
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit where anyone is welcome to discuss issues concerning the disabled community.

A subreddit where anyone is welcome to discuss issues concerning the disabled community.


6,767 Subscribers


Looking for Advice

I'm new to Reddit, so please let me know if this is the wrong place to post!

My workplace has a DEI initiative, which up to this point has mainly focused on issues of race, gender, and LGBTQ+ identity. Part of it has involved having speakers representing these communities give short presentations. The committee in charge of this has recently decided that disabled people should also be included and is looking to bring in a speaker.

A few problems:

- The company is allowing only a very small budget, which doesn't include travel expenses

- The company prefers that the speaker appear in person rather than virtually

- The company is not located in or near a major city

- Most people on the committee know very little about disabilities

- The committee is made up of volunteers and is unaware of any employee who has disclosed a disability who could be consulted

Hypothetically, what would you do if the only speaker the committee can find who is willing to meet these conditions is a disabled person who advertises as a motivational speaker with promises to leave the audience feeling "inspired" to achieve their goals?

I'm familiar with the concept of inspiration porn but can only remember seeing it described as something created by nondisabled people. Am I wrong to be thinking about this in connection to a disabled person talking about their own experiences? If not, what can I say to the committee? I would really appreciate hearing your perspectives!

22:19 UTC


Dynamic Accessibility Adjustment (DDA) system. Game Testers Needed

Hi my name is Conor, I am masters student at Dundalk Institute of Technology and this is my final semester project.

The objective of this project is to identify whether the methods of adapting a game based on a feedback system can benefit a player’s user experience with game difficulty and accessibility.

This games system would allow players with accessibility issues to play games at whatever difficulty they would like.

The players is tasked with completing two identical levels. The player must shoot their way through enemies and navigate hazards.

The first level tracks the players abilities, accuracy and mobility. The player score is analysed and then settings are applied in the second level so that the player test them out if they are needed

More details game and other documents in link to Itch.io link below.




11:04 UTC


Anyone Else Have Advice On This?

So, I have a cane, because I faint infrequently (I can faint and then not have another fainting spell for two months, but other times it's days or weeks between) and the cane is for after these fainting spells usually because my legs are weak and it just helps me not faint again. I also use it for when my muscles are weakened, like today, I had been on my feet for hours with EDS and POTS, it was a bit difficult walking around. Well, my mom, who isn't disabled, injured her foot doing something or other, and her and my Dad brought up my cane, saying that she needed it. I don't want her using my cane, and today of all days when I'm the one who needs it. She immediately took to it, using it incorrectly and saying that it was helping when it's just the same as if she was walking but slower and holding the cane.

I don't know how to say that I need it without seeming self centered and taking away something that "helps" her walk.

02:12 UTC


How many people received so on their first try?

Ssi I mean. I’m nervous about being denied the first time and just want to hear stories.

12:15 UTC


Shouldn't there be an AHP (Affordable Housing Program) for those living with a disability?

A few years back, the government introduced the ACP (affordable connectivity program) and it's helped quite a few people, like in the millions.

Why don't they have an affordable housing program? I don't mean like Section 8, because we all know that wait-list isn't dwindling anytime soon. But for people with disabilities and the elderly that live off of SSI/SSDI should be able to live in affordable housing in safe neighborhoods (because most of the places I have seen that accommodate those with disabilities are in shit neighborhoods and as a legally blind person I can't get with that.)

I know it's just wishful thinking, but we can't live in this country comfortably apparently.

20:57 UTC


Should I use a wheelchair?

Should I start using a wheelchair?

I've tried using both a cane and crutches before, but a cane didn't help, and crutches just hurt my shoulders and hands.

My legs have stabbing pains after even the slightest movement. It's not super bad to me, but it's still enough to be super uncomfortable.

I have some sort of chronic pain that courses coat-hanger pain, and I'm thinking of getting checked for POTS because my symptoms kind of match.

On top of this, I have full body joint pain and a hypermobility/hyperflexibility condition.

My sense of pain may be skewed by the chronic pain, but it doesn't seem bad enough to need a wheelchair.

Please take note that everything I've said above is self diagnosed because I'm 14, and every doctor just tells me that im too young to be in that much pain and to 'just go exercise more'

Any advice?

