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Student with Data Center Design Question in the CT/NY/NJ area?

Hi all! I am a senior Civil Engineering student interested in learning more about datacenters, so I'm considering designing one for my senior capstone project with my group of 5. The constraints for the project are:

•	We need to make it to substantial design by the end of the year

•	The project site needs to be within the tri-state area

•	If it were actually constructed, the project cost should be between $50-100 Million (excluding land costs) but this range is flexible

Are there sites in the tri-state where data center projects of this size are plausible/have been built? If so, which specific use cases justify building in the tristate as opposed to further away where it is probably cheaper, and how might this affect the design?

This and any other aspects that you think could help make this an interesting senior project (that I could convince my group to do lol) would be greatly appreciated, thanks

1 Comment
17:28 UTC


Data center technician

Has anyone gone been hired through Microsoft under a contract for data center technician? If so how did the process go and how long did you have to wait till you were able to apply for a actual Microsoft spot

21:07 UTC


Physical cabinet security

We’re in the process of working out a deal with a potential business partner. They’ll have networking equipment (switches and routers) inside our colocated rack. However, they’re highly concerned about physical security… is there an enclosure out there that can cover X amount of RU and lock within a cabinet?

17:06 UTC


Career Questions

Hello all, I'd like to trouble all you DC/critical ops techs for some career questions.

  1. Is there growth in this career field meaning is there a ladder of positions to climb and advance to?

  2. What does the hourly range for someone wirh applicable experience look like (MCOL)

  3. Would a CCNA or any other certs help in terms of getting hired

  4. What locations in the US have a lot of DC jobs

Thank you so much in advance

23:47 UTC


What are the scariest things about data centers?

I've always found the idea of data centers quite creepy. Somewhere between fire suppressing gas, night shifts in vast server rooms, or anything else. I was wondering if any redditors could share their experiences... Am I right?

15:28 UTC


APC NetBotz 755 Environmental Monitors won't send email motion alerts.

14:40 UTC


How long does it take to hear back from google after interview?

Had an interview last week for a data center tech position, I was told I would hear something this week, but the recruiter I was working with was moved to another project.

So I’m not sure if this is a bad sign.

Anyway even if I’m rejected it was an honor to be able to interview. Just wanted to know what’s the timeframe so I can put it out of my mind.

13:39 UTC



Just want to ask , who here is based in Singapore ?

1 Comment
12:11 UTC


Bay Area Oracle DC

Landed a job at Oracle just from 1 interview and got a offer 2 hours after the zoom call. Has anyone worked here? I want to know what the work culture is like before I start soon as an engineer onsite so I know what to expect.

03:37 UTC


Googleyness and Leadership

Is it mandatory for everyone to go through G&L round ? I was put through two technical interviews and I had very mixed feedbacks(as expected). I just want to know if I am wasting my time here because the recruiter put me up for the last round which is G&L.

16:30 UTC


Advice on Rebate Processing with Data Centers (USA)

Hey everyone! I was given some advice to be more open about my ideas so I can both get good feedback and see if I can get out of this rut. So let dive into this.

After working for a few years in energy efficiency, I found a gap in participation of commercial customers. I found most people were willing to talk and generally apply for stuff they had already installed or were building for new construction. Data centers being a big segment.

Currently, I have been attempting to either help data centers to go after these rebate or incentive dollars, or inform them about their opportunities. I have a small network and I try to stay active enough to continue to be part of the conversation. Overall, there are several markets where there are large utility budgets available for rebates Dominion in Virginia, Idaho Power, Arizona Public Service, and even the AEP Ohio area. Each data center can be unique but essentially any major construction or renovation in these geographies can submit for rebates. Amounts can also range but the ones mentioned are usually better than most. My main goal right now has been connect and inform. It has been less than good.

So there are a few issues I wanted to get feedback on:

  1. Any ideas or resources on possible participation already? Utilities are generally protective over the exact details unless given permission to share by the customer.
  2. Do data centers even care about the annual $200,000 - $600,000? It’s basically a rounding error to these investments.
  3. Is this even worthwhile to pursue as an individual? Is it only effective within an organization?

I am open to anything at this point. I wanted to keep my ownership of the one man outfit but I would support any information, help, or whatever to try and get this thing some legs, if it is at all possible.

As a bit of a reference and idea of the application. You can look at APS. If you go to s4btradeally.com you can see the available budget at about $2.3M which could all be taken by 1 data center if they wanted or had the right equipment to submit. I just want to help connect companies to this rebate money around the country. It’s extra tough because I need to start with one before I can continue to help more. I have helped small businesses and I have helped when working for utilities, but can’t seem to help now.

ETA sounds like my little venture was ill conceived. Thanks for anyone who read!

14:10 UTC


Insights on utilization rates?

Hi, im looking for insights regarding the average utilization rates for different types of data centers (especially AI training vs inference), as well as the variability of the usage on all timescales (minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month)

1 Comment
21:43 UTC


Schneider Electric BMS

Has anyone else using Schneider BMS had issues with chrome when accessing the local BMS UI? Was fine a week ago but now has errors only on Chrome. I've tried different laptops, flushed cache etc. I know another sister site has issues as well but no way to gauge if it's a bigger issue

19:54 UTC


Magnetic Floor Mats

Hey, does anyone have a link to the magnetic floormats that you put over vent tiles to restrict airflow? I've been googling for like 30 minutes and can't find any.

18:07 UTC


Rrk interviews

Anyone can give any examplesnof rrk google interview questions for a data technician position?

