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We can never truly cease to exist after being conceived because energy can't be destroyed or created.

10:30 UTC


Love is more important than knowing it all. We spend a lot of time trying to uncover the secrets of life and the universe, thinking that it will lead us to happiness and fulfillment. But as we aim to gain more knowledge, we sometimes forget the most important thing. To love.

I think it is important to realize that the knowledge we have today will eventually fade away. What we know today might become completely irrelevant in the future. We have to understand that knowledge by itself is incomplete and we can never know everything perfectly. However, that´s okay cause we don´t need to know everything perfectly. We need faith and love that thrive on the knowledge we have in each moment. Even if someone had the gift of knowing all, the gift of knowing all the secrets and having all the knowledge to move mountains, if they lacked love, they wouldn´t have much.

In today´s information-driven society, we tend to believe that our problems stem from the lack of knowledge, and we are trying hard to know everything knowable. However, even if we knew future events and could accurately predict all the consequences of every choice, it wouldn´t necessarily make us happy. It can make our lives easier, but it won´t make them more fulfilling. As we aim to gain knowledge we often overlook our imperfect humanity. Love doesn´t judge people based on what they know. Love can´t be replaced with knowledge. With power and knowledge, we can create impressive things and others might say we have supernatural power. Without knowledge, we wouldn´t be able to build houses, computers, or do much of anything. Knowledge and power make our lives easier, but I don´t think they make them more meaningful. Love does that, and often without any knowledge with the humble power of simple words and gestures.

Love endures, whereas knowledge disappears, or gets replaced by another, or fades away. Loving requires the courage to live and act even in the middle of uncertainty and powerlessness. Love takes steps even when it doesn´t know where to go, especially then. That´s what gives us true freedom. We can´t never know what others are going to do or how we will respond and we also don´t always know completely what the consequences of our choices will be. Love doesn´t vanish in the absence of knowledge. And we need more love in times of uncertainty. When everything else is lost, love reliably shows the way.

08:25 UTC


Guard your mind and your peace, as if your life is dependent on it.


06:05 UTC


Believe in your peace

1 Comment
03:34 UTC


You cannot intellectualize yourself into Heaven/Nirvana etc..

Hello all!
You cannot intellectualize yourself into Heaven/Nirvana etc…
You feel/dance/cry/live/be emotional/ yourself there

To me, religion and all the proverbs and beliefs are re-assurance, which in itself is intellectualization. Seeking reassurance is a trap that leads no where, seeking re-assurance cannot make you wiser.
Therefore, it’s unproductive to ask for reassurance, it serves no driving purpose forward, but only stunts your growth. If anything, it’s a baseline to fall back on, like a tree branch off a cliff… you’re meant to fall, it’s just sometimes we get scared so we want to slow down. Maybe that’s a reason though? To elevate the unwise to a baseline where they can then be wise themselves. Or to elevate yourself with a baseline so you fall from heaven to a tree branch not far below.
That is that paradox of life, that there is no reason to intellectualize, intellectualization is the devil.
The only way out is through

Intellectualization in this sense is thinking / using your frontal, danger seeking, lobe. In its entirety, it’s a verb used for avoidance of emotions. For all we know is all we feel.
Even right now, the intellectualization of me intellectualizing, is avoidance,

It’s paradox to ask another to reassure me in these thoughts, as they are my own and for me.

17:06 UTC


World peace is our decision, and we can make it right now

World peace means peace among humans. Which means the decision has to start from us.

The only thing we all have to agree on is to set aside our pride and respect our fellow humans regardless of how they act, how they look, where they’re from, their opinions etc.

I know us humans are pretty judgemental of our fellow humans but consider this:

(1) You’re about 99.9% the same genetically as any other person. We’re almost the same as anyone else regardless of how they look or act etc.

(2) Your behaviour, beliefs, etc. are heavily influenced (if not 100% determined) by your situation/ the life you have lived so far.

People who behave really badly were probably treated really badly. You don’t have to be their best friend but understanding where it could be coming from goes a long way.

