
Photograph via snooOG

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Question about Wizards

Is it common or possible for a Wizard or mostly magic user to be born out of nobility or, are they more commonly born of lower citizenship? I am very new to DnD and barely played in one session. I made my character the ninth son of a noble house and I just wanted to make sure I'm within the bounds of the lore. It doesn't really matter if I'm not because we will probably be deviating from the lore anyway but, I figured I would ask.

07:18 UTC


What do you do when you get stuck in your world building?

I noticed recently that my fervor for world building in my specific world has not been present lately. I wonder if it’s that I haven’t been able to run a game in my world for over a year? Or that I’ve been worldbuilding for four years now? That might do it. My world feels kind of stagnant and I don’t have a drive to build more things in it the way I used to (used to have my world on the mind at all times for sure) I’m starting a campaign on the 20th in this world thankfully! I’m hoping that will help, what other ways do you find help unstick you when you’re feeling uninspired in your world?

20:59 UTC


Goose weakness

I'm creating a powerful character in a one-shot that has reality manipulating abilities relating to geese. For example turning limbs into geese. In his final form, he grows wings and can fly, but also needs some sort of drawback. Anyone have any fitting drawback for him?

18:40 UTC


Developing a story for a D&D game

Hi everyone) We are making a mobile game and want to run D&D games in its world.

There are 5 clans in the game. Each clan has its own secrets, magic and creatures. In the games we create, it will be possible to get into the secrets of each clan and explore the world we have invented. And the idea is that people will be able to play as characters from each clan to see which one is closer to them. There will be both classes present in D&D and inherent to our world.

Can you tell me how to best describe the game for better immersion and engagement?

11:08 UTC


Celestial Realms: Divine Forces and Heavenly Beasts - A Guide for Exploring the Celestial Realm in Your 5E Campaigns

Celestial Realms: Divine Forces and Heavenly Beasts is now available on DriveThruRPG! This guide to exploring divine grandeur and celestial mystique in your 5E campaigns transports you to the celestial realms, where divine forces and heavenly beings influence the mortal world.

Check the link for a preview!

What's Inside?

Discover the radiant Celestial Realm with luminous spires, serene gardens, and rivers of pure light.

Explore new subclasses, equip your campaign with lots of powerful magic items, and encounter new monsters like Divine Dragons, Celestial Lions, and Fallen Celestials.

Customize celestial or fiendish creatures, NPCs, and players with celestial or fiendish traits. Use celestial traits to enhance purity, grace, and divine power, while fiendish traits introduce dark powers and malevolent influences. These traits can be rewards, enhance monsters, or enrich character development.

Introduce fiendish transformations, marking the fall of celestial beings into corruption. This mechanic presents moral dilemmas and rich character development, creating impactful storylines.

Celestial Realms: Divine Forces and Heavenly Beasts is more than a book; it's a journey into the heavens. Embrace the divine, confront the corrupted, and let the celestial realms guide your adventure. Welcome to epic tales of heroism and wonder where the divine and mortal collide.

You can also find it for a special price in our Mythos Chronicles Ultimate Bundle featuring over 1500 pages of 5E content including this manual!

1 Comment
13:59 UTC


Is it a Story Driven Adventure? Or is that a train I hear?

Howdy there,

I've been writing an "in-between" adventure for my party while they travel from one campaign location to another. Specifically, they are traveling from Waterdeep to Icewind Dale.

Some relevant information: My players are all new to DnD and TTRPGs in general. This is their first campaign and I've noticed I have to be a little hand holdy while they get a feel for how to play. But maybe I'm going too far?

I recently watched the pointy hat video on how to make travel more interesting and thought I'd try to implement a structured story to their travel encounters. My main concern however is that I strayed from writing an adventure for my players, and got more into the "Why don't you just write a book" territory.

I'd like a sanity check, let me know if this feels forced or if it's something I'm overthinking.

I'm in the early stages of writing it out but I have the basic chain of events and encounters planned out.

Shortly after leaving the North Gate in Waterdeep, traveling along the High Road, they encounter a group of Lords Alliance soldiers who have been sent out on patrol along the high road from Waterdeep to the edges of Luskan territory. The Captain recognizes the party as adventures that have been hired by The Open Lord and asks for their assistance. His band of soldiers are all greenhorns, and he's made some promises to their wives/mothers/children etc. That he'd get them all back in one piece. He asks if they can tag along with the party since they are both headed in the same direction.

Here the party can decided to travel with them or alone, it just provides some RP moments and an emotional connection and stakes to the upcoming encounters if they let them join.