14:05 UTC


how to approach my physio about a wheelchair

hi! im 19 and live in australia. im diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis and (very mild) syringomyelia, and i have some weird unrelated neurological symptoms that have popped up recently.

ive been using a cane for over a year now and it has helped my pain immensely, but ive found that iver the last few months its stopped being as helpful as before. im starting to miss out on uni classes and study sessions at the library, and im spending less time out of the house because just leaving renders me fucking exhausted and in debilitating pain lol

im worried about how to ask my physio about a wheelchair, because hes very much the kind of dr to be like "lets get you off that cane!". my AS means staying mobile is important, but im physically too exhausted to ever do my physio exercises, so my back keeps getting worse even though im walking. there is no winning currently

my new neurological symptoms that have popped up involve my legs freezing and being physically unable to move them for extended periods of time. ive had two hours before. they freeze during class sometimes too. theyre never numb, so im not worried about it being my syringomyelia (because once again it is so mild), but that + a few other symptoms make me think i would benefit from a wheelchair for the times my legs freeze in public

in my state theres a mobility aid subsidy scheme that allows a physiotherapist to prescribe a wheelchair to patients and then organise a trial run of said wheelchair for the patient. im thinking i want to go on that avenue, because while i have used a wheelchair before (borrowed from a museum twice), im still not entirely sure if it would work for long term and i think the trial would be a good way to start

im just not sure how to broach this topic with my physio. has anyone else gotten their wheelchair through a physiotherapist? how did you go about it?

00:41 UTC


Need some suggestions

Hello! I am currently on work placement at a aged care, and had the opportunity to meet a sweet old woman who is non-verbal and has parkinson's disease. She tries to communicate with staff through pen and paper, however the continuous trembling of her hands makes it difficult for her to write or for us to read.

IThe staff seem to have grown used to her state and don't try to communicate with her except during toileting, food times, etc.

I'm only here for 7 more days and wanted to make it easier for her to communicate. They have accessible ipads in the aged care, so does anyone know an app that had big letters so she can type what she would like instead of trying to write it down?

Thank you!

01:16 UTC


Accessible Hiring

Do you know of any companies with particularly accessible hiring processes? If you work for or know of a company that prioritizes accessibility in their hiring, please let me know!

23:36 UTC


Can I interview while on SDI

I’m on temporary SDI but I want to work again as soon as possible. Can I interview while on SDI in CA?

20:23 UTC


Home buying as a wheelchair user

Any advise on home buying as a wheelchair user? I typically can wall walk when I’m at home but there are times that I may need the chair for curtain tasks or when I’m tired. I want to make sure the house/condo/townhouse is 1 story so I don’t have to deal with stairs. I’ll have trouble mowing the lawn or shoveling so I figured a condo or townhouse would be best but I’m open to suggestions. Did you find a realtor that is specializes with disabilities? And do you know of any grants that I could apply for if I need to renovate a bathroom to make it more accessible? Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Also posted this is the wheelchair subreddit

1 Comment
14:20 UTC


Windows app that will control/act as a UK (BT) landline phone for a disabled user.

Hi, I'm researching this friend who is heavily disabled. He is not able to use a phone but can control a PC. he has a UK (BT) landline phone. I'm looking for some software/hardware that we could install that would replicate the physical phone behaviour as much as possible in respect of caller display/taking messages etc.

He'd like to keep his current number as this is used for lot's of other services he uses due to the disabilities.

If you have any suggestions I'd be grateful!!

Sorry if this is the wrong sub, please recommend others if you think they'd be more suited to my request!

thanks for reading ;-)

12:26 UTC


I am so lonely

I haven’t been able to walk for over 10 years. I have RA, degenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia. I’ve gained so much weight and I can’t even look in a mirror. My life is falling apart and I feel like I’m going to have a nervous breakdown. My 2 adult kids don’t help me with anything, my husband enables them because he feels guilty. I need some help, please.

23:06 UTC


Husband yells when we discuss medical issues

I'm disabled from God only knows what. I've been declining for 3 years.

Bizarre blood work but no + test to diagnose anything. Optic neuritis for over a year with permanent vision loss (2/3 visual field gone). Constant body aches and pain. Inflammation out of control. Psiorasis. Connective tissue damage with no known reason. Glaucoma and daily headaches.

My mental health is drastically bad. Anxiety dreams every week.

I have seen every speciality ortho, optho, endo, rheum, derm and GP and not one dr wants to collaborate or dig to find the root cause.

I'm tired of not being helped. I don't want to be cured but a damn diagnosis would be nice so I can be treated.

I feel like I have to investigate all this for myself bc no dr will. Isn't that their job. Then when at home I want to release that frustration my husband yells.

Why is it so damn hard?

17:52 UTC


ADHD and Flight Anxiety - Sensory Hell!

I'm 21F and have ADHD with lots of anxiety, and I am due to fly from a UK airport to go on holiday this week. I have always had really intense airport and flight anxiety - particularly with going through security and then the process of taking off and landing. I constantly feel I am doing things wrong and that I've forgotten something and that I'm going to be late. I have cried several times going through security in the past and then felt ridiculous afterwards lol. Airports are something that really scares me, as well as with the sensory hell that is taking off and landing. I'm hoping to speak to the assistance desk when I arrive and get a lanyard, which may mean I am able to go through a quicker/more relaxed security and get priority boarding - but does anyone have any tips? I've not been on holiday in six years and I'm so excited to go and I really don't want my anxiety to be too overwhelming when travelling.

