
Photograph via snooOG

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Advice on what to do next about your red skin rash or bump.

A place to receive expert opinion about your skin concerns. Questions and answers regarding conditions of the skin nails and hair

This subreddit is not a replacement for seeing a board certified dermatologist. This subreddit is here for informal second opinions, and minor problems that you wouldn't go to the doctor for anyway.

The statements of anonymous people on the internet is not a substitute for medical care, if your condition is worsening please go to your primary care provider, If you are having an emergency please go to the nearest hospital or call your location's emergency number (911) in the USA, (999) in Britain, (112) in most of the European union, (000) in Australia, and (111) in New Zealand.


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Is this mole concerning?

I'll preface this with. I do not currently have a primary care physician or a dermatologist and so the wait time on an appointment is forever.

That being said, I noticed this mole appear within the past month or so. Aunt, it looks a little interesting to me and I'm concerned of some type of melanoma or skin cancer. Can anyone give me some insight if this is worth having somebody look at?

1 Comment
17:21 UTC


Post waxing

How do I get rid of this? This happened after a few waxing sessions. I cannot afford laser. Any remedies to get rid if this? It’s on both my legs.

1 Comment
17:18 UTC


Does anyone recognize this rash?

There are more photos in the link. It popped up like 3 days ago and then faded and came back today. It is slightly raised. The skin is not broken and I have zero itching. It seems to be exclusively located from my knees to my upper thighs and then my elbows to my shoulders. I am making an appt to speak to a dermatologist tomorrow but i figured I would ask if anyone has seen anything similar!

1 Comment
17:13 UTC


Rash on neck


I had this rash a few weeks ago but it is not clearing up and it’s on both sides of my neck. I was wearing a uniform for a new job at the time and I thought it might be rubbing against the skin on my neck but its still not gone. Any ideas?

1 Comment
17:00 UTC


Glycolic peel

Does glycolic peel work on Seborrheic Keratisis? Or any other acid or cream?

1 Comment
16:55 UTC


Can I fix these dark, rough spots on my knees? 🥲

I have had these dark spots on both knees for 5+ years now and I’m so self-conscious about it. I have young kids so I’m down on the floor a lot playing with them, but not enough that I think I’d have callouses on my knees. My blood work is always fine, so it’s not diabetes related or anything like that (I’ve had all of that tested within the last year or so).

When I shower, I try to remember to exfoliate them with like a foot pumice stone lol and I have Eucerin “roughness relief” urea and ceramide lotion that I put on them. Is there anything else I could do to help this??

1 Comment
16:53 UTC


What are these spots that keep coming on my chin. They’re on both sides for some reason and I never use to get them

16:50 UTC


Itchy back rash

Does anyone know what this is.

. Started in March and was itchy but smaller area and went to gp in April prescribed Daktacort cream (mild steriod and fungal) . However just stopped itching a few days later so never needed the cream

Roll forward to July and starts itching again and more all over my back . Started using cream 3 days ago but if anything’s it’s worse . Really itchy

I am 52 and having some night sweats ?

Not changed any clothes stuff

Got gp appt on 8 august (first I could get )

Find it hard to stop scratching which is what the dots are scabs where I scratched

Skin looks more pigmented too but think might been like that before and have been on holiday .

I don’t care how it looks as cover it up but it’s so itchy

Any ideas ?

1 Comment
16:37 UTC


This thing appeared on my leg. What is it and what to do?

1 Comment
16:34 UTC


What are these white bumps on my chest?

24M - as a bit of background, I had pretty bad chest acne as a teenager. I took accutane, which definitely helped clear it up. I also have very thick, fast growing chest hair that partially obscures these white bumps, but even then they’re still pretty prominent. Does anyone have any idea what these could be (I’m assuming some type of scar?). If they are scarring, I’m guessing not much can be done, but if anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.

1 Comment
16:29 UTC


2 bumps

Anyone know what this is? I already got checked for std it isn’t that

1 Comment
16:09 UTC


Hey. Any idea what this can be?

1 Comment
16:05 UTC


What is this? How can i cure it?

The outside which has a crack is yellow and oily and doesn't stop secreting. The center isnt secreting anything nor does it have a scab so i assume its fully healed. There are also small balls on the side that are secreting oil. I think I got this from boxing gloves i was using that were irritating the location and probably got an infection. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

16:04 UTC


What is this?

Had this thing for 1 and a half months now, idk what these are, im thinking theyre stretch marks but still not sure...

15:49 UTC


Random baldish patch on my arm where the hairs are either super short or nonexistent. My other arm is normal in the same place (18M)

1 Comment
15:46 UTC


What are these spots?

I always have dry skin on these 2 particular spots. From time to time it is more visible than other times. Now it is dry and the skin is loose on these spots. When I remove the loose pieces of skin I end up with these red spots.

I use day cream for super dry skin on these spots, but skill got this issue. Does anyone know the cause of loose skin on these particular spots and how to get rid of them?


15:35 UTC


what is this, advice please

Hello everyone, my coworker has had this growth for 4+ years and he thinks it appeared after a pimple. He initially thought it was a scar but it turned into this and it has grown over time. Is this seborrheic keratosis or something else? Thank you so much

15:20 UTC

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