Same with beliefs. If someone has a different belief than you, it’s because they trusted someone who told them it was true and it’s probably helped them in some way so far. You can feel pity for them that they didn’t have the same situation as you or even that they were tricked. Just don’t get angry and try to understand where it came from.

(3) There are issues facing our whole world right now - we will NEED to work together to fix them. It’s hard to respect each other but making the decision would be worth it.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Are you willing to accept your fellow humans to promote peace? :)

23:11 UTC


Time and money are interchangeable. You can always spend more of one to get more of the other…

That is all

12:16 UTC


The hero provides a bubble of protection and a villain provides an additional pressure to life.

A bubble of protection provides comfort and comfort encourages weakness. No need to save yourself if someone else will do it for you.

A pressure offers an organism growth and pressure creates greatness. To save yourself from a villain, what need is a hero?

In the long term, which is better for humanity?

For humanity to wait for and have a savior or for humanity to become a formidable opponent to a villain?

21:12 UTC


Leaving your " mark on the world" might just be a platitude

Bit crazy to think you cant really " leave your mark on the world" today in the same way people could centuries ago.. today theres simply too many people for anyone to be different enough to leave their mark on humanity. when them historian fellas be looking throughout. the past none of us will be visible. you know who will be though? a guy like adolf hitler. for all the wrong reasons.. yet he'll still be remembered in history to come. but you me and other billions of good people who strive to be good and make their mark on the world through goodness? all be forgotten. unless one of us did the dick move of pushing that big red button to send the nukes and start WW3 none of us will be remembered.

It is what it is. where to from here?

19:42 UTC


Honesty is self-respect

14:01 UTC


Humanity is lost in a sea of symbols and it shows. A great deal of the population doesn't understand how to interpret Symbolism.

If you didn't know, language is Symbolism. Often to properly interpret the symbols you see, one must find it's root meaning.

The population is being manipulated by those that do comprehend Symbolism.

Without understanding where something comes from, the destination is nearly impossible to reach.

If an image(a symbol) is worth a thousand words, it shows that the symbols we use can also be worth a thousand words, leaving our past to interpretation we can't seem to agree upon.

13:52 UTC


nostalgia is a rebellion against time

11:42 UTC


Reality can be defined and ordered objectively through the subjective lens of a human mind through observation/experimentation of animal behavior and natural law

  1. Primary Mission of Organisms - Continuance of Genome (Survival/Replication)
    1. Ancillary Task - Accumulation of Assets
      1. Energy
      2. Shelter
      3. Wisdom
      4. Technology
      5. Friends
      6. Currency
  2. Physical Explanation - Reality is fundamentally composed of matter and energy
    1. Reality is deterministic and ordered by natural law
    2. Sapient cognition, consciousness, emotions, and behavior arise from the interactions of physical elements in the brain and body
    3. Knowledge and understanding is obtained through empirical observation and experimentation
  3. Sapient Morality/Ethics Explanation - Values exist in the external world independently of and external to comprehension of these values
    1. These values can be found and known
    2. They must be used as principles for sapient judgement and conduct
  4. Sapients shall not harm sapients
    1. Exception
      1. Defense of Self
      2. Defense of Others
      3. Defense of Property
      4. Will of Owner
  5. Sapients shall not harm property
    1. Exception
      1. Defense of Self
      2. Defense of Others
      3. Defense of Property
      4. Will of Owner
  6. Sapients shall not steal
  7. Sapients shall not lie
  8. Sapients shall mate only with the sapient/mentally capable/mature in a safe and consensual manner
02:10 UTC


Your personality is your personal reality.

18:10 UTC


No tree can reach Heaven without its roots touching Hell. In the process of growing, you're going to piss off both sides of mentality, especially if balance is the goal.

