A subreddit for discussion of the Marvel character Daredevil.
A subreddit for discussion of the Marvel character Daredevil.
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Leaving their insane chemistry on screen aside, I've always found their particular scenes charged with such a quiet and powerful intimacy that perfectly blended the honesty of their hearts with the deceit of their minds. How even when they were dishonest with each other to protect their most vulnerable side (and hide their "ugliness" due to a strong self-hatred) they still connected in all that vulnerability and raw affection, something existing beyond all the entanglement of emotional lies caused by their trauma.
Karen feeling completely alone and undeserving of love in a new city that has basically rejected her until Matt appears in her life like a beacon of light, and Matt acting like an awkward teenager and putting his glasses on whenever Karen is around because he thinks that it will somehow palliate how vulnerable and naked he feels around her. How both of them are less afraid of dying and acting suicidal than actually living, because working towards a steady happiness is infinitely more scary than just giving up and running away. How none of the noise matters because when they lose hope, they always find true solace in each other's arms.
I miss the specific details, subtext and symbolism surrounding them that I haven't really found in many other MCU projects (recent ones especially), it was such a carefully constructed dynamic filled with beautiful and ugly edges that felt so raw and human to me!
So, I know we’re all excited for Born again and so am I but, one thing I want to see implemented is more acrobatic stunts like we saw in she-hulk. One of my least favorite parts of the Netflix show was that Matt was very grounded imo, I just wanna see him swing with the Billy clubs more. Let me know what you think.
Gonna make the month all DD until the big day next month! Who’s with me?!
Matt was technically a fugitive earlier in the season, but towards the end he is able to represent Nadeem. I must’ve missed something or just forgot because I’m watching the show in increments, but how is he legally able to?
I’m rewatching Netflix’s Daredevil and even 2003s Daredevil as it was one of my first introductions to the character.
I’m really excited for the Disney+ series in March.
Matt Needs His Own Game,It's long overdue, So Here are My Ideas For It
The Game Starts With A Daredevil Year 1 Sequence, Where The Tutorial Is Stick Training Matt And The Real First Mission Being Matt Hunting Down The One's Responsible For His Dad's Death.
Then We Get A 2 Year Timeskip, Where We See Matt Already Seasoned And Well Known Daredevil And Has To Balance His Vigilante And Lawyer, While At The Time Trying To Stop A Copycat That's Been Ruining His Reptutaion, While Meeting Characters Associated With Him Along The Way Like: The Punisher,Black Widow,Spiderman,Moon Knight Etc.
When It Comes To Combat, It Will Be A Mix Of Arkham Knight,Sleeping Dogs And Sifu. Matt Can Use His Fists, His Batons(Also Comes With A One Handed Option),A Staff And A Pair Of Nunchucks And Can Freely Switch Beetween Them During The Fight. Just Like In The Arkham Games, Matt While Striking,Stunning,Dodging And Countering The Blows From His Foes Will Fill Up A Combo Meter That Increases The More Varied And Unique His Attacks Are Executed While At The Same Avoiding Damage. AND When Full, Matt Can Perform A Special Attack, Like An Instant Takedown, An A.O.E Where He Ricochets His Billy Club Or A Move Where He Breaks Weapons Like Baseball Bats And Guns.
Matt Also Has A Rage Mode Called: Letting The Devil Out. IN This State Matt Is Stronger And Faster But More Acessible To Damage And Will End When Depleted Or He Takes Too Much Damage And End It Off Matt Can Also:
Use Enemies Weapons, And Make Them Hit Eachother
Throw Them
Use Gadgets Like Bolas And Trip Wires
Interact With The Envoriment, Like Throwing An AC At A Thug's Head Or Smashinh Their Through A Car Window
And Break Bones, Where While Fighthing, Sometimes It Will Show A MK X-Ray Style Display Showcasing Things Like Broken Arms,Jaws,Skulls,Dislocated Shoulders Etc.
The Murdock Sections:
A Core Part Of Daredevil Is His Lawyer Adventures, So How This Will Play Out Is Like A Mix Of L.A Noire, Life Is Strange And Detroit Becomes Human.
A Person Can Come To The Office Asking For Help, So After Accepting It, Matt Can Interrogate People Envolded In The Crime And Find Clues Which Will Help You In Court.
Some Clients Are Actually Guilty And You The Option Of Destroying The Evidence And Intentionaly Botch The Case To Get Them Arrested Or Scott-Free. Outside Court Activities Can Be Things Like: Analying The Crime Scenes, Gathering Evidence And Discuss The Case With Karen And Foggy To Get A Wider Scope Of The Case. AND Also During The Investigations, You Find Special Pieces Of Evidence That Can Help You In Some Side Missions EX: You're Helping A Man Accused For A Murder, While On The Case Matt Can Find A Piece Of Proof That Help Him Takedown Crime Lords Like Tombstone And Silvermane. After The Side Mission, Certain Things Will Happen If You Didn't Find Any Special Proof They Get 6 Months In Prison, But If The Opposite Happens They Get Life In Prison. And For The Court Parts, Matt Can Use His Senses To Detect Lies In The Witness, Listen To Their Testimonies And Find Contradictions And Have A Detroit Becomes Human Style Dialogue Option Which Can Help Matt Win The Case.
