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    Should there be a easy version of the Raids?

    Hello Guardians,

    today i had a discussion with 2 of my Friends who started playing like a month ago when Destiny 2 and all of the Add ons were in a humble bundle. They told me of their struggles to find a raid group and if they found one they often had people leaving or the group disolving after like the frist 3 encounters and they had to start new many times.

    this is when it came up that the raids of destiny are a big part of the content that is probably never going to get experienced by the majority of the players. this feels like a waste to me. i get it that there should be challenging content which people want to beat. but would it hurt to have like a "super easy" version of the raid after 8 weeks for example the raid released? im totally for giving players that beat the difficult version things like higher drop rates and all that but really why not have a version that everyone can beat?

    i repeat myself but it really fells like a waste to not have players get the weapons, exotics and the experience in the raid. i had no argument against that when i was talking to my friends. nobody gets stuff taken away and more people are able to use a big chunck of the content of the game. i cant see any real argument against it.

    what you guys think about that?

    22:11 UTC


    Is the seasonal content worth playing (for a New Light player)?

    I understand the seasonal model, but for a new light like myself with dozens of quests to do in the primary destinations and the Final Shape so close, should I just work on those destinations and basic plots (I’ve just finished Lightfall but I still have all these other quests)? Or should I ignore all that stuff that will stick around to grind things in the current four seasons (I don’t even know what is good or what disappears when the Final Shape launches)? And then go back and do the things that stuck around after I catch up with everyone else?

    1 Comment
    21:58 UTC


    Better DPS Builds

    I noticed when running dungeons and doing end game content that I’m constantly lacking in dps. I’m a warlock main so I know the main thing is run well and div then call it the day. But even when I’m not running that build I’m lacking in damage. Including my titan and hunter. I have tried making builds and trying different loadouts but nothing I’m always lacking. Any suggestions on builds I could run or weapons I can do instead?

    1 Comment
    21:47 UTC


    Time for a Power Number squish?

    With the recent changes to power, If the new floor is 1900 and cap is 2000 (so a range of 100), why not just make 1900 the new 0 and 2000 would be 100 Power and have the 100 range just 0-100?

    21:46 UTC


    Cross save question

    So I had destiny 2 on ps5. Sold it for a gaming laptop. I understand I won't have dlcs unless I buy them on PC, but will I be able to use cross save to access my account without physically having the ps5 still? I have access to PSN store etc still.

    1 Comment
    21:41 UTC


    I Ported the Destiny 2 Tower into Black Ops 3 Zombies and you can play it right now for free

    I recreated the Destiny 2 Tower into a fully playable Black Ops 3 Zombie map for the Noahj456 Mapping Contest

    You can find it on steam under in the workshop for BO3 or with the link below


    06:08 UTC


    Turning off cross save

    My brother and I have been playing on the same account for years. After I moved out I built a PC and started playing on steam while he keeps playing on xbox. We still play on the same account.

    If I disable cross save will we be able to keep our gear and play together? Is there a way to separate the accounts while keeping progress?

    21:19 UTC


    Climbed Felwinters peak for the first time in years. So many good memories....

    21:01 UTC


    Tormentor immune?

    Has this happened to anyone? Luckily it was only on wave 3 but went immune and killed the ADU. Couldn’t draw it away either.

    20:55 UTC


    Upcoming Power Changes and the Difficulty of Making Us Feel Powerful

    With the latest power info and just the overall progression of power as a mechanic throughout Destiny's history, we've had this push and pull between power as barrier to entry, power as a means of feeling stronger and stronger as number go up, and in more recent years, the difficulty across the game.

    Now, my main thought here is wouldn't it be cool to have a separate activity that actually took your power into account outside of simply dropping your power to scale difficulty?

    I'm sure someone else can come up with a better analogy here because my brain is failing me currently, but, the general concept is:

    The activity is similar to the coil where you are given combatants at a base level that just about any player can get through, but, instead of the next rounds giving you a power deficit regardless of power, the enemies have static power levels that yours is directly competing with.

    Example: You are at 1810, the combatants are at 1800, they increase as you clear these waves/levels/instances whatever you want to call them, where you will eventually be completely outclassed.

    The catch is, you can power grind to succeed at higher levels, so with the artifact or whatever you could hit say something like 1820 or 1830, and get to floor 20 where you were getting slaughtered at 15 the week prior.

    The general idea here is to give your excess power some meaning to it, because with the way the game is now more power is basically useless when you reach a certain point.