16:24 UTC


Our existence can’t be what we think

I’ve always been curious about what’s on the other side of the universe and what’s on the other side of that and I can’t picture infinity. The only way I can understand the concept of space is that there’s really no such thing. The 3 dimensional world can’t be. Maybe it’s just all in our minds or it’s less than 3 dimensional because if it’s more dimensions you run into more concepts of space with the same problem

13:00 UTC


Everything is in the last place you look

When you lose something and you’re looking for it you always find it in the very last place you look because when you find it, you stop looking

12:43 UTC


Life is what we agree on it to be

There are no rules to the life that we live. No guidelines or boundaries until... there were... Thousands of years we have came to agreements on what society is, what morals one should have, what is good what is bad, what is the purpose of life and what should we be doing with this time. We have agreed upon certain people to be leaders of many, such as kings,pharaohs, sultans etc. we have agreed on what something is worth, what job duties should exist, what rules and laws should be abided by. Every community differing in their own ways but have the general outlook on what this life should be. From the time of wars for land and power , to massive genocides and now to a more somewhat safe modern period of time. What most people believe is that you should grow up get a job get a partner have kids etc. but that is all completely made up. If there was a reset button and we could look through all the years throughout history, who is to say what life would look like now? The endless options just make your mind wander. Life can literally be anything and as long as everyone agrees on it that is now "fact" . I mean this idea gets so much deeper I'm not the best articulate this but it's crazy the endless amount of options life also gives us the little bit of elements that you can find and put together and create magic. Little bits of Metal/wires/plastic and all the sudden we have a camera that can shoot videos of things and can transmute phone calls from around the world in an instant. It's almost like a video game you go gather a few supplies and you unlock the new item but how can one realistically even imagine all the possibilities out of all the things that the Earth provides. Why now out of all the time humans have been on Earth why have we all of a sudden cracked the code and have made what people in the past would think would never exist and would straight up think it's magic. People in airplanes iand cars seems so normal nowadays but how does one even believe that, that was an possibility if you were living just a few hundred years ago. All you know of is horses and swords and stuff like that how can one imagine something so amazing being built out of metal and electric etc. you literally just mix a few small pieces of things that look like they would do nothing on their own and all the sudden you have amazing creations. Animals have like their own ways of survival and techniques they use to live. Everything has a subconscious purpose, or a goal that they aim for but don't even know what it is or why they are doing it. The answers to all of life's questions are probably so much more insane than any of us could fathom. There's no way this was done on accident . There is a meaning to it all , we just aren't fortunate enough to know

06:53 UTC


I think love is a mode that must be actively modeled for kids so that they have a language through which to communicate it to others as they progress in life..

All though we are all born with a capacity to love parents unconditionally, it doesn't last. There always comes a point when explicit--as in particular--validation of certain fundamentals is required. I think that's where even some well-meaning people drop the ball. Failing to grant kids time, not accepting them as they are, giving them things not to treat or reward but out of guilt; all of it says "you don't actually love me." Ignore signs of their mounting distress and it could be a hit to the relationship that persists for the rest of your lives! If the child isn't actively learning what love means, it will be just a word when he's older, not something strong enough to sustain what matters, including the security of future fam. These are facts! How you love your child determines how he loves you, the world and anyone else to be linked with him so take it seriously!

03:41 UTC


We are approaching Simulacra. We won't even need the Matrix. We must turn away quickly.

Jean Baudrillard, in Simulacra argues that current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that human experience is a simulation of reality, even without an actual simulation, which we would not need, as modern life is already a simulation, if not literally.

And this is the truth. When given reality, which we must struggle with, engage with, accept pain from, to gain true happiness, and pornography, fake love, pre-chosen emotions in blockbuster movies, commodified emotions in crappy stories, the individual will always choose the latter.

It is only the overman who sees what is best in the long term. He must pull his fellow men out of their folly, and force them to engage with reality.

And current liberal democracy keeps the overman from doing that. We need a system which allows the violent reorganization of our society, the triump of truth over fiction, the victory of the spirit.

