
Photograph via snooOG

Power to the people. It's the democracy subreddit!

Freely discuss, but stay on the topic of democracy, not just politics.

Seeking to build a robust, vibrant community where we discuss world events from a small-d democratic perspective.

Democracy is a more fertile subject than you may think. One has only to look at the many types there are to see that. It's the system that runs our world and gives humanity freedom and self-determination, so it's continuously relevant. From election fraud to electoral reform, protest movements to pure theory, this is the home for people who believe in the power of democracy.

Let's discuss your ideas.

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Here are a list of Freedom and Democracy Indices to look at:

-Human Freedom Index by The Cato Institute 2016

-Democracy Index by the Economist Intelligence Unit 2016

-Index of Economic Freedom by Heritage 2017

-Economic Freedom of the World by Frasier Institute 2016

-Freedom in the World by Freedom House 2017

-Freedom on the Net by Freedom House 2016

-Freedom of the Press by Freedom House 2017

-Nations in Transit by Freedom House 2017 (This report tracks democracy in countries that were formerly communist from Central Europe to Central Asia)

-Worldwide Press Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders 2017

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Keep America Afloat - Vote. New Music Video

1 Comment
20:39 UTC


THE PIT OF LOST SHEEP (A Christian Documentary)

19:44 UTC


Talking Democracy Blues

05:00 UTC


What's Democracy without Presidential choices?

How can (USA) consider ourselves a Democratic Nation and only have the choice of 2, yes 2, old men over 80 to vote for in our coming Presidential Election???? I'm confounded by this! Both of them are crazy and loosing their minds. Is this for real??? How does that make USA the BEST country on earth? I want choices in Presidential leadership; as a USA citizen and voter am not being offered any! What happened to all the way up to 4 years ago there was a panel of Republicans and Democrates that would go debate for being elected? The other contenders dropped out bc they didnt have enough money to stay in the race? WTF? So only wealthy men with lots of private funds/ backing can be President of The United States of America? The press just keeps pushing Biden and Trump forward without mention of any one else that are potential choices. That's some serious BRAIN WASHING! Never mind the very qualified young men and women who could actually get this country on a good path again without all the SERIOUS CORRUPTION. Stop this weakening state of our Country before its too late! STOP it NOW! This is a very scary time. Who we email, who do we write, what do we do. Are we really this helpless, are the People of the United States of America really this powerless, confused, unconcerned, ignorant, blind, convinced that no matter what

19:06 UTC


Why do we need democracy

The essence of democracy

Lets start with something easier, like the essence of autocracy. Well, everyone knows that it is minority benefits the most or minority violence.

Then what is the essence of democracy?

Is it the majority that benefits the most? no

Is it majority violence? no

Minority incites majority violence or, more simply, minority violence.

Therefore, as we see, the essence of democracy is the same as the essence of autocracy, or maybe you can say that democracy is a kind of autocracy. You might say that if it is, why do we still need democracy? It's clear that if we use that system of democracy, we can bring more sense of participation for people. Therefore, we can know that in the future, it's clear that more and more countries will use the system of democracy, but not for bringing the rights of the people; it's for more sense of participation. Democracy is a better kind of autocracy.

13:04 UTC


Is democracy good

I seen many people saying democracy is bad but i have reasons why is good and based its not perfect but its okay

15:32 UTC


What does agonistic pluralistic democracy look like?

The first and most noted strand of radical democracy is the agonistic perspective, which is associated with the work of Laclau and Mouffe. Radical democracy was articulated by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe in their book Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics, written in 1985. Laclau and Mouffe claim that liberal democracy and deliberative democracy, in their attempts to build consensus, oppress differing opinions, races, classes, genders, and worldviews. By building democracy around difference and dissent, oppressive power relations existing in societies are able to come to the forefront so that they can be challenged. Rather than attempting to wholly eliminate conflict in the political, which agonistic pluralists maintain is conceptually impossible, agonistic pluralism is the model of democracy which attempts to mobilize these passions "towards the promotion of democratic designs." Agonistic pluralists emphasize how the construction of group identities relies on a continuous "other"; this us/them conflict is inherent to politics, and it should be the role of democratic institutions to mitigate such conflicts. The role of agonistic pluralism is to transform antagonistic sentiments into agonistic ones. As Mouffe writes, "this presupposes that the 'other' is no longer seen as an enemy to be destroyed, but somebody with whose ideas we are going to struggle but whose right to defend those ideas we will not put into question." Agonistic pluralists view this conversion of "enemies" into "adversaries" as being fundamental to well-functioning democracies and the only way to properly limit domination.

How would the institutions of a radical agonistic democracy structurally differ from a conventional one? The bit about respecting other's viewpoints seems more like a personal idea than a political one. Does anyone have any thoughts?

1 Comment
03:10 UTC


Dumb puck

19:46 UTC

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