Just Like In The Arkham Games Matt Can Silenty Or Instanly Takedown Enemies, Lure Them Into Traps And Uses Things Like Noisemakers To Distract Them. BUT One Thing That Makes Daredevil Stand Out Is His Radar Sense Which Will Work The Same Way As Detective Mode. It Works Like The Listening Mechanic From The Last Of Us, Allowing The Player To See The World The Way Matt Sees It, Visualizing The Enviroment Through His Heightened Senses, Using Sound Waves With 3 Core Essentials
Hearing: Tags Enemies And See Them Through Walls, And Listining To Certain Conversions Can Give You More Intel On How To Takedown A Certain Villain
Touching: Highlights The Area And Gives The Layout
Smelling: Helps Finding Enemies,Traps Etc.
Open World And Traversal:
When It Comes To Hell's Kitchen, The Streets Are Rough, Gritty With A Dark Atmosphere Filled With Landscapes, Alleyways,Rooftops, And Underground Hideouts Which You Can Traverse.
Speaking Of Which, The Traversal Is A Blend Of AC Unity And Dying Light 2. Matt Can Run,Vault,Slide,Wall Run, Jump Off Rooftops,Climb His Way Through Hell's Kitchen With His Billy Club Also Being A Core Part Of Mobilty, Where Like In Uncharted 4, There Are Certain Points You Can Grapple To, And Make Yor Way Into Areas You Can't Normally With A Single Leap, And You Can Also Enter People's Houses like In AC 4 Black Flag Which Gives You A Little Leap Boost.
Alternate Costumes:
The Black Suit
The Original Yellow Suit
The Fully White Suit
The Hooded Red And Black Suit
The Classic Red And Black (Default)
Marvel Knights
Ben Affleck Suit
Charlie Cox/Netflix Suit
Age Of Apocalypse
Ultimate Universe
Daredevil Noir
Daredevil 2099
Daredevil 1602
Zombie Daredevil
Undead Avengers
Mutant X
Dr Strange Disciple(What If NO:83)
Father Murdock
Bullseye's Man Without Mercy Suit
1990 Xmen And Spiderman Animated Suit
Things Like Comics, Pieces Of Matt's Past, Character Figurines Etc.
Random Crimes:
Using His Enhanced Hearing, The Crime's Location Will Be Revealed , Where By Pressing R3, The Screen Will Show A Classic Radar Sense, The Ambient Background Noise Is Reduced And The Further You Are The More Echoed And Muffled It Is, And Becomes Clearer As You Get Close, And Crimes Verge From Murder And Rape Attempts To Drug Deals And Bank Robberies
Side Missions:
Just An Exemple, Some Other Villains Like The Hand Clan, Tyhpoid Mary, Nuke, Echo Tombstone Silvermane Can Also Be Considered For A Side Mission.
Voice Cast:
Some Ideas I Have In Mind.
Daredevil- Troy Baker
Karen- Laura Bailey
Foggy- Travis Willigham
Punisher- Thomas Jane
Moon Knight- Patrick Seitz
Stick- Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa
Bullseye- Peter Laurie
Elektra- Jennifer Gardner
Spider Man- Yuri Lowenthal
Kingpin- Keith David Or Kevin Michael Richardson
Muse- Andrew Morgado
The Hand Leader- Steve Blum Or Nolan North
Echo- Tara Strong
Gladiator- Khary Payton
Thanks For Reading
I've just been watching Daredevil S3 for the first time and it's some of the best TV I've ever seen. It's kept me on my feet all throughout. I really don't know how I wasn't on the Daredevil hype earlier!
I was just looking though the cast and I'm surprised that the actor who plays Agent Nadeem hasn't really got any other major roles. I thought he was very good.
I’ve watched the show but want to read the frank miller run. I’ve heard good things about both but if I read the companion will I be confused?
When fans are talking about the comics and what are the best runs, the usual ones that come up are Miller, Bendis, Waid and Zdarsky. Beyond those, Guardian Devil is also recommended to new readers.
There are, however, so many more Daredevil comics outside of those runs including runs from other writer as well as miniseries. What’s your favorite Daredevil comic that people don’t talk as much about?
In the original Daredevil: Born Again title card it included the DD logo but the new one does not. Could that be indicating that we won't get the DD symbol in this series?
I’m currently using Marvel Unlimited to read these as I don’t have access to physical copies. If you can leave some recs that would be great and very helpful, thank you!
My favorite episode has to be Season 3 Episode 4, when Matt goes to the prison and there’s the best fight scenes in the entire show imo.
It’s great because he’s pretending to be sighted, and it truly demonstrates the extra abilities he has. It also shows his humanity as he gets pummelled and weakened.
Just a great episode, the cinematography is spectacular, and I could watch it 100 times and notice something new each time.
Plus you start seeing the direction other key characters are going in (particularly Poindexter and Ray).
Lemme know your fav
Graphic novels or the current comic ? Asking time ago read Born Again trade
So I read both runs. I loved the Zdarsky run but I just couldn’t like Ahmed’s run that came right after. What should I read now?
Okay, I get the no-killing rule. But why do heroes go out of their way to protect unrepentant baddies? There is no compulsion from justice to do this. In fact, many times it is a case of natural justice, where the consequences of the bad guys catch up to them, in the form of competitors or other enemies that want to off them.
What makes it even worse is the fact that Daredevil, at least in this run, complains regularly of his desire for at least some of his Villains to kick the bucket, I.e. Bullseye. Why complain of them existing when you go out of your way to thwart natural justice from offing them for you?
And don't hit me with the "Oh, heroes still have hope to have them reformed" nonsense.
Would appreciate any advice/suggestions! :) Want some more physical stuff of my favorite Marvel Character.