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NJ Legal Non-NFA Firearms (Others)/AR15 Prior Ban

Good evening all,

I'm looking to move to DE. Are NJ Legal Non-NFA Firearms "Others" legal in DE? I also have 16 inch barrel AR-15 prior ban. I do have the receipts. Will I be in compliance?


22:48 UTC


Will a maglock make it legal to purchase a new rifle that would normally be banned?

A local gunshop told me that if I ordered a rifle online to their shop, they could install a maglock on it to make it legal for purchase. I wanted to know if anyone else has done this, and if it would indeed make it legal to purchase?

I also wanted to know how easily would it be reversable to uninstall if Delaware ever overturned the "assault weapons" ban.

15:06 UTC


Shipping firearms to another state

My parents are currently holding my guns and are moving to Delaware. I currently reside in Utah and want to have my guns shipped over here eventually. My question is how they would do this if I am not able to be present, I am rarely able to visit (I won't be able to see them for a year, if that). Would they bring them to a local FFL and ask it to be sent to be sent near me that I specify? I also have ammo as well. Some of the guns and ammo have boxes but others don't, would a gun shop be able to do packaging? I havent done something like this before.

08:55 UTC


Roni pistol conversion with brace legal?

My brother is new to guns, he has a g19 with 15 round magazines and he plans to take a ccw class. I live in VA and found out in DE you can’t own a normal AR and it needs to be CA compliant essentially. Are Roni MCKs with the pistol brace legal in DE? Or should I just get him to get like a ruger mini14 or ruger pcc?

22:19 UTC


Will I be able to buy a 1917 enfield rifle at 18

With no CCW I just want to get one as a birthday present for myself

16:21 UTC


Illegal for Delaware??

I bought a Taurus tx22c last year at Cabela's for dirt cheap and was looking for a friend who wants to buy a similar pistol. First state labels this as illegal for Delaware?

16:41 UTC


Threaded Barrel Question

If I purchased a threaded barrel for my Hellcat Pro and use a comp, is it considered illegal?

18:19 UTC


Any outdoor ranges to shoot steel in DE or surrounding states?

Moved to DE several years. Missing shooting steel targets

13:37 UTC


How to carry pistol in car

I’ve been trying to figure out how to legally store my pistol in my truck. No lock on glove box or center console

I called non emergency they told me to look on the Delaware.gov page but I can’t find it, any help would be appreciated ty

22:43 UTC


Gun ranges

Hey all, I'm looking for a free (or cheap/affordable) gun range to go to. Just got my first pistol and want to check out a few places.

Edit: I'm in New Castle County in the MOT area, willing to travel an hour or less. So Wilmington and probably Camden or a bit further south.

02:05 UTC


Forward vertical grip legal for an AR15 ?

22:25 UTC


Bridgeville shooting club membership

Hey everyone, I am looking to become a member of the Bridgeville shooting club. I think you need a current member to sponser you. Is anyone willing to help me get sponsered?


14:10 UTC


Silencer/Suppressor Military Exemption


Have only lived in a Delaware for about a year, I’m active duty stationed at the Air Force base. I’m an avid squirrel hunter and was about to commit on building a new suppressed .22lr build and realized cans are illegal here. When I read the law on the DGA website, I saw that a silencer is considered a class E destructive device:

“A person is guilty of possessing a destructive weapon when the person sells, transfers, buys, receives or has possession of a bomb, bombshell, firearm silencer, sawed-off shotgun, machine gun or any other firearm or weapon which is adaptable for use as a machine gun.”

Then I saw this paragraph below it:

“Possessing a destructive weapon is a class E felony. This Section does not apply to members of the military forces or to members of a police force in this State duly authorized to carry a weapon of the type described-“

If I’m to take this literally, maybe I’m exempt? Has anybody experienced this or know anybody who has been able to own a silencer in this state because they’re military personnel? I just want to squirrel hunt in peace. Thank you!

