Welcome to Colorado Springs, Colorado!
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What's the deal with potatoes right now? Just saw them covered in tarps at Safeway? I'm (obviously, again sorry) not from around here but wanted baked potatoes and this is ruining my loaded baked potato plans.
I’ve drove 25 mins to eat there delicious Mexican lamb bowl, plus got hooked up with there Alfredo gotta come check it out
I’m in the special education field, and my husband and I may need to relocate to the springs for his work. I have looked at the pay to work directly with the districts and it’s pretty low, lower than a lot of places with the same cost of living. Are the schools underfunded? I work as a specialist in special ed. However I noticed all the jobs pay less than usual.
I know someone already has a thread on this (it's how I found out!), but I wanted to share some more info, with some links to the ballot question history and specifics.
Not sure why our website isn't updated yet with the numbers, I'm not sure how to do it, myself, but here's what we have so far:
El Paso County has counted all ballots except for military, overseas, and signature cure ballots. This is the final totals update until the Nov 13 deadline for those. This could change, but 2D now down 1%, which is outside the threshold for an automatic recount.
But of course legal weed will be hindered by the new city council law severely restricting where they can open shop in city limits.
Hello! I’m wanting to get a manicure on my natural nails and I’m looking for advice from anyone who has experience with an artist in the area! I’d like to pay less than $50, but I’m flexible. I’m not looking for anything complicated so I’m mostly interested in someone who can shape my nails.
Thank you!
Does anyone know what this super loud noise is outside? It sounds like a jet going by, but it's not stopping and I can't see a source! Noticed it like.. 8 min ago when I let the dog out.
Your band shirt was sighted in Philadelphia this summer.
Lake Lincoln Center
almost every place ive tried over cooks their orange chicken, making it super chewy. im a bit of a picky eater, so please send recommendations for the best orange chicken
Anyone use Verizon for home internet? Would you recommend?
Anyone know of/work for “places” (apts) that’d accept a job offer letter as income verification?
Pretty sure the answer is no but figured I’d ask as couch surfing is taking a toll on my mental health 😞 Offer letter is from the county DHS and lists my start date and annual salary
I’ve found a set of keys in the snow. I’d like to return them to you.
Get out and get a clear view, if able.
Positive post month 1/12 :)
What’s good in your life today?
What is it?
Three days of snow and gray skies was getting depressing. 😊
My mom had to come visit me in the hospital (uc north) and said there was an event that blocked most of downtown causing her to go 2 miles out of her way.
Couldn't find anything online about it and was just curious if anyone knew what was going on
I have a 1000 sqft 2b2b apartment I’m needing help with just maintaining cleaning. I am a solo parent of two small kids and work about 45 hrs a week. Nothing too major, just busy and messy lives with little ones. Tried to get a free quote but they wanted to start at 1.1k which seems outrageous to me.
What recommendations does anyone have, and can you please let me know the average fees for services you receive? Any info would be greatly appreciated
My adult son and I are looking for a restaurant to go to for thanksgiving dinner. We are typically at home but would like to spend it out this year. Anyone have recs?
Thank you so much-
give me some suggestions for dates in the winter! we want to experience a nice hotspring, a scenic hike, skiing...