The go to community for Deadlock, a third person MOBA currently in development by Valve Corporation.
Why do you report me when I try and make a call to push a tower or do a team fight? Why are you reporting me when I call you out for farming whe there is a 3v3 right outside of your farm spot and you continue to farm.
Why do people continue to not use their mics in this game then later after they go 0-8 in lane say it's the teams fault for not helping them early enough.
What the fuck is wrong with the majority of you when someone tries to tell the team what to do after 8 min of silence then you all flame them for "trying to hard" or "it's just a casual game chill out"
Please do all of the people who are trying to win a favor and stop playing or just use yoyr mic to communicate what your doing. If your going to afk farm that's fine just com it. If you don't want to take a fight that's totally fine just say it on the mic.
Please take whatever drugs your therapist has given you to be able to talk to other strangers in public then play the game. You will make it better for everyone who is actually trying to win a fucking game.
i just hate fighting her . its so annoying going to a lane. seeing a single mcginnis then watch as she deploys 5 turrets a healing drone spray thing and then get stunned by the wall to be executed by firing squad as she ults and deploys even more turrets and they do INSANE damage. im sure there is a way to counter this other then maxing sprite and bullet armour
Seriously.... I have been banned from ranked because I told them "noob" and "clown" to two feeder 1/13, 0/11 who refused to stop going solo.
Being answered by other team member with : "get a life" "why so serious" "go in ranked tryharder"
And of course now i can't play Ranked because of that ban... I already CANT play ranked during WEEK because in EU the schedule are totaly fucked, but now this... people abusing reports?
IM ALL For restricting comms when I or anyone insult, racism or go mad in vocal, even in chat, but restricting to play ranked TOTALY is too much, specialy when ppl abuse the report button for being just offended.
You can't report them after they've left the match
As a climb higher up the ranks with Infernus my main Im tending to always be a few thousand behind even though I feel like I'm farming jungle and minions pretty fast, any tips?
Disconnected and rejoined. Unstuck didn't work. Immediately told everyone I was going to abandon. Still 30 min regular queue ban. Okay. Maybe give me an option to report it as a bug? Maybe you get one of these a month? Idk.
Obtained pre seven nerfs, anyone seen or have a screenshot of higher score in a live game?
I cannot believe the objective damage recently in my ranked games. I usually play Haze if that matters but also play a good bit of Wraith, Ivy, and sometimes Paradox. It doesn’t seem to matter who I’m playing as though, I feel like I’m the only one ever trying to take any guardians, walkers, etc. I’m Ritualist V for reference.
Seriously, I come out of the game with nearly 20k objective score and my team will have like less than 3k and I don’t get it! I’m doing a good bit of player damage as well, usually as Haze and Wraith I’ll have both the most objective damage and player damage on my team. I understand it’s not always good to constantly push, I know Haze has great split push potential as well, but seriously I can’t believe other players objective damage sometimes, I have a game where someone that was there the entire time did ZERO and in the same game another person on my team did 250.
I just duo laned with someone and I do spend a good bit of time farming jungle when I can during lane, I don’t always go straight for the guardian but if I’m pretty good on souls then yes I’m pushing it, it’ll be nearly 15 minutes and my lane partner would go farm jungle camps after we kill our lane instead of helping me take the guardian.
I don’t know, maybe I’m doing something wrong or maybe it’s just the characters I’m playing. I just feel like I’ll try to farm for maybe 3 or 4 minutes and when I look up all of my lanes are pushed in as far as possible and my team is doing fuck all and I’m almost always still ahead of my team in souls. It feels like they clear a wave if its crashing into an objective and then just go do other things, I usually clear at least two waves before I farm the side jungle camps so my wave can push a little. But really I feel like I get more souls from my minion waves, I just don’t want to overextend so I try to let the wave freeze or push into my side while I farm the camps on the side.
I don’t know, sometimes I also feel like no one really looks at the map at my rank either. I try to use voice chat as much as possible, but it feels like half the time I’m the only one with a mic or the other half I get made fun of because 1) girl 2) unfortunate voice.
Should I be doing something different? Is it like this at other ranks?
Even in a 3 queue WITHOUT FAIL it will put us all in separate lanes
I'm enjoying the game quite a lot but not enough to play this game solo.
Me and my friends played 50 games to be able to play ranked but I haven't played the game since bc I just don't feel like playing by myself and I enjoy playing with other people.
Has there been any confirmation whether ranked mode is going to be available for parties?
i just wanted to complain about a few things. (120 hrs so far, so i'm pretty new)
1.) Why does every sniper have the ability to fly? Why can they fly for a long time?
2.) Turrets.........Turrets that can slow?!
3.) If i solo a walker, i feel like i should be killed by that walker. Same with guardian.
4.) I suck ass at this game, so past the 30 minute mark, that death timer really sucks. Spending a lot of time this patch each game spectating.
5.) Majestic Leap cooldown being doubled. Pocket fan here, ouch. (Take away all the stats idc i just want that delicious mobility).
Outside of those lil things this game is fun as hell. A+
This is actually messing up your combo. I noticed my wall wasn’t coming off in shorter ranges and i felt like i could do it before. I discovered that it was because i had switched to quick cast. The reason it messes up your combo is because at short range, you need to get your wall off quickly before the swap animation starts, and quick cast makes it so you cast on KEY RELEASE not PRESS, meaning you have very strict timing to pull it off. When you put the wall on instant cast, you simply need to press 4 and 2 in quick succession, and this buffers the wall and will work everytime.
Casual 2000dps
Is there a reason why she can grapple someone and go thru every single wall and get to its destination?
Pretty happy with my score but is not the most fun having to play til 16 cause they didn't even abandon so i had to continue to ball out. 5W2L is something i can laugh at knowing this is what it takes to lose. it was a mix of red and orange rank. Hope everyone else matches go good, and don't let these losses get you down.
But while we were playing no one really knew how and just referenced how different games do it so drop it bellow if you want or share.
Can we extent it until 1am please.... Why did they short the hours?