Perfectly good ideas executed... poorly
Be mature!
Try to post a picture of what your fail is "supposed" to look like along with your original picture.
Redneck DIY posts not allowed. This is a place for actual attempts to make something nice, but got severely screwed up along the way.
Tell us what happened! It only has to be a sentence or two
When you post be sure to include how you made it in the image album or comments
No cartoons/Memes
Please for the love of God use original content. While it may not be required 90% of the time it will be removed.
No food fails unless it is truly a fail on your end. (Not a grab for karma)
No art fails. We don't want any potato Jesus.
Please feel free to share ideas on how to improve crappy DIYs that you see submitted.
All links (either in a text post or direct link) must link directly to the image.
No advertising (duh).
Check out our SisterSub /r/RedneckDIY!
Walls are Tabique (portuguese old way to do walls)...
Need advice.
Apparently almost died cutting through a pipe to fix a leak under my bathtub because some genius ran electrical wires right next to the (leaking) pipe
10 years ago pictures were circulating of a spectacularly bad DIY shed built, dubbed the Shed of Doom.
Whatever happened to that shed?
I spotted this trampoline being installed a few houses down from me.
No, I had no duct tape either. I can’t wait to see how terrible it looks once I remove all the tape. Pray for me.
Here is what the previous homeowners had the mount anchored to.
I damaged the quartz coil when I tried to open the watch to change battery.
Fossil ES4498 model.
Correcting this DIY special I inherited (along with some carbon monoxide toxicity) from the previous owners. If I don't laugh, I'll cry! Hope y'all can appreciate.
So funny little Story, I thought I could change my spark plugs myself, which I eventually did but not before mistakenly removing the Fuel injection plugs (if that’s what you even call them) while trying to locate the spark plugs. So I eventually got the spark plugs done and when I started my car, I discovered that I didn’t quite fix the fuel injector plugs the first time cause I had fuel leaking.
I think everything is okay now but I did inadvertently discover how to work on part of my fuel system so….yay?