11:03 UTC


Always remember that your calmness under fire is your best defense in any argument or discussion

19:25 UTC


I know all about parents who should never have had kids but it's dawning on me that it's got to be just as hard when you create kids that have no capacity to love "you."

I feel like there are an awful lot of sheer logical people who find lov, sentiment and all that completely pointless and unnecessary. I mean I'm not even talking about people with mental or emotional problems; just those who deal in facts and maybe even those who value dogs and whales above people. They mean no harm whatsoever but have no prob leaving others to clean up the mess. I dread to see what the world will be like when there are no folks left who'd be willing to do that.

19:23 UTC


The truth is a dragon that most minds are terrified to face. Being overly honest is seen as brutal by society.

17:17 UTC


Belief is a powerful thing, whether you choose to believe in something or not believe in something, belief shapes all unconscious bias

Pay attention and discover those hidden unchallenged beliefs

17:09 UTC


Rich or Poor, isolation and compromise of trust warps our views of relationships.

I was watching Born Rich (2003), and I dont judge, and i hope people read this with an open mind, and I just finished a few moments ago. I've been attempting to get my bachelor's in psychology, so keeping the deep thoughts going.

Psychology exploration ahead:

I've been struggling with depression, ocd, and general anxiety mix that in with some PTSD. It sucks when my flashback to traumatic moments is truly like I'm living in the exact moment the trauma happened, and I'm dissisociating so hard my thoughts create this imaginative image of the details. It's hard to escape. Though, with tools of therapy from my sessions and almost learning how our brains function. The rationalizing pragmatism is being worked on.

With that said, after watching the documentary. The overall theme seems like the isolation and distrust of humanity. It truly likes the song, "Money changes everything." It's well known by now in 2024, how money shifts our psyche. It's interesting and finally a homey feeling that isolation and fear of distrust is a human response. I've been attempting to find the human experience in things since I started psychology. I know it can be fear inducing to go to the depths below of our conscience. Some of us, like myself, find escapes without the exploration for the reason and how it came to be. The revelation is sometimes hard to cope.

So this is more of a deep thought on the exploration of feeling. I do like mindfulness. Medication is cool to quell the central nervous systems' interpretation of the subjective environment to our brains. And a professional therapist who is truly there for providing medicine. I know it can be hard to find a compatible professional in aspects of psychology. I just hope humanity understand empathy and not too scared, then give enough they can handle or want.

P.s. I know this is on deep thought. Exploration of human development is the theme and how our subjective environment develops us until we pass away. I'm hoping people realize what altruism and a pinch or handful of empathy can do.

17:07 UTC


I feel like the system is designed to make us feel like we have a voice then the second we want to use it they take it awaym Like a "having your cake and eating it" type situation. I also think this can be applied to anything in life.

16:18 UTC


If you have taught your ego its place, others will call you egotistical. 😂

15:52 UTC


Respect yourself before respecting others

A twist on love yourself before loving others. What do you think about this respect version of an older saying? I feel like this can get nitpicked to shreds but feel free to provide input! More about it, so you need to respect yourself before you respect others just like the love saying. They say you cannot love others before you love yourself. Well, you can't respect others before you respect yourself?

When it's always about offense and not taking responsibility. Seems like a fair trade, maybe people should start with respecting themselves, live better lives, as in treat yourself as good as you treat others. Selflessness can be a curse when you treat others better than you treat yourself. I am looking at the negative first, I mean for sure there is positivity behind selflessness.

Of course, you could be under the illusion you treat others better than yourself, when you clearly do not. I believe I respect myself and respect others. Which came first? I think I respected myself first and then was able to respect others. Since you know, loving yourself before loving someone else is easier said than done.

14:56 UTC


Scientists say the human brain is wired for storytelling. Maybe that's why relationships are basically just elaborate narratives where we're the protagonists, our partner's the quirky sidekick, and the in-laws are the recurring villains.

14:27 UTC


Maybe every apocalyptic event actually happens for those that sufficiently believe in them.

And the rest of us are just left behind with the deflated alternates of those who actually departed.

23:45 UTC

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