16:55 UTC


Google Data Center Mechanical Engineer

I have interview(s) coming up soon for the above position. There is not much out there on this, any pointers on what to prepare for is much appreciated.


15:40 UTC


Best Resources to Learn?

Hi - new to the industry for digital real estate and trying to get up to speed quickly. Apart from formal education and learning on the job what are everyone’s favorite news resources and learning opportunities for data centers? Thanks!

06:55 UTC


Data Center Ops Manager

As title as what qualifications do I need to be a manager?

1 Comment
03:33 UTC


DCEO L5 Chief Engr. Am I underpaid.

What is the normal range for DCEO L5? Was offered low and negotiated to a TC of 210k. (Not including year end bonus. Does aws offer any bonus other than initial sign on? 8 years of experience. Location- NOVA

00:57 UTC


Google DTC L2 advice

So I interviewed for the DTC L2 position with Google last week and just heard back today that I passed the 3 rounds. There’s currently not any open positions which from reading other posts here means that I’m in line/waiting for an opening. I’m pretty much willing to go wherever though so i’m hoping that speeds things up.

It looks like the wait is probably anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 months but if anyone could lmk how long it was to get to the fit call that would be much appreciated.

Also I have no real preference for L1 vs L2 and was thinking about just asking my recruiter to get me scheduled for one of the L1 openings. Would anyone recommend going that course? Is there a huge difference in work? Ik there’s a difference in pay and I would obviously want to make as much as possible pay wise but I also don’t mind the idea of working my way up since I’ve never worked in a data center or done anything similar before.

For some background/context, I’m not currently working due to being laid off so my number one priority is to get back working sooner rather than later. If I choose to wait I would be getting a short term job in the mean time. My last job paid $64k but i was only there about 3 weeks before getting laid off. Before that I made around $45k-$50k.

19:50 UTC


Question about Data Center and IT career path.

Hello im currently 19 and have been working in a company that installs containment for data centers for a year and lately I’ve been interested in getting into IT. What certs would help me land an entry level job like a data center technician. Thanks.

Also what’s better online certs or community college

18:13 UTC


Googleyness and Leadership round

Hi guys I just finished my G&L interview for mechanical technician role at Google and it went exceptionally well . The interviewer informed me that he will cut the interview short as i answered the questions really well. However I still do not whether I will get the offer as I completely bombed one of my technical round while the review for the second round was good. I will keep you guys posted if I get the offer .

12:39 UTC


Offer letter for AWS EOT

Went through the interview process a few months ago. Had a phone screen with recruiter, an interview with a FM followed by 4 back-to-back interviews with varying interviewers. Have worked in industrial maintenance for the last 10 years, more mechanically inclined with HVAC cert, not super experienced in electrical (esp. high voltage), but knew enough to go through the interviews and do well. Was told by my recruiter that I would be going for an L4 position/payscale through the whole thing.

After a week or two another recruiter (maybe a higher up one?) called and told me that they had filled the spot and I was basically on a wait list for L4, unless I wanted an L3 spot ($10 less and no stocks/bonus). I let him know I couldn't take a pay cut for that and would have to wait it out for the next L4 spot.

Fast forward a few months... Just got my offer letter, from a recruiter I've never talked to, and it's for an L3 spot. How should I handle this? Let them know what's going on with what I was told? Deny the offer? Negotiate? New to DC's and how this all works. Don't really have an inside person to talk to about it. I'm just unsure of where to go from here.

06:25 UTC


Where would be the "least impossible" places (without using fossil energy) to build the 5 GW data centers that Sam Altman wants? Nuclear power in the middle of the Australian Outback?

Caveat: I don't truly mean middle... just somewhere on Australia's vast landmass that isn't too close to people and not too environmentally objectionable.

I read the Australian government is now debating allowing nuclear power to be built in the country.

I know water for cooling the nuclear or the data center wouldn't be the most readily available in Australia, but I have to imagine the costs of pumping desalinated ocean water would not be insurmountable.

Would latency due to Australia's physical separation from most of the world's population be a dealbreaker?

04:20 UTC


Data center technician

Hi! I’m in my early 20s (F) I know this is a male dominated field I’ve been stuck in life/ career options and I stumbled across a program at my community college and I’m kind of interested. I was wondering how physical the job is? I don’t mind manual work but I don’t think I could do anything super intense! Opinions?

23:53 UTC


Data Center field in Copenhagen

Hello fellow DC guys, thinking about moving to Copenhagen, anyone care to share their knowledge about companies (from edge DC's to hyperscalers ) and any insight from the locals living and working there?
I'm going to look into about DC operations, DC technician positions. I have some knowledge about networks too.
Anyway if anyone would to share their thoughts about the above is welcome!

15:42 UTC


Data Center Tech Career Advice

Hello everyone. I'm looking into IT as a career and am leaning towards a data center tech as a starting point since it feels like something I would enjoy. Some background, I went to college for Mechanical Engineering, after a few years working have decided it's not at all what I want to continue doing. I've always been interested in computers and tech, and have enough knowledge to be the person everyone goes to for help, and the one in my friend group to set up basic gaming servers, but I have no real background or anything past surface level knowledge.

If I was to actually pursue this, what would I need to do? Go back to college for Comp Sci or Networking? Would I be able to get away with not doing a full degree and just doing some courses or getting some certs? When it comes to knowledge, I'm definitely no where near where I would need to be, so a full college degree seems like it would be the way, but that's a pretty big money and time commitment when I'm not sure if it's necessary. Any advice or knowledge from experience people is greatly appreciated.

14:59 UTC

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