A subreddit for discussion of the Marvel character Daredevil.
A subreddit for discussion of the Marvel character Daredevil.
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Low effort posts may include: Memes or image macros of content that do not use Daredevil. Reposts. Other posts that the moderator team may deem low-quality, and not conducive to discussion.
guys guys, I understand that reference!
Which cover is your favourite?
Art by @alvarocostaart
Yo amo que sea tan humano, te puedes sentir muy identificado con las situaciones que vive y como es frustrante el no poder solucionarlas
(Artwork by LuisF47)
I really don't get it. It has leaked twice already.
Never read the silver age for daredevil because I saw people saying it’s boring but I do like the silver age and daredevil is one of my favorites. I’ve read the Frank miller run and some other ones I can remember years ago btw so this wouldn’t be my first time.
Are all of them worth reading?
I'm currently working on a display shelf for the Nocenti Omni coming in February and to help kill time until March.
I wanted to share the Pops I made so far with polymer clay. The first three are all inspired by Skottie Young variant covers.
Daredevil: Daredevil #1 Annual 2016 Elektra: Devils Reign #1 2021 Bullseye: Bullseye #1 2017
There's also a bonus in-progress Dex.
Excited for the finale so I made this crossover👑VS🐧
Hello all, racking my brain trying to find this one particular frame in a Daredevil comic. I have not got much context except I think he’s fighting a cop who’s evicting people and he’s yelling at the cop to “help people”. Does this ring any bells at all? Ta.
If I remember correctly, the full marketing for Agatha All Along started about 5 months before the show.
Why hasn’t Daredevil gotten anything, especially when they know there’s so much pressure to deliver. The show is like 4 months away and we’ve only gotten snippets.
This may be copium, but maybe Marvel thought that AAA needed the extra marketing whereas Daredevil everybody is hyped and waiting😈
I want to build this kind of cane he has in the Waid run
I want to spraypaint the top with the hook in white but idk if I should do the bottom part white too or red
I just don’t know if the red part would make the cane look too much like a real life blind cane
I know a lot of people have already said this but there were many times Karen could and should have died but was only protected by plot armor. Sometimes she was so annoying that I feel like I wish the writers had just let her die or at least learn from her mistakes and to be smarter. But she doesn’t do much of that. She’s not a character that’s good at learning how to be smarter. And realistically in the daredevil world she wouldn’t have lasted more than a week.
Hi everyone!!
I really want to purchase the Marvel Premier collection of Born Again with the afterword from Charlie Cox (linked below).
What other omnibus/collection would I need to get to have the full Frank Miller run? I know that the link above would only be the 'Born Again' arc, but I'm unsure what else I would need to buy. Please link below or let me know what collection contains the other comics!
Thanks :)