We are closed in solidarity with the protests against reddit's mismanagement of their community with regards to 3rd party apps.
This subreddit is designated a Safe Space for Transwomen, to the exclusion of all other groups.
"Sissies" & "Traps" will be banned.
This is our space.
If you participate in a subreddit catering to the internet "Sissy" culture, you are minimizing our struggle as Transwomen looking for acceptance in society. Trying to associate your cross-dressing fetish to the struggles of Trans people is an insult to our identity. We are not all striving to become anime cat girls, to "Trap" straight men, or for a daddy to pay for our breasts. The spread of "Sissy" through this platform is degrading to our lived experiences as Transwomen, and reinforces the TERF narrative.
The porn collected here is lovingly moderated to weed out anything that doesn't place overdue emphasis on the Feminine Penis. Your questioning our choices in the pornography we feature isn't welcome. Attempts to invade our space with toxic normalization of masculine penii won't be tolerated. Brigades will be presented to administration.
r/tspee for feminine peen going wee!
r/DickGirlsRadio for the best beats to keep your Feminine Penis swinging.
r/DickGirlsTelevision for everything that looks good on the tube.
r/BestofDickGirls for the very finest Feminine Penis swordfights.
On 6/3/2017, u/agentlame removed two r/dickgirls mods as punishment for what was only described as, "Failure to robustly argue for the Feminine Penis and promote a Feminine Penii-normative safe space." Asking other Feminist subs we find these rules imposed only on us. We've temporarily gone dark† in a show of submission to Admins' vague desires. We can only guess a purging of all masculine penii might bring their favor. Pray for us and stay tuned. /r/dickgirls is a phoenix cock aflame!
† By "going dark", we mean we switched to reddit dark mode. Try it.
1) Anything may be removed without telling you shit.
2) It's all "NSFW". We don't use the label; don't rely on it.
3) Must be an actual dickgirl to post here. No dick pics from regular men are allowed.
4) No Kik, Snapchat, OnlyFans, Discord, Telegram, Twitter or eBegging. Put it in your sub, not ours.
5) No impersonation. Only post pictures of yourself.
6) The only other rules are reddit's site-wide rules. You agreed to a buncha shit when you registered.
Mainly :
- Don't tell people to kill themselves
- Don't post about children
- Don't threaten to hurt anyone physically
- Don't use "Identity Slurs" (sex/uality race, religion)
- Don't doxx ANYONE, even baby Hitler
7) Do not insult the poster in any fashion.
8) Have fun and enjoy your visit
See Our Mod u/TeenagersBannedHere ?
She's a bot that bans you if you've ever posted in a subreddit made specifically for teenagers. Don't bother telling us you're not really a teen and how unfair this is. The more you complain the creepier you sound. We don't want you participating here, nor any of your friends following you in here. Administration can pretend there's no problem with you; we won't.