    Just a thought really, curious what everyone thinks about a system like this

    20:47 UTC


    Quick question

    Is there any problems with using a MnK on console strictly for pve? Would like to get a pc in a few months and was wondering if I could start practising before getting the pc.

    I play on ps5 if that makes any difference.

    20:23 UTC


    Bungie Store Packaging

    I’ve bought bunches of things from the EU store. And it’s become more and more egregious on the excess packaging. Seals are bad enough, but this t-shirt I just got is taking the michael. Get some Exec types from your ESG committee on it. Pretty sure you will have a corporate mandate around being ‘green’ somewhere.

    1 Comment
    20:16 UTC


    Solar Titan: Does Ember of Benevolence Regen buff stack with other ability regen sources like HoIL, Hallowfire or Sol Invictus?

    Trying to see if there’s a valid Solar Titan built around ability Regen that goes beyond what you can get from a single source (not including other fragments that reduce cooldowns through actions). Originally The idea was to trigger Benevolence from Sunspots in order to come up with a good reason to actually equip Phoenix Cradle.

    I understand Precious Scars or a weapon with Heal Clip pretty much achieves the same thing and very effectively, but like I said, I want to see if there’s a viable build for Phoenix Cradle and if not, is there a way to buff my own ability Regen further by combining sources. HoIL is the classic form of this but I just want to use other Exotics first if possible.

    20:05 UTC


    Can my brother gift me the witch queen dungeon key?

    We’re both in ps5, so he can’t buy me silver as a gift. Are you able to gift the dungeon key in game? Any help would be greatly appreciated

    19:55 UTC


    Pantheon/raid spoils

    Have bungie confirmed if we will get raid spoils from pantheon?

    19:42 UTC


    Is there a chance the chainsaw man emote comes back?

    I started playing again recently and want to get the emote but if I can just use my bright dust I'd prefer that over spending 10 dollars on silver.

    1 Comment
    19:40 UTC


    Does anyone have an accurate estimate on how much Percent a battery heals a decoy in Legend Onslaught?

    Especially when the decoy is at Shaxx level, no one wants in destroyed. Some just hit it until it stops blinking and assume it’s at 100%. Others give it several extra hits to make sure it’s full health. If a decoy dies especially if a tormentor spawns in the 40s, it can possibly end the run. However hitting it repeatedly after 100% HP is obviously a waste of time.

    Is there any way to tell when Shaxx is full HP? It seems if Shaxx takes a small amount of damage (from 100% HP) aren’t the visuals the same? If so there would be a range from X% - 100% HP where Shaxx would look like he is 100%.

    Knowing an estimate of the different stages (when the visuals change) of HP would be helpful too.

    Anyone tested how much a battery heals a Shaxx level decoy in Legend Onslaught?


    18:31 UTC


    Make the Ruinous Orb melee attack spread poison with Necrotic Grips.

    This would be an amazing change. It's already a fun gun, getting the orb and beating things into oblivion with it, now imagine the melees spread poison with Necrotics on...

    I think every other Warlock melee type ranged and close spreads posion, including objects that you can carry like batteries etc. It would only make sense that the Ruinous orbs do the same, since they are legitimately a melee attack. That is all.

    19:19 UTC


    They should remove the ready up feature from fireteam finder

    Joining the FF should count as being ready, it’s annoying waiting an extra 3 minutes for someone to ready up

    19:16 UTC


    FYI, "Calus's Selected" shader on the Mountaintop gives Holofoil a run for its money

    Was struggling to find a good shader for my God-rolled-but-not-shiny Mountaintop and gotta say Calus's Selected looks almost (if not as) good as the Holofoil IMO.

    Wish I could say the same for the others but alas I have yet to find a shader that competes with Holofoil on any of the other Brave weapons beyond MT (doesn't hurt that the shiny MT doesn't seem to pop as much as the other ones do).

    19:14 UTC


    Mouse Freezing every few seconds HELP.

    I'm a returning player after 2 years, however I have this problem. Every few seconds my mouse would stopped moving. While it was stuck, I can still shoot and all of that but I just can't move my camera. Does anyone know how to fix this cause Destiny 2 is the only game that has this weird problem?

    19:05 UTC


    Is all armor the same?

    Is all 1810 armor the exact same? Should I just max out ones I got for free from lord shax?

    I don’t wanna waste my prisms and I’m new to this. Do I just pick the armor that looks the best because they’re all the same?