15:45 UTC


Medical clearance help

A family friend I've been pestering to get armed wants to buy a gun but believes due to a stint in a psych ward, they are legally unable to purchase a firearm unless they get clearance from a licensed medical professional or psychiatrist (they have neither anymore, it's been years they claim since the incident) as per:

11 Del. Code § 1448, § 1448A

The following persons are prohibited from purchasing, owning, possessing, or controlling a deadly weapon or ammunition for a firearm within the state:

Any person who has ever been committed for a mental disorder to any hospital, mental institution or sanitarium, unless such person can demonstrate that he or she is no longer prohibited from possessing a firearm by possessing a certificate of a medical doctor or psychiatrist licensed in Delaware hat the person is no longer suffering from a mental disorder which interferes or handicaps the person from handling deadly weapons"

They say that they worked in a psychiatry office once and they avoid clearing patients for liability reasons and haven't had a doctor in years.

With all this information I've been provided I still want to help them find a way to get clearance under the law as I believe them far more than mentally stable enough to possess a firearm, what avenues should she look into? Any tips and info would be a great help here, God bless!

15:49 UTC


Preban proof

I have had an AR for 15+years or so, but no longer have the receipt for the lower.... I'm pretty sure I don't have the upper either. What I do have receipts for is things I've gotten more recently over the years (trigger, rails, optics, ammo, etc). The oldest receipt I could find was 2011. Does that provide evidence if ever needed?

22:39 UTC



Long story short..... Bought 10.5in upper before ban planning to make a pistol that ultimately never happened.

I bought a stripped lower and a bullet button recently and obviously know about the ban now.... (1) was wondering how the nondetachable magazines options work with SBR? Are they still illegal on their own? Or do I own a nice paper weight now? Don't live in Wilmington

(2) when they talk about grandfathering in.... they are referring to the lowers correct? Won't matter that I have a receipt for pre ban for the upper?

22:02 UTC


Preban AR question

If I want to take my Preban AR to the range do I need anything to prove I owned it before the ban? Does it matter if the range is in PA?

01:13 UTC


NJ Permit to Carry Qual - $150 Sunday 11/24 - 9:00 am with Ironsights Academy (Shamong, NJ)


New Jersey Permit To Carry (PTC) Qualification

  • Sunday, November 24, 2024
  • 9:00 AM  1:00 PM
  • Indian Mills Deer Club (map)

The New Jersey Permit To Carry (PTC) Qualification course is an instructor-led and live-fire shooting qualification course intended to equip you with the training and documentation necessary to apply for your New Jersey Concealed Carry Permit.

UPDATE: This course meets the CCARE Protocol requirements for NJ Concealed Carry as published by the NJSP (September, 2023).

Course Fee is $150.00

12:58 UTC


State bans

What is the next step to overturning these bans?

DE is one seat from a super majority. Nice obtained, kiss your federally recognized right good bye.

What is being done? And why are DE residents taking this sitting down?

17:51 UTC


Range Safety Officer, Stop the Bleed, Low Light/No Light, NY/MD/UT Combo Carry Class with Ironsights Academy - Let's Gooooo!



Some upcoming classes that may tickle your winter fancy:

NRA Range Safety Officer

  • Saturday, November 23, 2024
  • 10:30 AM  4:30 PM
  • Indian Mills Deer Club (map)

The NRA Range Safety Officer course is designed to develop and certify individuals as Range Safety Officers. We cover the basic principles and concepts needed to organize, conduct, and supervise shooting activities and range operations.

This is a non live-fire course (no shooting).

Course Fee: $165.00

Stop the Bleed

  • Saturday, November 23, 2024
  • 4:00 PM  6:00 PM
  • Indian Mills Deer Club (map)

This course is designed to teach safe and effective techniques to manage wounds sustained by firearms and other types of weapons. Students will learn when and how to apply different wound-packing techniques, when and how to apply tourniquets, what to place in a trauma kit and more life-saving tactics.

This is a non-live fire course.

Course Fee: $100.00

New Jersey Permit To Carry (PTC) Qualification

  • Sunday, November 24, 2024
  • 9:00 AM  1:00 PM
  • Indian Mills Deer Club (map)

The New Jersey Permit To Carry (PTC) Qualification course is an instructor-led and live-fire shooting qualification course intended to equip you with the training and documentation necessary to apply for your New Jersey Concealed Carry Permit.

UPDATE: This course meets the CCARE Protocol requirements for NJ Concealed Carry as published by the NJSP (September, 2023).