10:09 UTC


Disability Disclosure at Work Stories (Wanted)

We're looking for people who have had an experience (either positive or negative) with disclosing a disability at work, for a video piece for WorkingNation.

We're looking for real and truthful stories. At WorkingNation, we believe in the power of personal narratives to create understanding, foster empathy, and drive positive change. That's why we're launching a project centered around disability disclosure in the workplace, and we need your voice. Please contact me if you'd like to participate.

05:19 UTC


Hello need help finding a payee service

I am in need of a "payee" and I heard there could be non profits and such that could take over the roll, but my attempts to find anything via searching has mostly lead me to one site or another that talks about courts and other things

I am in NJ US

1 Comment
04:01 UTC


Front cross bag recommendations for college

Hey guys! Hoping I can get an answer here. I have lupus, a double transplant, SFN and hereditary gout. This semester I was diagnosed with lupus but had started to be unable to walk at all and now with starting a 5wk chronic inflammation taper I can walk again but with a forearm crutch. The lupus is currently attacking my hip/knee/back.

I was looking for a backpack that goes across the chest that can fit a notebook or two and some day to day stuff for school like some snacks, pens, my phone, wallet, meds and things like that. I have a north face recon as a normal backpack that holds my laptop and a lot of things if it’s a heavy work day.

It’s becoming harder and harder to use the normal backpack day to day with getting in and out of cars, walking and I’m sure you all understand. Never knew how god damn annoying it would be not being able to use both hands daily. So just something that goes across the chest, doesn’t look like I’m going to war and can at least carry 1 or 2 notebooks for notes. There is an alarming amount of cross bags with a concealed carry spot built in and other tactical stuff.


18:40 UTC


I am struggling with feeling like my disabilities aren't valid enough. I'm Looking for support and to see if anyone can relate.

***Sorry in advance my grammar sucks and my punctuation is worse. I’m doing my best to improve so please don’t be judgmental about those things in the comments. Thank you everyone who is giving up time to read this and I hope you have a great day***

For context:

I’m a very young adult/older teen and I have been diagnosed with level one autism a few years ago. I believe that I have PDA as part of my Nero divergent brain. My psychiatrist also wanted to test for adhd before my insurance stopped. She would say that she highly believes I have it but she can’t officially diagnose me without the Test. I've also been doing research about some of my other health issues because I get presyncope episodes almost every time I stand up from sitting or even sometimes when sitting up after laying. Because of those symptoms I believe I have pots or at least something like it. The presyncope episodes became more frequent and stronger with past two years about going from maybe once during the day to about anytime I stand up or sit up.

My biggest issue right now is that I feel like I should just push past my struggles/disability and that I don’t deserve to/have the right to call my self disable or get to have accommodations. I feel like a fraud because I went through so many years without the accommodations and I survived. I might not have been happy all the time or even most of the time if I’m being honest but I was able to do things on my own for the most part. Now I can barely do anything without having a meltdown, shutdown, anxiety attack or feeling like I’m going to pass out and it’s so hard to deal with it all especially since no one believes I’m disabled. Something about me apparently screams that I’m abled bodied even though It definitely doesn’t feel like I am. The parents that raised me refused to accommodate me in pretty much any way. I just recently moved in with my biological father during the end of 2023. He also sadly doesn’t seem to be able to process the fact that I have a disability. I love him but it is so hard on my mental health when he proceeds to get frustrated with me about the things I either need help with or can’t do because of said disabilities. I feel like I'm the problem and I don't know how to improve if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.

In conclusion I’m just so tired of being alone in my struggles feeling like no one else understands, I’m sick of the fact people can gaslight me about my own disabilities, And I feel like I'm stuck in my own ableism but I can't figure out how to get out.

12:20 UTC


Eating out w/ disabled sis who has severe dietary limitations

Wondering how other folks handle this. My developmentally disabled sister has a lot of dietary limitations. We eat out a lot as a family, but as she's gotten older, my sister isn't able to eat a lot of the foods on the menu. What's the etiquette on bringing food from home for her to a restaurant? Call ahead to see if it's OK? Stay home and get takeout?

We're a big, close-knit family and like to go out a lot. We don't make demands and leave at least a 25% tip. I've worked as a server and restaurant manager, so I know what it's like on the other side!

Any ideas for making this work? My sister loves to eat out and as long as we're able, we want to make this a fun time for all.

02:55 UTC


Does the pain ever stop? Nerve Damage

I have partial paraplegia in my lower half due to a spontaneous bleed in my back which lead to major spinal cord surgery. When I first had the surgery I was not able to move my lower half at all, fast forward 15 months and im able to walk but my left leg is not what it used to be and my legs do not have full control.