    19:03 UTC


    Worries on prismatic hunter

    Does anyone else feel like prismatic hunter really only has one play style and is already shoehorning everyone into the same melee and aspects? It feels like having 3 different aspects tied to the class ability is really limiting, and all of the builds people are thinking of are basically the same; Combination blow + winter's shroud + threaded specter. Like don't get me wrong I do genuinely believe that this will be a strong combination but I also feel like I don't want to ever use gunpowder gamble since it'll take away from my potency. Maybe I am just being crazy into being optimal but it feels like that's the only real synergy within the subclass and the rest kind of stick out like they don't belong or would kind of play into themselves rather than synergizing with the class as a whole.

    Also if anyone else has thought of a cool build that isn't combination blow plus dodge I'd love to hear it

    19:01 UTC


    How Dungeons should work in The Final Shape

    There have been countless posts essentially complaining about dungeons, dungeon farming, etc. The summary of all this is Dungeons are pretty frustrating to play, or even farm, which leads to them being pretty dead (outside of a reprisal or that weeks rotations).

    The main complaints are the lack of ability to target farm anything, parred with the very low RNG chance of even getting 2 perks you are after. If you are trying to farm Artifice Armor, and cosntantly get weapons, or Class Items, it feels FRUSTRATING! If you are trying to farm weapons, and constantly get armor, or class items, its also super frustrating!

    If I was given 3 "wishes" on how to Revamp Dungeons in the Final Shape, here is what I would do.

    CHANGE 1: Every Dungeon Encounter Drops 1 Weapon and 1 Armor Piece

    This allows you to farm any encounter, and minimally get 1 weapon and 1 armor piece. So no more running a dungeon encounter 5x and getting 5 armor pieces when trying to get a weapon.

    Yes - this means that EVERY Ogre Encounter in Grasp, would provide a Matador. Is that a problem? I don't think so. BUT! If Bungie considers this a problem, simply expand the loot pools so every encounter has 2 weapons (you could add 1,000 Yard Stare to Ogre, and Eyasluna to the second encounter for example. OR you could simply have Hero of Ages and Matador be on the first TWO encounters, saving the Sniper and HC for only the final encounter, lots of easy ways to handle this!).

    CHANGE 2: MASTER ALSO Drops 1 Weapon and 1 Armor every encounter.

    The MASTER Armor drop is Artifice Armor.

    The MASTER Weapon drop should add a bonus perk in Column 4. So it drops with 2 perks instead of 1.

    This would encourage people to ramp up the difficulty and farm Master Content, rather than regular content. Both the Armor and the Weapon are better. Less RNG on good stats (thanks to Artifice Slot) and thanks to the EXTRA PERK in the 4th column! Making it worth the farm, and less RNG to get an acceptable roll.

    CHANGE 3: ALL Dungeons should have a Master Variant!

    • Ghosts of the Deep. (Has Master)
    • Duality. (Has Master)
    • Spire of the Watcher. (Has Master)
    • Grasp of Avarice. (Has Master)
    • Prophecy. (NEEDS MASTER)
    • Shattered Throne. - (NEEDS MASTER)
    • Pit of Heresy. - (NEEDS MASTER)

    Prophecy: Just had its loot reprised, and would GREATLY benefit from a Master Variant!

    Shattered Throne: Weapons came back, reprised with Season of the Wish, however once the vendor/upgrades are gone in TFS. and the Coil is gone... The Season 23 versions should be moved to Shattered Throne Dungeon, and add a Master Variant of the Dungeon as a way to "farm" for these in the future.

    Pit of Heresy: Could use a "Prophecy" reprisal, with added Origin Traits to the loot pool, and a Master Variant of the Dungeon.

    18:58 UTC


    What are "Song of the Light" Warlock Bonds' perks?

    I was wondering for those who still play D1 and have access to this item, what are the perks associated with this Warlock Bond?

    "Song of the Light" — Item — Ishtar Collective — Destiny Lore by subject

    18:56 UTC


    Where the heck can a guy go to get help with Legend Onslaught?

    Essentially the title.

    I've been trying since the mode dropped to get a 50 clear in Legend Onslaught. I've only gotten ONE normal onslaught 50 clear since the mode has dropped. Between the leavers at wave 20 and the people who spend all their scrap on upgrading the tripmines, I honestly don't know if it's more or my teammates and I'm really at my wit's end with trying to get the triumph for the emblem. I've tried the Discord LFG and nobody responds, and fireteam finder is hell where we never seem to be able to pass wave 35. I don't have any friends who play so I've been having to rely on LFG for everything for years and while it's generally always been a shitshow, it's never been this bad.

