"College Republicans are a vital force in conservative politics. You are the vanguard of the Republican Party. I know that the strength of young people's support for our Party will ensure the continued success of Republican goals as you begin to assume leadership roles in the Party and in our Nation." -Ronald Reagan.
The purpose of this subreddit is to provide a place for active discussion and analysis of news, opinions, people and ideas. All members should therefore refrain from name calling, personal attacks, or barbed comments.
If you are a redditor who is just visiting, please respect our community by not indiscriminately downvoting. Also to visitors, if you would like to start a discussion or debate about our views on policy, politics (domestic or foreign), campus activities or whatever else, please use the format of /r/ChangeMyView. Every debate will be moderated according to their rules and guidelines.
This is a safe place for anything and everything related to the struggle of being a Republican on campus. Memes, News, Videos, and Rants are ALL OK! Though for the sake of clarity and organization please use the tag guidelines below.