Back on the road, after a few days they come across a tree that's been felled in the middle of the road. Classic Bandit ambush. If they keep a bandit alive or search their bodies, they find out the bandits have set up a toll on a bridge up ahead. The bridge is a major causeway for travelers, and needs to be taken care of. The players can plan to raid it at night, attack during the day, sneak past, or just pay the toll and cross.

They travel for a few more weeks, nothing incredibly exciting happens. RP or timeskip to the next planned encounter which is just a few days north of Neverwinter. They come across a caravan of refugees traveling south. If they interact with them, they learn they are farmers from the edges of Neverwinter Wood, and their village was destroyed during a freak thunderstorm. Came out of nowhere in the middle of the night, no rain, just bolts of lightning burning their homes and granaries down. This is just an RP moment and foreshadowing for what comes next.

The next day, they come across the smoldering ruins of a carriage. It's been burnt and looks to have been torn apart by some large beast. There are small denominations of coins and trinkets scattered everywhere, it looks to have been some kind of merchant or traders carriage but there is a lack of bodies or blood. While they are checking it out, goblins attack being led by a hill giant. As they work on thinning the local goblin population, a thunderclap in the distance startles the goblins and the survivors make a run for it. The hill giant yells something in giant towards the sky and seems shaken but stays to fight to the death.

After they leave, the High Road starts to wind down near the coastal cliffs of the Sword Coast. They are traveling along this trail, sheer cliff face on their right, going up hundreds of feet, and a straight drop down into the sea on their left. As the day goes on, clouds start to gather above them and thunder rumbles ominously. The wind picks up and a perceptive character might look up and see a figure flying overhead. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the cliff face above them and rocks tumble down. More blasts of lightning begins raining down on them and they finally spot a young blue dragon circling above them.

Here is where I'm worried I've put down my oversized DM wizard hat, and put on my train conductor one. Just ahead they see a cave entrance below the road, with a small natural path leading down to it. They either have to find a way to deal with the flying dragon, or run for shelter (I'm hoping they run for shelter because the next encounter happens in the cave)

Inside the cave, they find it goes deeper into the cliffside. The dragon blasts lightning at the entrance and hopefully they continue through the tunnels. Eventually they stumble into a large chamber, filled with water, tide pools, and streams... and a dragons hoard. Suddenly, the young blue dragon appears and there is a cool fight. They defeat the dragon, claim the hoard, find some cool story relevant lore and learn the name of my BBEG I've been hinting at.

Travel montage, boom they are at Hundlestone and are about to take the Ten Trail to Bryn Shander and I start running the next part of the campaign.

This story serves two purposes. First, gets my players feeling confident and strong. They get to slay their first dragon and feel like they've done a good deed making the High Road safe again. Second, it's been a few months since we last played and I need some gradually building combat encounters to get them back into the swing of things. They hit level 5 before out hiatus and now they get to test out their new abilities, magic items, and practice combat strategies.

My back up plan is keep the bandits and giant/goblin encounters, remove references to the storms and dragon, and instead offer them a short cut through the Spine of the World via an old abandoned dwarven Fortress carved under the mountain range. Throw some undead, constructs, and animated armors and do a good old fashioned "mines of moria" dungeon crawl.

13:33 UTC


I'm looking for one-shot/short campaigns to be used with Loke Battle Mat books

I currently own: Dungeon, Towns & Taverns, Castle/Crypts/Caverns, and Terrain (on order).

I'm looking for any 3rd party adventures written either for specific use of the above mentioned battle mat books, or that can easily be converted to use the above mentioned battle mat books.

Currently I have the two adventures that Loke created as part of their Kickstarters: Pen of Thieves and The Peculiar Will of Thuranduis Drake.

Any leads to adventures is greatly appreciated, thank you.

19:32 UTC


writing a book and have questions

hello. im new here and am writing my first book about an old dnd homebrew campaign i ran with my friends. and need info on where and how to post it. if i should post chapter by chapter or just finish the whole book out as that will take a long time. and if i did post chapter by chapter if i could charge or have a subscription or something. im getting out of the army soon and my back and hips are pretty much shot so im going to need some form of income. please lmk

1 Comment
00:03 UTC


Question website

Hello ! Dis someone know a website to crrate my own bestiary or to make a skill tree ? Thanks you !

