc.?

17:41 UTC


Does anyone know where I can purchase this set if anywhere?

So I'm not sure if this is allowed, but I'm just at a loss at trying to find this pack sold anywhere and figured this subreddit would be the best place to ask. I've tried eBay and Facebook marketplace and a few other sites but no one seems to be selling a sealed pack with these. If anyone has a link or is selling it themselves please lmk bc I'm willing to buy these asap lol If this type of question isn't allowed in this subreddit, would I be able to get pointed in the direction of one I can ask? 😆

06:26 UTC


Who do you think Mrs.Flood is?

I have a few ideas

Either a older variant of clara

A type of goddess, maybe the goddess of stories?

And last one is someone who in the relation to the pond family, given the name pond, river and now flood?

05:14 UTC


Popular question. How did river shoot the silence in this scene

Did river just instinctively shoot whatever was behind her because Rory looked scared. Did she just randomly wanna shoot it. Did she look in rory's eye reflection. Or was this just a case of bad writing?

17:54 UTC


Why does the Doctor always pick "modern" day companions

Something that's recently started to bother me in these past few seasons is the formula like structure of the show.

One being, why does the Doctor always pick a companion from "Modern" day (whatever the Year is that season came out) Rose in 2005, Martha in 2007, Donna in 2008, Amy in 2010, etc etc.

Id like if they actually change up the formula a bit, how about the Doctor gets a companion from the Roman/Classical time period and then we get to watch new reactions as they discover Medieval/Renaissance/Modern/Future periods from a whole new perspective instead of a modern Companion.

I think the closest Companion we've gotten that doesn't fit the whole Modern day recruitment is Jack Harkness, who's from the future.

23:46 UTC


How did other heavily-gendered languages deal with 13 being a woman?

Im curious how "doctor" changed linguistically in other dubs.

21:00 UTC


The Regeneration Headcanon

This is probably my most likely happened theory about regeneration, the timeless child and stuff; so hold yourselves for a probably wacky theory and you can if you want leave yours down below.

So, my headcanon staples that The Timeless Child was actually the Doctor until some point, having many adventures beforehand. The Doctor may had many lives before the canon we know now such as the Fugitive Doctor we met during 13th's time, who says that the Doctor couldn't have an adventure about Sharks in the Sahara? or dealing with a navigating app that leads you to your death?

As far as the adventures go, probably Gallifrey and the highest of the Time Lords weren't very ok with the Doctor running away all the time, so probably at one point before the start of the universe we know with "An Unearthly Child" Galifreyans found the way to turn off this timeless physiology and turn the Doctor into a Gallifreyan.

With this, it could explain how the Fugitive Doctor exists and the Doctor not remembering that incarnation without going into the alternative universes theory. This makes one solution for those that would like to make their own Doctor Who fanfics at some points without messing with the current canon; but it is still uncertain if this slight headcanon can actually fit within the actual canon, as of course we don't know if the Doctor was actually The Timeless Child and transformed into Galifreyan, or he was Gallifreyan given an unlimited amount of regenerations... a bit confusing honestly, even more with the introduction of the Bi-generation, but it kinda opened the idea for me to actually try to write my own fanfics about the show with my own set of Doctors.

What is your opinion on this headcanon of mine? Do you have yours? I love this show with all my heart and i can't wait to see what they have stored, in the meantime i'll try to make my own stories.

13:07 UTC


I wish we could get more of these silly short adventures we used to get back in Matt's era.

23:55 UTC


Does fallout 1 take place in an alternate Skaro?

This is purely theoretical and maybe fanfic but the coincidences makes it questionable. Based off old Dalek cannon before being totally retconned of their origin. The master and the mutants of a post apocalyptic world seems very similar to the origins of the Kaleds and Davros. Obviously Ik there are huge holes to this theory as fallout takes place on earth based in California.

I mean realistically it’s probably just the creators of fallout being fanboys of doctor who and probably used ideas from the show. However, the theory might hold some significance since there’s a TARDIS Easter egg. Could be a parallel or alternate timeline where the Thals and Kaleds were based on Earth and the Doctor (William Hartnell) never discovered the daleks on the first story arc. Where Davros aka the master never had the idea to make the Mark III travel machine. Instead this universes “Davros” found a way to use the radiation and mutations to his advantage.

I want as much feedback as possible so I can know whether to stop cause it’s a dumb idea or if I should put more research into this and write a well structured analysis and essay. Thank you :)


I essentially forgot that Davros was post genesis post retcon. What I meant to say is the “Dals” not Kaleds. The master not being Davros but being a former scientist of the Dals who’s mutation didn’t get as bad as the others. Hence his determination to reverse the effects. Then down the line he fails over and over essentially giving up on his goal. He then experiments more creating the super mutants l, etc. still a work in progress

00:17 UTC


TARDIS Chameleon circuit

How would most things work? Like a Car, you can’t have blacked out windows or frosted glass because it would stand out, or those 80s glass BT phone boxes where you can see straight though and they don’t even touch the bottom.

I suppose you could say it’s got that thing that makes it go unnoticed but it would weird to us if they ever did it on screen

06:55 UTC


Is anyon else not looking forward to Ncuti's next season?

For me at least I thought big Rusty made an absolute mess of the first season with plot holes everywhere it felt like he was making it up as he went along and now it's left a bad taste in my mouth.

I'll still watch season 2 when it comes out but I'm not getting my hopes up that the writing will be good. Imo Ncuti Gatwa is the only reason season 1 was good.

12:37 UTC


Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane is massively underrated.

If this was a Doctor Who episode, people would be raving about it. For a children’s show, this episode really is quite dark.

Everything from start to finish is captivating and everyone plays their part perfectly. It sort of reminds me of Turn Left since it has that “What If” aspect to it and because the main character doesn’t have that much screen time.

The 4 characters I think made this a masterpiece are Andrea, Maria, Alan and The Trickster.

13:31 UTC

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