This sub for speakers of different widely spoken conlangs to come together, ask each other questions about their languages, compare, or even debate each other on the merits of their conlangs.
This sub for speakers of different widely spoken conlangs to come together, ask each other questions about their languages, compare, or even debate each other on the merits of their conlangs.
For those who love the world of Game of Thrones: I am happy to organize this contest to collect your poems: experiment, discover something about classical meters, and ask me for any doubts. I recommend the following links:
In this one, you will find information on classical meter and two hexameters in High Valyrian (beautiful!), maybe someone could continue them!
In this one, you will find the rules of phonetics for syllabic quantity; I usually consider syllables that end with a consonant as long.
In this link, as many of you already know, you will find the grammar, the dictionary, etc. and in this the glyphs' list.
Be creative!
sngamä'i oe ftivia lì'fyat lena'vi taluna rel arusikx alu Avatar yawne oeru slolu. kifkey lu narlor ulte naviyä reyfya ro'a ulte fwa lì'fyari ftia sunu oeru ulte sunu oeru pam lì'fyayä ulte krra smon oer hola lì'fyavi, oe samo'ha. oe srung si fte lì'fyati lena'vi kivar ulte zawprrte' oene fwa kar fratutet a new nivume! txasunu oer tìkusar! rutxe pivängkxo oehu, zene tsan'ivul
Learn Glishish, my con-cipher of 3 years, in my server community 'Krikrötas' on Discord.
Here's the link to join:
In this community, you can:
Any questions are welcome!!