22:52 UTC


I Need Help

Hi there, I'm Dice Demon
I have a module I've been working on somewhat for the last 4 years. I started off in 2020 just running an online game, and wanting to write stuff down to properly build out the world I was running my game in. I was 14 when i started and in highschool so i wasn't able to properly spend as much time as I'd've liked to adding to my module. although i had built out a rough document in the past that had a lot of various rules, it was nothing that was well put together, and somehow it wasnt all the info i wanted to get across yet it was still over 300 pages. my current goal is to condense down what i had so it works better and seems more cohesive, and to also add the rest of the info i had wanted to add in my original document.
My goal is, once i have condensed it down i want to publish this document as a useable third party module, with a built out world and campaign, all written out.
but i need help.
it doesnt have to be help writing, in fact i prefer if i write most of the document myself. i need help with everything else. editing help, playtesting help, suggestions and ideas. i also need help with figuring out how i should get the word out to more people, and how i should publish it. i dont have the technical skills for a lot of this because well, im young and honestly probably in over my head. but this is something i really want to do.
Link to the work in progress document here (im adding stuff daily so yes, theres blank spaces): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dsWqvO2IryjEw-pBxrv-CJ1cBj0aFMmjXCxzjMJmBwk/edit?usp=sharing

04:11 UTC


What Could You Get Away With, Without a Name?

We've all seen the tropes of a fey stealing your name when they ask for it, we all know the dangers.. and of course, so do a few wise individuals in-universe. What happens when one gives away their name intentionally?

A individual seeks out a fey crossing, or perhaps lingers by the crossroads a while too long at night and gives their name to the strange gentleman who accosts them. "Aha" they say, "thank you for the new name! I love it."

"Wear it well," is their reply with a grin, and then they're off into the darkness, much to the confusion of the fey who's used to being met with terror.

This particular individual had a dark past, and with it a heavy curse laid upon them, now transferred to this fey with their name. They're now nameless, without an identity, as free as any mortal could be. What kind of trouble could they get into with their newfound anonymity capable of raising them to BBEG status?

Further, what could happen to this fey? Of course they could hire a band of adventurers to track this person down and force them to take back their name, but maybe the curse has even worse effects because it was never intended to be laid on such a powerful entity. What's the fallout?

01:45 UTC


Need Help Untangling My One Shot


So I’m finishing up a one shot to be ran this month and there’s always this anxiety that crawls up my mind of “what if I bore my players?” “What if the one shot is boring” and I just need some perspectives on what I got so far and just general ideas of how you would make encounters for this type of session.

So the session would begin with the players entering a massive manor ( this is a Victorian gothic horror game so I really wanna push the eerie vibe) my players are all doctors or scientists of sorts (I’ve reskinned magic users for the setting) and have been invited by a kinda, celebrity doctor to come participate in a clinical trial for a new potion he’s testing. In reality he’s trapping people in his house so he can capture and experiment on them as he has been going more and more mad over the years gone by.

So. The players are escorted to the dining hall by the butler and are invited to try the potion for the trial, the players don’t have to ofc but it’ll be exciting if they do. They begin to polymorph and kinda mutate, they get skill buffs and retractions based on some low level homebrew wild magic tables, and the players would have to figure out how to escape, or craft an antidote for the potion as things will become more and more dire.

Once they’re in the dining hall, that hallway door is locked and they find themselves in a room with four doors, three of which are locked. The butler will be in the room to supervise and has a ring of keys on him, there will also be a loose vent the players could possibly escape from.

They’ll have a chance to explore the entire manor and pick up lore about the doctor, they can meet the rest of the servants and see how the doctors experiments have direly affected them, and pick up a bunch of cool loot on the way. I’m thinking because the doctor is so paranoid, he would have traps set about the house and areas the servants to do into because they know how trapped they are. In the sitting room there will be a secret door that will take the players into the doctors lab. There is also a way in through the basement if the players meet the under-the-stairs npcs.

I’ve got a motif of the four humors going all throughout the house and the doctors journal that can help clue the players in on their options and situation, I’m also thinking of adding combat in certain areas, but because it’s essentially a haunted house, I find it difficult trying to figure out what are fitting traps and creepy things that can add to the session?

So anyones thoughts on what are cool encounters for a creepy house adventure, and narratively if you have ideas to tie things together more a little bit I would really appreciate it!

But I think lately due to my life circumstances, coming up with the specifics has been more difficult than usual, what encounters do we place where, what things will keep the session fun? Am I giving enough lore in the right places? Will the players know that they need to escape/find the doctor/make an antidote? How do I make that clear without forcing it?

00:20 UTC


Worldbuilding-focused discord for DMs

The intention of this server is to create a friendly and constructive environments for DMs to help each other work on their settings, bounce ideas off one another, and share concepts. members are welcome to request a channel to discuss ideas unique to their setting or post concepts and questions into the server's forum page(s).

Additionally we are weekly prompts to get people talking and sharing their ideas with the community. This week (as of 7/7) is dragons. members are encourages to make a post in whatever format appeals to them to discuss lore pertaining to dragons in their setting. Its been useful for me as having an actual deadline on something makes it easier to me to finish plus it gets me working on other areas of my setting that I might have neglected.