Course Fee is $150.00

New York / Maryland / UTAH - Multi CCW Course

  • Sat, Nov 30, 20249:00 AM  Sun, Dec 1, 20246:30 PM
  • Indian Mills Deer Club (map)

The New York City / New York State CCW Qualification course is an instructor-led and live-fire shooting qualification course intended to equip you with the training and documentation necessary to apply for your New York City & New York State Concealed Carry Permit.

Duration: 18 Hours (2 days)

Cost: $450.00

Low Light / No Light (.22lr Pistols and/or Rifles)

  • Saturday, December 7, 2024
  • 4:00 PM  9:00 PM
  • Private Range (map)

The Low Light / No Light Course is intended to provide education and opportunities to shoot in low light and no light conditions, use handheld and weapon mounted lights and to engage in dynamic courses of fire.

Note: .22lr calibers only.

In this course we will cover the fundamental elements of hand held lights, weapon-mounted lights, principles of movement, use of cover and concealment and marksmanship in low light / no light conditions.

We will then head out to the range and shoot in the dark!

Course Fee is $185.00

Beyond the Basics - Pistol Level I

  • Saturday, December 14, 2024
  • 10:00 AM  4:00 PM
  • Private Range

The Beyond the Basics (BtB) series is the natural progression for shooters once you have completed the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course. In the BtB - Pistol Level I course, we focus on refining your pistol handling skills, building muscle memory, honing your shooting accuracy, and we take you to the next level of firearms training…beyond the basics.

This course is 100% range time with copious amounts of hands-on instruction.

Course Fee is $185.00

13:25 UTC


Building an AR in Delaware, have a question on legality.

Was at the local shop recently and was told that if I buy a stripped lower, "the state will make you buy the bullet button." I was also told "You have to buy the button but you don't have to use it. The state makes you buy it, after that it's up to you whether you want to use it or not."

I can't find any literature online to support or oppose the claim, can anyone here help me?

19:30 UTC


Proper training and classes in Delaware that are LGBTQ friendly?

Wondering if anyone knows where I could take some proper handling, shooting, self-defense, and first aid classes in my area? Preferably in or around Delaware or South Eastern PA.

I want to make sure I take the proper steps to really know what I’m doing before owning any firearms, I just worry about walking into any range or class without knowing if they’re LGBTQ+ friendly.

Any tips would be super helpful, thank you !

14:51 UTC


Beretta A300 Ultima patrol

Hello everybody,

I just bought a A300 Ultima patrol shotgun and I’d like to put a stock with a pistol grip on it.

Is this legal to do in Delaware?

From what I’ve read a center fire rifle is considered an assault weapon when it only has one scary attachment and shotguns are allowed two.

14:01 UTC


Recommendations for pro 2A candidates?

(Please remove if not allowed not trying to get political) From lower New Castle County, I'm not sure who exactly is running that is pro 2A and would like to know some recommendations?

I want to prevent any more bans like we had 2 years ago. "Shall not be infringed".

23:57 UTC


Aero Precision Other Firearm ODG 13.9in Delaware Legal?

13.9 inch barrels are considered an "other" weapon, right? Are these legal in DE? Still fairly new to shooting. I'd rather have a Ruger LC carbine for home defense but seems like a good option, and maybe pretty fun at the range.

01:27 UTC


CCDW question, references

Hey All,

Going for my CCDW this month and just wondering - will someone actually contact the references I am using? I know they did in the state I previously lived in because I was someone else's reference and they grilled me pretty good. I've known my references for a few years and they're all legit, but I just don't want them to get inconvenienced or interrogated.

23:28 UTC


PA Counties friendly to CCW issuing for DE?

I'm a DE resident and have had my DE (and PA and UT) carry permit for many years. Back in the day you could go to Lancaster and they would issue PA permits for DE residents then supposedly the sheriff changed and they wouldn't do it anymore so I had to go to Reading. My PA permit is getting ready to expire soon.

What's the latest on what counties will issue permits for DE residents (with a DE permit)? Closer to DE the better obviously.

12:56 UTC


Steps to get a CCW

next year I plan to get a CCW for being able to purchase magazines and buy rifles before I turn 21 but what are the steps to take

15:31 UTC

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