Clarence is a show that aired on Cartoon Network from 2014 to 2018. It's about a boy named, well, Clarence. It's super fun, but also isn't afraid to get real sometimes. You should totally check it out on HBO Max.
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you can watch it legally via the Cartoon Network website/app, and at Google Play, Amazon, iTunes, or Hulu. the short 'minisodes' are available to purchase from Google Play or iTunes.
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download the soundtrack (soundtrack zip needs to be updated with newest songs!)
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Sense I joined this community I felt like it's dead no ideas and rarely new posts so I decide to change that so I'll post every 2 days a new post with a unique Idea till I bring back life to this community
i made this today because it would be cool a collab with Fortnite
a prediction for a possible collab
¿what character do you want to see in fortnite for the collab? my ideas are Ms. Mushburgur, Balance or Darlie as battle pass skins. or Gilben, Joshua or Lauren's dad as crew skins. and the most important question... ¿what be their pickaxes and backblings?
i got a theory that this thing from a clarence episode was really the real bad guy all the time. here it is some things that strengths the theory:
Expanding the Theory:
In Conclusion:
This can’t be just a coincidence
I’ve been rewatching Clarence and noticed something strange about Jeff’s last name. In the season 1 episode “Jeff Wins,” his mail is addressed to “Jeff Randell” (with two L’s). But in season 3’s “Public Radio,” there’s a binder labeled “Jeff Randall” (with two A’s) that Jeff himself wrote.
So, which is the correct spelling? Should we go with the version from the more recent episode, or does the earlier “Randell” spelling still count? I know Clarence is full of inconsistencies, but it’s odd that both spellings are shown so explicitly.
I’m leaning toward the idea that the “Randall” spelling from season 3 is the official one, but I’m curious to hear what others think.
I love the episodes when it’s nighttime. I know there aren’t many episodes of nightlife in Clarence, but I enjoy them, and they bring me comfort. Probably because when I was younger, my friends and I used to be out at night having fun and playing around, obviously not too late at night.
i made this clarence fan animation figured some of you might like this. tried to be as accurate to the show as possible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEj4xyEMWCA
Was watching AHS hotel and saw this at the end of the episode on the wall of the detective's daughter.