If that sounds even remotely interesting consider taking a look-> https://discord.gg/kTeXXREF9T

23:47 UTC


I have created a short adventure for players of about 5-6 sessions to get your campaign off the ground!


With the Harvest Moon Festival rapidly approaching, all sorts of interesting people have arrived from far and wide to revel in the celebrations. With the famous festival about to get underway, the adventurers party and feast in the joyous fiesta. The fun is cut short as disaster strikes when devious Kuo-Toa capture villagers for their schemes... 

This is a short campaign that acts as a starter adventure designed to get your campaign off the ground. The players get a chance to meet the villagers and enjoy themselves in the games and celebrations of the harvest moon, then conduct an investigation into what happened at the Magic Show! This fun, mystical adventure will take your players all the way from levels 1 - 3. Setting your players up for further adventures, simply run this campaign as a long one-shot or as the beginning of your own homebrew campaign. 

If you are interested you can check it out here

15:25 UTC


Whispers of Takhisis: Dragonlance Preludes Expanded now available on DMsGuild

My product Whispers of Takhisis: Dragonlance Preludes Expanded is now available on DMsGuild. It is a document which has rewritten each of the campaign's preludes to better explore the themes and subjects the originals introduced.


Some features you'll find in the document:

  • A New Friend - Tips to include Ispin Greenshield, the eccentric yet kind Knight of Solamnia, into each prelude, who has an important part to play in chapter 3 of the main campaign.
  • Explore the Past – A set of simple but fun puzzles in Broken Silence to teach characters about Krynn’s dramatic history as they explore a lost temple to the gods.
  • A New Trial of the Barb – A brand new trial for spellcasters in Eye in the Sky. This replacement reflects the final Test of High Sorcery’s dangers while also providing a method to judge which order best fits each character.
  • Tarnished Knighthood – A new scene has been added into Scales of War to give characters the opportunity to learn more about the Knights of Solamnia, including the tale of the fallen knight, Lord Soth. 
  • A New Threat – Expanded scenes featuring the draconians to emphasize the threat that they pose to Krynn.
  • New Combat Encounters – Each prelude has its own combat encounter to allow players to try out their new characters for the campaign.

The document's appendixes includes even further resources for both DMs and players. There you will find:

  • Custom Visions from All of Krynn’s Gods- After hundreds of years of silence, the gods at last begin to grant their powers and blessings to those they consider worthy. Such an impactful event deserves a dramatic scene. This document aims to provide DMs that moment by providing a unique and custom vision for all of Krynn’s gods, including the Dragon Queen herself, Takhisis.
  • Character Campaign Hooks-  A second appendix provides a table of 20 different character hooks that players can chose or roll from to connect their character to places and NPCs within the campaign. Are they friendly fishing rivals with the mayor of Vogler? Abandoned apprentices of the evil mage Lohzet? Or could they be haunted by their experiences of a failed excursion into the region of Nightlund?

All content has been playtested and formatted for accessibility. Please give it a look if anything catches your attention!

19:34 UTC


I’m looking for adventures written specifically to use the Loke Battlemats.

Any leads or links is appreciated. Thank you.

13:39 UTC


Advent's Amazing Advice: Dragon of Icespire Peak, A Mini-Campaign Fully Prepped and ready to go! (Part 1 Phandalin)

Welcome back to Advent's Amazing Advice! The series where I take popular One-Shots, Adventures, Campaigns, etc. and fully prep them for both New and Busy DMs. This prep includes fully fleshed-out notes, music, ambiance, encounter sheets, handouts, battle maps, tweaks, and more so you can run the best sessions possible with the least stress possible!

We're back at it again with another Fully Prepped Mini-Campaign; Dragon of Icespire Peak, A level 1-6 Adventure that's a bit frosty! This is part of the Essentials Kit; released between Dragon of Stormwreck Isle and The Lost Mine of Phandelver all created by WoTC.

Dragon of Icespire Peak is a bit different from the other two I've prepped; not only is it more of a sandbox, but it also has the ability to be run with just one player which is a huge plus for those of you who can't get larger groups together! I'll be incorporating the recommendations from both Bob the World Builder and Sly Flourish along with my own tweaks to make this one of the best experiences you can have running this Mini-Campaign!

If you've used my previous notes you'll know that I take adventures such as these and do all the difficult and time-consuming book-to-session conversions so you don't have to! I do my best to include ambiance for every scene, custom battle maps, handouts when needed, spell sheets, encounter sheets, and more!

