Something to put you in a good mood.
Videos of people laughing infectiously. No context required.
Videos of people laughing infectiously. No context required.
Comments or posts not in keeping with the tone of the sub will be removed and users may be banned.
Bullying, racism, homophobia and sexual comments in any form, comments or links, will be removed and users may be banned.
If the comment section gets too heated, it will get locked.
All videos must contain contagious laughter.
Do not post videos that are just funny because of a joke or a situation.
Audience or edited in laughter does not count as contagious laughter.
Compilations are mostly old and common reposts. Please refrain from posting them here.
No bullying or victimisation. No videos of people fighting or otherwise bad natured laughs.
Videos must be at least 10 seconds long and have a good amount of laughing in them.
If the video is more than 1 minute long, please link directly to the specific moment when it is appropriate to start watching. Alternatively include the appropriate time code in the post title.
Reposts may be removed to encourage fresh content.
Remember to check top posts and search using keywords before you post.
It's also wise to check newest posts to see if someone has just posted the same viral video you are crossposting.
Use a descriptive title. Bad titles are hard to search and leads to more unnecessary reposts. Mods have the final word on what is considered a bad title.
Examples of bad titles: ".", "title", "😂😂", "funny title", "wait for it", "this made me laugh"
This subreddit is not your personal marketing place. No spamming in general.
Political videos and arguments are not allowed and will be removed. Let's keep this sub politics free.