The purpose of this subreddit is to track the progression of Corona Virus, or COVID-19, specifically in Texas.
The purpose of this subreddit is to track the progression of Corona Virus, or COVID-19, specifically in Texas.
Texas Health and Human Services Page on Corona Virus
Harris County Public Health on Corona Virus
Austin Public Health on Corona Virus
Galveston County Health District
Dallas County Corona Virus Information
CDC Info on Corona Virus
1) Be civil. No personal attacks, threatening others, and wishing or glorifying harm to others.
2) No political attacks. Keep off-topic political discussion not related to Coronavirus in Texas to a minimum.
3) No incessant drama or fearmongering. Refrain from posting articles with editorialized titles.
4) No spam.
5) ALL rumors, speculation or other first-person/third-person accounts without news coverage or verifiable sources MUST be posted in the stickied Weekly discussion thread.
6) No doxxing, PI or witch-hunting.
7) Please only post content related to corona virus news in Texas. Off-topic submissions will be removed.
8) Post titles must match article titles. Exceptions may be made for edits that help factually clarify article content.
9) Memes will only be allowed on weekends. This will be loosely enforced, but should generally be interpreted to mean Friday to Sunday.
10) No spam/self-promotional material of any kind.
Just curious!
Hi folks started feeling aches in my body but I have no fever! Is this the beginning of a potential covid infection that I should get tested for? I have no other symptoms!
Please protect your auditory system from hearing loss, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis & Noxacusis. Warn your loved ones to always use ear plugs doing anything loud. Covid and vaccines have been known to cause problems with ears so please take extra care of your auditory system and warn loved ones. Do not blast music directly in your ears with ear buds and listen to everything at a safe level. Wear ear plugs even vacuuming and using a blender for long periods of time. Accumulated damage is real. Research any med you put in your body to see if it's ototoxic or has caused any of the things I have listed here.
Much love and good health to all!! Please help raise hearing protection awareness.. once you damage ears they are damaged for life.
Was helping my parents out with getting their shingles shots at CVS but couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the situation this poor lady was going through.
The Covid-19 shot wasn’t covered by her insurance even though she expressed it was extremely important for her as she was about to undergo chemotherapy.
I decided to postpone getting the Covid-19 shot myself because my insurance hasn’t yet covered the new updated shot yet, but hearing her situation, I quietly consulted with the pharmacist to clarify about the Bridge Access Program. The pharmacist had told me since she has insurance, she wasn’t eligible for the Bridge Access Program. So had she been uninsured, she would’ve been eligible for the Covid-19 shot.
Unfortunately she left and wasn’t able to get the Covid-19 shot, but I’m just wondering why is this insurance crap being handled so poorly. There are plenty of people as is not wanting to get the vaccine out of fear and risk, but for those that do, it’s annoying for them to do so. That’s how you encourage even more people to not get the shot, is by making it extremely annoying to do so.
Just as an FYI, several US prescription insurance providers are declining to pay for members to get the updated COVID-19 vaccine. If insurance does not cover the vaccine, patients are asked to pay for the full cost of the vaccine.
To avoid any issues, I recommend calling the pharmacy and ask if your insurance will cover the cost.
I have a stuffy throat but but no other symptoms! Should I get tested for Covid just to be sure? Advice is appreciated!
Hi all, I was wondering how long does covid linger inside a house? I asked someone to dog sit for me the night before unaware that they were sick. I went inside a pantry they were in that’s always closed. The house is old and everything is turned off including the AC/heater.
I know it's not, but from the look of this sub I guess it's just a nothing now'days. Just a few posts a month now. Nothing new I guess to post -- just waiting on XBB.1.5 to hit and burn through. A while back it was thought COvid would be reported like the weather, and now I think we're to that point.
Just get your vaccinations and stay home if you're sick, that's about all we can do.
Wife just tested positive (first time) and our PCP and a tele doc provider through insurance are both refusing Paxlovid.
All the information online seems to still indicate that this is the go to and should be used within a few days of symptoms.
What do we do of we can’t get it?
My kids visited over the holidays and upon arriving back home, they came down with full fledged covid (both vaccinated).
Obviously, we (both vaccinated, but contracted back in '21) were exposed and Mrs pervert came down with only mild symptoms this time around.
I feel fine, but I'm wondering if it'll hit me now or later?
Obviously self quarantined ourselves.
I went to the doctor day 1 of my symptoms showing and now I’m on day 3 today. When the doctor came in she said she’s giving me that medicine but to use it as a last resort because some people have taken it and were better and then all of a sudden it hit them hard again or maybe even harder. Now that she said that I’m scared to take it. I’m 21 if that matters. What are your thoughts?
My son went to the House of Blues this last weekend, Tuesday he Wednesday he complained of a migraine headache. We quickly tested him and it was positive.
How do we report this to DHHS?
The website doesn’t appear to have any way for an individual to report a case.