This may all sound familiar, but seeing as this is a Starter/Essentials Kit, I think it's important to reiterate:

  • Read the Adventure: I know surprising, but it can be extremely confusing when you don't know where everything leads to.
  • Consider the needs of your group: As you've heard or are about to hear a million times, every table is different. If you plan on combining this with a campaign, you'll have to make tweaks here and there.
  • These notes aren't meant to be the end-all-be-all: Tweak to your heart's content, and don't consider any of what's written to be set in stone. For me having notes like this helps give me the confidence to go off the rails and follow along with what my players want. It helps me understand where things are meant to go and why. Having that understanding allows me to guide the players and create other new and interesting stories. These are all things that will come with experience, though, so don't freak out and enjoy the journey!

Without further ado:

Included in The AAA Collection is:

  • A Word document with all my notes including links to music tracks for ambiance and fights
  • Custom Map of Phandalin

Over 5 dozen other Fully Prepped One-Shots, Adventures, and Campaigns: Click Here

As always, if you see something you think I can improve, add, change, etc. please let me know. I want this to be an amazing resource for all DMs and plan to keep it constantly updated! If you'd like to support me, shape future releases, and get content early feel free to check out my Patreon!


16:59 UTC


The Blight of Morithal: A Multi-tiered One-shot Adventure for 5E is now Available on DriveThruRPG and FREE for a limited time!

Hello, fellow adventurers! Today, I'm excited to announce that The Blight of Morithal: A Multi-tiered One-shot Adventure for 5E is now available on DriveThruRPG and can be downloaded for free for a limited time!

This short adventure is designed to be played at 10th, 15th, or 20th level over the course of 4 to 6 hours. The beautiful 48-page PDF features a trove of unique content, such as:

  • A detailed adventure starting with a compelling call to action, followed by several combat and environmental encounters which culminate into a bossfight with Morithal, a powerful Zombie Dragon;
  • Lore and background information useful to run this either as a stand-alone adventure or integrate it within the broader scope of a campaign;
  • Different endings that can be triggered depending on the party's choices and actions, and useful to add additional dramatic tension to the game;
  • Scalable encounters and rewards, among which figures the Heart of Morithal, a new item of Legendary rarity, that can be obtained depending on the adventure's finale;
  • 11 new monster statblocks, along with knowledge checksvariant traits, an optional second phase for Morithal, and more;
  • Additional resources to quickly set up the adventure in any VTT environment, such as 11 tokens3 maps for different combat encounters, and 3 handouts to set the stage for different moments of the adventure;
  • And more!

The creatures and monsters found in this manual are part of a broader collection of content from The Grimoire of Curses, a massive compendium for 5E featuring well over 300 pages of content on the theme of curses and afflictions. If you like my work or you would like to expand on this, I suggest checking it out!

If you wish, you can also find all this content (and much more!) on my Patreon at an exclusive price. All this content is currently available starting at the Hero tier until the end of June, allowing you to enjoy well over 350 pages of 5E content for just a few bucks! By joining higher tiers, you will also be able to find more entries and enjoy other unique benefits.

That said, I'd like to wish a great day, and much fun in your "cursed" adventures!

14:19 UTC


Need help with what to do regarding portals to the Abyss and Shadowfell.

Currently did the Icespire peak where my players will be fighting the dragon next sessions. They have a lot of magic items to easily sweep the floor with the young dragon. After the battle is where the fun begins. I made it so that the dragon is a "pet" to this Ice demon from the Tome of beasts. the problem arises is that I have a shadar-kai druid who has a fallen kingdom in Shadowfell while the demon is from the Abyss. should I make it that portals to both world open on a solar eclipse or should I seperate them with abyss opening during a blood moon and the portal to shadowfell opens during an eclipse.

pls be free to ask question about where im going and the players.

09:09 UTC


The Grimoire of Curses, a 5E Compendium featuring over 300 pages of content, is now available on Patreon and DriveThruRPG and discounted for a limited time!

Hello, fellow adventurers! Today, I'm excited to announce that The Grimoire of Curses is now available on Patreon and DriveThruRPG! This massive compendium features well over 300 pages of content on the theme of curses and afflictions. This includes:

  • 10 new backgrounds for haunted characters;
  • 10 cursed races such as lycanthropes, revenants, and vampires, along with special rules and guidelines to handle these dark transformations and metamorphoses within your games;
  • Over 50 feats;
  • A collection of 40+ cursed magic items for your adventures;
  • A vast collection of curses (complete with ingredients, guidelines, and effects);
  • The Death Knight class, complete with 3 Dark Traditions;
  • 15 subclasses;
  • Over 75 new spells;
  • Over 70 monster statblocks, ranging from CR1/8 to CR30, all complete with Knowledge checks, variant traits, lairs, monster tactics, and designer's notes (along with detailed descriptions and artworks for each creature). This includes new statblocks for hags, swarms of undead, vampires, and a treasure trove of new creatures;
  • A new cursed condition;
  • Rules and guidelines to add unique curses to already-existing magic items;
  • Campaign ideas revolving around the content presented within the compendium;
  • Different d100 tables for cursed trinkets and locationsplot hookscursed rituals, and others;
  • Additional resources;
  • And more!