Long story short besides my physical disabilities I also suffer from nerve pain. Im having a really hard time adjusting to the consistent pain, its not intense but its killing my mental health. Im always irritable now and im consistently ending up with migraines.

I take gabapentin, cymbalta, baclofen and a few other meds for the pain. I also use cannabis but im still just not adjusting. Right now I have a migraine, my body is pulsing, and my anxiety is building up because of the uncertainty of my future.

Im currently in such an uncertain place I dont know what to do. Everything from finances, to family and friends has just gotten worse because I cant focus like I used to from the pain.

So anyone who suffers from nerve damage does it ever stop? or does it just have a life of its own?

01:59 UTC


Feeling Low

I’m a 26yr old Non-binary person and I’ve recently received an hEDS and POTS diagnosis. I’ve been having a really hard time financially and my job has started giving me a really hard time about my struggles at work. I was in a sling and a boot and they told me I looked like a liability so I was not allowed to work for over a week until I was able to get out of the boot. I’ve been struggling with energy and have been feeling quite shitty. I am now anxious to get back to work since they have been giving me a hard time about everything. It’s all causing me to feel extremely low, lonely, and overwhelmed. Thanks for listening to my rant.

19:57 UTC


Is it weird that I want to use a cane as a disabled 17 year old?

I’m 17 and I live in Upstate New York. You can call me A, I guess. Anyways, I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis four years ago and I’ve been on my current medication for almost 2.5 years. Even though I’m medicated, I can tell my knees are getting worse. It’s been getting harder to shower, bend down, carry anything more than five pounds, and even just walk a few hundred feet. I found that anything stick-life that I can lean on (including, weirdly enough, curtain rods and backscratchers) takes so much weight off of my cartilage-lacking knees and let’s me finally breathe. I spoke to my partner tonight and she thinks a cane would be a good idea, but I don’t think my mom will take me seriously. People will certainly look at me weird and I’m terrified to be gossiped about and labeled as an attention seeker. I’m not an attention seeker. I just want to go on walks without feeling like my body’s going to explode. I feel so helpless. For those of you who have used mobility aids at a young age, how did people around you react and did you have the same doubts as I?

Thanks for reading this long fuckin essay type shit lmfao

02:52 UTC


Should I ask for a wheelchair? (Bad grammar, sorry)

I have weak ankles. Sometimes they just twist when I walk properly. I am a regretfully bedrotter, and I can barely run due to leg pain while doing so. Would it be taboo if I asked for a wheelchair? I'm 13.

18:05 UTC


Does anyone else feel guilty for how much their disability affects others?

I was born with a heart condition and am in the beginning stages of congestive heart failure. I’m aware that I didn’t cause this and the people who love me don’t resent me, but I just feel so bad that I’m not able to be as reliable as I want to be. I feel guilty for being the youngest and robbing my siblings of attention when I was born (hospitalized for months.) No one has made me feel anything but loved, but I go through life feeling like I owe everyone.

20:03 UTC


I think its best to ASK people with actual disabilities, to write my disabled characters respectfully.

Hi! So I am a writer, and I like to handle my disabled characters with as much grace as possible.
I am not physically disabled in a way that matters (although I do have some brain things going on).
So I'll ask here.
Is it problematic to give a Disabled character a mentor with a similar disability?
I'm writing warrior cat nonsense right now. And one of the kittens was born with a twisted leg. It simply did not form correctly and is tied up out of her way. She is essentially a three-legged cat.
The potential mentor lost a leg to a hunting trap as a young adult. She is quite literally a three-legged cat.
Now I think intent matters. Such as giving her this mentor to make sure she does not feel isolated about her disability vs just shoving the two disabled cats into a corner out of the way. But I would like to know if doing this, or something like this is inherently bad?

17:24 UTC


Stair lift in a rental property?

A lot of the homes I’m applying for within my budget have stairs. I have a disabled child who cannot walk at all. He’s also very heavy for me to carry up and down the stairs. I remember hearing somewhere ccs covers the installment of stairlifts but would this fall under fair housing for disabled? Or should I hold out for a single story home?

16:00 UTC


Doing TTW and might lose my job

My direct supervisor says she can see me always keeping busy but someone higher up said I need to produce more product or I'm going to be fired. I make more money working than on SSDI. I'm scared I'm near to facing a big pay cut.

06:14 UTC


Hello everyone

just wanted to say Hi to you all.

21:40 UTC


Applying for UC (I'm in UK) and need assessment for work capability?

I haven't worked in a few years, and don't think I can, in any job. Can someone tell me what this is and what they experienced with it? It's it stressful? Will they make me work with a work coach? For context, I'm transferring from tax credits to UC.

11:55 UTC

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