View and submit posts containing the wonderful, dark, and largely unknown world in the deepest depths of our oceans.
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Trolling, spamming, or posting pornographic or NSFL content are all subject to immediate ban.
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Make sure what you are posting is real (please post fictional creatures to /r/thedepthsbelow). This includes fan art, collages, sculptures, etc.
Be civilized, and treat other users with respect.
Absolutely no personal information
Post deep sea creatures only! Please, no living things from shallower waters. As a rule-of-thumb, if it is found in the lower (350m) mesopelagic (twilight) zone or deeper, it may be posted here.
Duplicate content will be removed at the discretion of the mod team.
No self-promotion of content from any source (YouTube, Blogs, Websites, etc.) unless you are an active member of the community. You must have at least 5 pieces of quality content submitted to the subreddit for every self-promoted video/article you post.
This zone is exposed to the surface, and receives enough light for photosynthesis to occur. You won't find any deep sea creatures here! Examples of life found here.
This is much deeper than epipelagic, but not the deepest. Creatures from the lower part of this zone (500m-ish) may be posted here. Photosynthesis is stunted here, due to insufficient light penetration. At about 500m, oxygen is greatly depleted. Hatchetfish, Snipe eels, and Stomiidae (dragon and viperfish) are all found in varying depths of this zone.
Alright, this is where it gets deep! At this point, the ocean is pitch black, and many organisms have adapted by becoming bioluminescent (think glowing fish). Many animals here survive on a substance called "marine snow" which is a combination of dead or dying organisms, protists, fecal matter, and other inorganic silt (sand, rock, etc.) Creatures here come in many shapes and sizes, from big, (bigfin squid, 8m in length) to small. (osedax worms, approx 10mm in length)
Just looking at the name of this harsh zone should give you an idea of how deep it is! Few creatures manage to survive the extremely cold waters, and the complete lack of light. The various anglerfish are some of them.
This zone is truly abyssal, and almost completely unexplored by humans. It's name was derived from Hades, the underworld in greek mythology. Here is a chart that details the pelagic zones.
Source: NOAA
Citation for image: Baum, S. (2011). Epipelagic zone.
Educational and scholarly articles are encouraged. If your post is not scientifically verifiable (such as an urban legend), or not based in reality, please consider posting to /r/thedepthsbelow.
We welcome all marine or deep ocean enthusiasts here. You don't have to be a marine biologist to post, but please try to keep your posts factually accurate. False or sensationalist posts may be subject to removal. Citations for articles or information are encouraged, but not required.
ELECTRIC 'DEMON OF THE DEEP' Reported in Puget Sound Near Tacoma https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2024/11/electric-demon-of-deep-reported-in.html - Here's an interesting account of an unknown creature from the waters of Puget Sound in the U.S. Pacific Northwest near Tacoma, Washington.
Just found this while watching a YouTube video. I wanted to know what it was, but I couldn't find any information about it.
High quality close up footage of some awe inspiring deep sea organisms, although with no information on species other than the name.
A friend of mine needs help identifying the original video of this chimaera
(personal) I always thought the barreleye fish was like big but turns out it's small!
Caught in 87m deep
My deep sea hyperfixation made a return to torment me again
Found in Marathon Florida this past week. It had two sets of pincers (shaped like scorpions), spikes and a tail. Didn’t mess with it much, took a picture and put it back in the ocean. What in the world is it??