Additional VTT Resources are also included, featuring a total of 150 handouts, 60 tokens, 3 maps, and an exclusive token border, all ready to be used in your campaigns to set the stage for the adventure in any table or VTT environment.

The manual will be discounted for a limited time. The best value can be currently achieved by joining the Hero tier, unlocking the full manual for just a few bucks! If you wish, you can do so from the Membership page of my Patreon. This offer will remain available until the end of June.

Alternatively, you can find it either in the Patreon shop or on DriveThruRPG. The price of these options is higher, but the compendium will remain available for purchase for good there (even if both options will receive a slight price increase as well before the end of the month). If you wish to check out some previews of the compendium before delving into it, you can find these either in the apposite collection of my Patreon or by checking out the DriveThruRPG product page.

I'd like to wish you a great day, and much fun in your adventures!

15:01 UTC


Elements Unleashed: Crafting, Character Options, Magic Items, Monsters and More for 5E - New Release!

Elements Unleashed has just been released. This compendium is brimming with elemental regions to craft and enrich your campaign world, as well as elemental character options and creatures.

Welcome to Elements Unleashed, your gateway to infusing your campaigns, worlds, and games with the raw forces of the elements. This guide brings vibrant elemental magic into every corner of your 5E adventures.

This compendium offers new content themed around acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, air, earth, and water. From creating characters who embody these primal energies to introducing formidable foes and allies born from elemental power, Elements Unleashed provides everything you need to weave elements into your stories.

What's Inside?

Enchantment and Crafting Rules for Elemental Magic Items: Learn how to craft and enhance magic items with elemental properties, including costs, mechanics, and required materials tied to creature Challenge Ratings.

Dynamic Elemental Systems: Implement a communal pool of Elemental Damage Reactions, allowing players to combine their powers for devastating effects. Explore perilous Elemental Regions where elemental forces dominate.

Elemental Races, Classes, and Subclasses: Discover races like Chaosurges, Corrodraks, and Rockcraggers. Explore new subclasses and the versatile Synthetist class, mastering elemental energies in powerful ways.

Expanded Backgrounds and Magic Items: Choose from backgrounds like Champion of an Elemental God or Leyline Lorekeeper. Equip characters with over 100 elemental magic items and potions, from uncommon treasures to powerful artifacts.

Elemental Feats, Spells, and Creatures: Enrich your game with over 40 new elemental spells. Encounter a vast bestiary, including Greater Elementals, Elemental Lords, and numerous other beings capable of wielding elemental powers, from sprites to behemoths.

You can also find it for a special price in our Mythos Chronicles Ultimate Bundle featuring over 1000 pages of 5E content including this manual!

21:37 UTC


If you're a pacifist enchantment wizard, whose goal is world peace through mind control, how do you stock your dungeon to get those pesky adventurers to leave you alone?

Hope my players don't see this. If the members of the Than ó i Velum are reading this, keep scrolling.

So, my party just hit level 10, and they've done a few jobs for this nice wizard. There's been a civil war brewing, and she had a plan to avert it. They just had to bring her an aboleth's brain, and plant some crystal magical transmitter/receiver thingies in the two rebellious towns. So they did that, and the mayors of those towns surrendered as soon as the Royal Fleet arrived on their doorsteps. Mysteriously, the towns seem a lot more peaceful, and everyone seems a lot more chill.

When they arrive back at the capital, they're going to learn that those two towns weren't the only places that the wizard planted her magical devices. Her goals may be benign, but can they live with her methods? Do they really want to leave this wizard in charge of the continent? At least when a noble ruler does bad things, they can be assassinated. (On that note, the previous ruler of the capital city was recently assassinated by the rebellious mayor, that's what nearly kicked off the civil war, and now a 19-year-old is in charge.) How can people fight a power that prevents them from fighting?

I think the adventurers are going to step in to undo what they helped do. The new ruler's younger sister has some fae blood, and is resistant to charms, so she's going to point them in that direction if they don't point themselves. It's been a while since we had a good dungeon, so when they arrive at the wizard's tower, I want them to find just that.

But, TLDR: How does this wizard stock her dungeon? I want all the mind-fuckery, minimal-to-no "monster tries to eat you directly."

