Diary entries from around the world will be collected and published, preserving a snapshot of human life at the moment.
Writing in a diary is a timeless exercise that helps the writer keep their life in perspective and privately release any cooped-up thoughts. You're encouraged to let it all out in this forum, anonymously or otherwise, and let others read, relate and respond.
For each day, a single post will be selected and stored aside along with the username, date, and geographic location of the writer. At the end of a complete year, a book will be published with thoughts, ideas and stories from many different people in many different countries.
This book will be called the Diary of Earth.
A thread will be created for each day, and selected authors will be rewarded with a free copy of the book.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.
Thread started by the DiaryOfEarth robot.
Share your thoughts.