Nature being scary.
For all the crazy and scary shit nature has to offer.
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Any off-topic posts will be removed and user maybe banned if continuing to spam the subreddit with the same post.
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User will be banned from the subreddits if violating this rule.
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Hi everyone,
I am a scientist from Australia + I am looking for participants, around the world, for some new research I am doing.
Are you the parent/caregiver of a child aged 2-12 years? If so, we kindly invite you to participate in our short online survey about sharks. We are interested in what children know about sharks, so this survey involves you completing a couple of questions about sharks, and then asking your children some questions about sharks. You will then be asked to write what your children say or what they do (e.g. if they use hand gestures).
Please also feel free to send to any one you know who might be interested.
The survey takes approximately ten minutes per child to complete, if you have more than one child aged between 2-12 they can all participate.
This study has received ethics approval from the University of South Australia (#206267). If you have any queries, please contact the lead researcher: Brianna.lebusque@unisa.edu.au
Saw this while gardening. Mantis put up a helluva fight.
Came upon this while picking up my dog's "scooby snacks" today. At first it looked like it was snacking on my puppy's poo (blurred, didn't think anyone would appreciate a pic of dookie), then I realized it was sitting on top, using it to ambush and eat flies! Go, miss mantis!
Caught 2 hornets who had stabbed each other playing the deadly game tug of war. 🐝