00:27 UTC


Requesting criticism/input on small part of a story


I hope this is okay to post here, since it's not even one-shot sized. My group is currently playing a story set in a mine, where all of our characters are pursuing differing goals and we're opposed by difficult terrain, monsters and riddles. So far so good. The thing is, our DM gave some of us the task of making up a room in the mines to take over the DM role for that moment and only a few guidelines.

It's supposed to be something engaging "for everyone" (7/8 players) where they're supposed to solve riddles, swim/dive and if they're daring they can earn a magic ring. But if they get greedy, they're supposed to encounter a threat to their life. I'm struggling with it and would appreciate some else's insight.

What I have so far:

The players will enter a big room, obviously used for excavation purposes. They'll find that the mine shafts still accessible have collected water (where they'll have to swim and dive, if they enter). Either from inspecting some skeletal remains or interacting with a newt NPC, they'll learn that the mine shafts lead to a treasure (the ring).

My "riddle" so far would be that the miners wrote down the directions in a very vague way and when the players go into the mine shafts, they'll encounter forks, marked by runes. The riddle will tell them which one, but the runes are chosen in such a way, that they'll have to be exact on the wording of it. (e.g.: the first riddle speaks about animals but it also hints that they chew their food multiple times. The runes belonging to that are for farm animal in general and cow specifically)

They'd currently do this four times until they get to the chamber with the treasure (happy case). They will also find more gold/jewels peeking out from a collapsed hallway and if they decide to take that, the structure will destabilise and more water will start to pour in.

The way back will be made difficult by the silt they stirred up, whether they used a rope to mark their way and whether they brought the newt or not (it glows to help navigation. they can also catch it in a cage if they don't want to be friendly). If they were greedy, there will be the added threat of cold water, more difficult silt/navigation checks and I'll also be rolling to see if the water after every fork will have removed air pockets, so they might have to make more difficult diving checks.

From a technical perspective, I don't think it's too bad. But it's just repetitive, boring, and certainly not engaging up to 8 people. And I can't seem to come up with anything but this. I really want to keep the newt and they have to swim/dive, as per the instructions. But on everything else I'm pulling blanks. Riddles are not my forte.

I'd appreciate any hint or suggestion.

16:43 UTC


The Festival of Aylin Fairpath (Free Solo MIni-Adventure!)

The Festival of Aylin Fairpath is the first chapter in the first book in the Ironholm series.

Download the chapter here for FREE: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/ih1a-festival-of-106720529]

For 1-2 level 1 characters. A GM is optional.

15:11 UTC


How to poison/weaken a dragon...

Hey fellow gamers and DM's. I have a question for you for my upcoming story arc that I'm trying to "rationalize " (I jnow... stupid.. it'sDnD and magic) why a hidden dragon patron is becoming weaker/sick without their full knowledge that it's purposeful so that they can be captured.

Backstory: Eons past there was a battle between dragons and their desire to rule mankind. The Silver Dragon queen's forces defeated the Red Dragon King, forcing the Black or Shadow Dragon (next in Charge) into a surrender. The chromatic believed mankind will betray her as they are all petty. So part of the truce/agreement is that no more orchestrated conquering unless the mankind "Willfully betrays the Dragon Queen." So, to protect mankind, she decided to stay in human form (she had both an elf and human lovers/husbands). She has guided different peaoples through history as advisors, general, and leaders. Fostering a good set of people before handing the reigns back to a successor. She then "dies" or just disappeared into mythos. She currently is ruling another city and raising her adopted daughter. She is a patron of the Players Party, unbeknownst to them. The ultimate BBEG (followers of Lolth) need the Black/Shadow Dragons heart for a ritual to bring Lolth to the plane, darken the sun, and allow a Drow invasion. However, the Dragon hasn't been heard from nor found. Lolth has helped guide her followers to discover the Dragon Queens true identity. Now I've created a weapon... something created during the Dragon wars. A collar that can capture a Dragon and cut off its ability to use magic and polymorph. However, it needs to know the Dragon's TRUE name so that it will be locked to that Dragon. The creation of this device is considered a massive betrayal amongst all Dragon's, as only a Dragon could have devised such a weapon and guided mankind to make it. Lolth helps the Drow to discover her true name too, or provided it herself. The Drow manipulate humans (a religious group thinking they are doing good) into believing she's amassing power to rule people. She's already in charge of one of the largest lands and armies, and could possibly challenge for the throne. So, they have linked the collar to her and are about to capture. I have been RP the Patron as getting sicker, coughing more often, and just generally looking exhausted. She doesn't know why, and is curious is its because she's just so old even as a dragon.