    I've tried both Orpheus Hunter and Solar Well Warlock and no matter how hard I try to support my teammates, play safe, and keep myself alive I cannot get a 50 clear. Is there somewhere a guy like me can go to get some help?

    18:47 UTC


    I am serious worried about the outlook of the Warlock class in Final shape

    The two major support supers ward of Dawn, for titans and well of radiance for warlocks. These two supers are rumored to be Nerfed in the Final shape and well of radiance will not be a super for Prismatic subclass…. That’s oooode.

    Solar well is my favorite warlock build because it’s the closest thing to a sunsinger. I don’t like the stasis super it’s imo not to beasty. Osmiomancy gauntlets are fire tho. I love the strand super but its tracking gets wonky at times. Nova bomb is a nice one and done super. Arc supers I am mixed about. But solar was always my favorite.

    Also, I like the transcendence grenades for Hunter that fire and ice dualities kind of cool and for Titans they get lightning cables with their strand and arc abilities. Now warlocks have void and stasis if I use my imagination, I can see different things work out pretty cool but I just felt like there’s no balance like we really need a third darkness subclass to mix stuff up a bit.

    Bungie nerfing the two major support sub class supers is wild. A lot of endgame content is completed with one of those figures in the game.

    To me one of the most satisfying things being a support character and fire teams is when it gets so bad and everybody’s pushed to the corner and I drop a well and just see everybody regroup to me and they just unleash all mayhem it’s super motivating thing for the team.

    I think their goal is to have this whole. Everyone can be everything in the game, but I do like personality with the characters that we play. I love the different classes. They’re so valuable in their own way once you take that apart I feel like it’s gonna make teamwork a little weird.

    18:36 UTC


    There should be more "counter" exotics in the game

    By counter exotics, I mean exotics that exist to counter other things (hopefully, in addition to another buff). After seeing the Dread, and how much they can use Stasis and Strand, and then Tormentors with Void, and that stupid Stasis Captain in the pyramid ship in Onslaught, I would love to have more ways to counter elemental buffs and debuffs.

    The only two exotics in the game that I can think that specifically do this are Path of Burning Steps, which makes you harder to Slow and Freeze with Stasis, and Collective Obligation, which provides the gun with any Void elemental debuff you're afflicted with. There are other exotics that are "counters", but not necessarily to an elemental debuff. Liar's Handshake counters melee damage, One-Eyed Mask counters being shot.

    In PvE, these could provide a decent bump to some ability to weapon, but also, equipping the exotic would be beneficial if you knew there would be a lot of elemental debuffs being inflicted. In PvP, if another team is abusing a debuff, you could simply counter it; at the cost of harming other parts of your build, of course. Another thing I'd like to see is these counters being random rolls on exotic class items, so you can double up on them; leading to things like "You are harder to Slow and Freeze with Stasis and harder to Suspend and Sever with Strand." That kind of thing.

    Some ideas I've thought of for Hunter (Arc), Warlock (Solar), and another gun (Strand):

    Hunter: While Amplified, Dodging with Flow State equipped causes all attacks to be reflected, and Ascension and Tempest Strike reflect debuffs back to the enemy. Getting debuffed Blinds nearby enemies, and getting Arc debuffed instantly recharges your Dodge and makes you Amplified. Defeating an enemy with a melee while Amplified Jolts nearby enemies, and defeating any Jolted target spreads the Jolt around them.

    Warlock: Solar precision kills or repeated Solar precision damage on a Scorched target causes them to Ignite. Causing a Solar Ignition or being damaged by a Solar Ignition grants you Restoration x1 and Scorches nearby enemies. Scorching a target or being damaged by Scorch grants you Armor Charge and Cures nearby allies.

    Weapon, Strand 180 Hand Cannon: While both you and an enemy player are in midair (Suspend included), you deal extra damage to them (~15% PvP, ~30% PvE). After getting damaged by a Strand debuff or rapidly defeating 5 Strand-debuffed targets, this buff is increased, and lingers. (~60% PvP, ~100% PvE. Lasts for 5 seconds, kills refresh the timer)
    Catalyst: Shooting an enemy while debuffed with Strand inflicts that same debuff back to them. +10 Range, +10 AE.

    18:23 UTC


    Really confused about high stat armor?

    As the title says. I get the whole having triple 100 stats, but how do I know what to focus? On that note, for Titan what would I focus on?

    18:15 UTC


    Bungie, if you want a way to allow players to get their old weapons back then add them to xur.

    I want my breachlight and perfect paradox back, I beg bungie.

    18:06 UTC

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