Does anyone have any ideas what's making her weaker that might make sense thematically? Poison that her legendary resistance can't fight against? Could this be how tue collar works. The closer it gets to the target the weaker/more exhausted they become?

19:10 UTC


How do I help my friend make an adventure module?

So my friend is planning on making a homebrew supplement based on allowing players to play as Dragons. You might have heard of the Demi Dragon homebrew (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDHomebrew/comments/15iumef/the\_demidragon\_47\_adopt\_the\_form\_of\_a\_dragon\_with/). They want to make an adventure based on dragons. We want to use this to highlight all the cool things you can use with this race/class combination that he made.

We've tossed around a couple of ideas, but I think we need some advice on how to lay the groundwork and try and make a fun adventure that can be dragon themed and also know how to build the skeleton of an adventure.

03:00 UTC


New Campaign Handout (example and discussion)

**Edit** Made this into a homebrewery page and had enough room for some ancestry info https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/RzQdW7h00Eds

I'm currently working on a new campaign set in a homebrew world that I've been working on for a few years. I don't plan on running this campaign for a few months and I expect most of my players to be beginners. The following is my version of Matts Colville's Handout. The players will receive this prior to character creation well before we start playing.
my main questions:

  1. Is this too much info?
  2. is it clear the setting is on a moon?
  3. Is there enough intrigue or would this be confusing to new players?

any other criticism (or praise) is welcome

 In an age of uncertainty and unexpected peace, the powers that be have enjoyed a suspiciously long period of tranquility. On the scorching hot, desolate desert moon of Verm, preparations are underway for the grandest celebration in recorded history. In just a few months, Verm will commemorate the 500th anniversary of The Halting, a cataclysmic event that nearly wiped out all life on the moon. The inhabitants are eager to celebrate their rise from near extinction, though some whisper of the perils that complacency might bring.

The Rain Spire, a massive, magical tower of elvish design has been a huge success, blessing the land with regular precipitation for nearly 125 years allowing plant life to grow unassisted along its new, fertile river basins. 

The historically warmongering Redstone Empire has turned away from conquest and towards industry, going as far as striking arms deals with old enemies.

The Elvish Kingdom of Aqua’fell is far less exclusive, sharing their magic with all of Verm and allowing non-elf scholars to study in its universities.

Wyndfall is bustling with activity and visitors from across the realm as it prepares to host the quincentenary celebration.

The Faber Guild Federation produces the finest artisan goods in the land and continues to foster peace with a trading outpost in every major settlement. 

However, as civilization finds harmony, nature sows chaos. The boom of plant life from the Rain Spire and its rivers has led to larger, more fatal creatures, in greater numbers than ever before. Shifting winds cause massive, hard to predict sandstorms lasting days, allowing the goblin sand pirates cover and escape routes for destructive raids and other unforeseen events.  

You are an aspiring adventurer feeling ready (or being forced) to set foot into the world on your first journey. The community you belong to, be it a small village, royal family, craftsmen's guild, holy fellowship or otherwise has been invited to send one witness to hear testimony from the Order of the Omen Seekers. This secretive society of elder soothsayers go on months-long ritualistic voyages to the edges of Verm to read the fates before returning to share their prophetic findings with the witnesses from the chosen groups. Through some turn of events, you have been selected to take on this task. You may have fought for this privilege or won it in a lottery, been chosen at birth or hand picked by the local wiseman. Maybe you're the sole survivor of the invited group. Whatever the reason, it is now up to you to record the words of the Omen Seekers and bring them back to your people for further interpretation. Arrangements have been made to escort you and the other chosen witnesses to the secluded village of  Orphia located in the western badlands of the Somber SteppesWho are you?

I may also include a map and short letter from the Order itself.

Thanks for reading!

18:16 UTC


I made a one-page adventure printable pamphlet

After a while I made a new one-page dungeon adventure.

Here is the free download file including a hand drawn map and the printable puzzle for players: https://sahaakgames.itch.io/the-forest-ruins-mystery

As it's a one-page info is very compressed and DMs will need to fill the gaps, using this pamphlet as a base to develop their adventure.

I played this one in my campaign for three lvl5 PC and it went pretty well, if someone has any suggestions or adjustments will be very welcomed.

Thanks for reading me!

17:17 UTC


Need campaign ideas - Empire City Conspiracy - a 1982 NYC Murder Mystery

I am writing a dnd campaign, set in 1982 NYC. The party all starts from different poi’s in the south Bronx and converge on the dead body of a local active drug dealer. Other citizens call 911, and NYPD arrives arresting the group for murder; even though they’ve never met before tonight. They decide to work together to unravel who really done it. I’m looking for some ideas to add to it, anything is appreciated!

1 Comment
01:58 UTC

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