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A subreddit for Civilization 5

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After conquering the world, I like to make cities where I relocate enemy civs to and watch them enjoy the aftermath

14:35 UTC


I Randomly have to delete cache

i havent loaded any new mods or deactivated but randomly the game just starts crashing in one of the loading screens, does anyone know how to fix this since every time i delete cache i have to wait for all the mods to download and select them.

1 Comment
09:02 UTC


I'm new to Civ5 and was wondering where the best city location for a third city would be? Coast/hill/river or hill next to river

01:34 UTC


Favorite Deity settings?

Deity is a bit ridiculous at times. What are some of your favorite settings for it?

My last one was Venice on a small map, no barbarian or ancient ruins, Oceania, 5 AI players, with 30 City States. Domination only. By mid-game on quick I was competitive on wonders thanks to all of my city state allies.

I want to hear about yours!

00:07 UTC


Mac and PC multiplayer 2024?

Anyone found a workaround for the 64 bit problem for MACs yet? All the topics on this is from 4 or 5 years ago. I encouraged a friend with a Mac to get the game, but we can't play together.

23:50 UTC


Can you still get another victory if you lose?

Even though i've played this for years, it's kind of embarrassing to admit I've never finished a full game, I usually get bored or took too long of a break and just restart. But I got really invested in a game recently and was pretty much on the track of winning in almost every way, was ahead in culture and had all city states allied. Then all of a sudden I get a losing screen, I go back into the game and realize I was a dumbass and clicked fast through the electing world leader screen and elected Denmark somehow. I hadn't saved for hours (rookie mistake) and I see it still allows you to play after but is that to just dick around or could I still win through culture or something? And will world congress not be a thing now because Denmarks already world leader. I'm not trying to start a whole new game goddamnit, also can we just talk about that ending screen, it doesn't even say who won or how, just says you were overwelmed, a little anticlimactic I gotta say.

Edit:Ill be dumbass x 2 and admit I didn’t realize there was an auto save thanks y’all

10:26 UTC


Over 3000 fps in menu

Does anyone know how to limit the FPS in the menu? I locked the FPS with Radeon chill to 75 but in the menu it Still gets over 3000.. I have a 1440p 165hz Monitor

09:00 UTC


Playing Polynesia and when it came to a religion name the South Park episode, 'Going Native' came to mind

04:54 UTC


What is your preferred graphical unit mod? Ethnic Units, Ethnic Diversity, or R.E.D.?

I am particularly interested in any change these mods make to vehicles. The more diversity in aircraft, tanks, etc, the better.

I am not looking for any gameplay changes, just want a good dose of graphical enhancement.

03:20 UTC


How excited are we for Civ 7 ?

*I couldn't ever get into Civ 6 , but Civ 7 looks exciting to me. The ability to change your civilization 2 times in a game sounds interesting. It allows for every player to stay relevant through the entire game as in every age you get new UU's and UA's. It's not perfect but it shakes things up for sure.

*Mixing and matching different leaders and civs is one i'm not excited about, but i think we can make the AI always go with the historical pairing, which basically lets you choose if you want this feature or not.

*Also, navigable rivers ? Can't go wrong with that one.

*Workers are now removed, it looks like we'll have less annoying micro management this time around, also with how we can stack an entire army in one tile with the new Army Commanders (big help in the late game for sure).

*The devs specifically said the data shows that nearly half of Civ 6 saves don't get finished. So they want to improve the late game to fix that.

*One final thing i'll talk about is the artstyle. At first glance many people think it's the same as Civ 6. But when you look closely it's actually going more towards the Civ 5 route, especially with the environment looking more realistic and less cartoony (compared to 6 anyway). The leaders look terrible though.

*I think there's going to be some controversy with this game, but overall it will be a good one. Especially after a few major DLC's.

22:58 UTC


How to play online?

Is there a way to find games where people will play with strangers? I have thousands of hours on this game over the years and want to find a group of people to play with, is that possible?

21:53 UTC


Why should I play Civ5?

Years and years ago I played Civ II at my brother-in-law's house. It motivated me to buy my first PC, though I made some other excuse, like for business purposes (it's for Quickbooks, no really). I played III and IV, and Alpha Centauri. Then I got really busy with life. For whatever reason I wasn't gaming when 5 was the new thing, so I skipped it and eventually went straight to VI.

I'm thinking about buying V and playing a few games before VII comes out. But it's not cheap- the complete edition of 5 is $50 on steam, $30 for vanilla. GOG has II, III and IV, but not V.

I already own tons of games that I never really got into. They're just gathering digital dust. Give me a reason to play 5.

21:22 UTC


Anyone who can suggest a series gameplay on youtube with science victory?

Ive recently finished a 40 episode series of civ 5 from the youtuber The Solar Gamer, he won it through domination. Now Im hooked on these gameplays abd want to see a long series about science victory. Preferably 10-40 episodes long, but any length is fine since i just wanna watch

13:50 UTC


Bout to get back into Civ5…

Was just wondering what are everyone’s favorite mods… I remember being a fan of YNAEMP TSL and ASOIAF … am I missing some really good ones?

03:26 UTC


Outclassed — How to progress

Hey y’all!

Firstly, I’d like to start off with the fact that I’m pretty new to the game. I have an okay understanding of the basic fundamentals but there’s more I don’t know than what I do know. I’m aware playing more hours / time will help answer some questions for me as I progress and gain knowledge of strategies, which units counter others, etc.

At the moment I do not possess this knowledge and lack a lot of information when playing multiplayer with friends. Don’t get me wrong, I prefer to play multiplayer because I like to spend time with them, but lately I do feel the need to play more single player. This way I can really take my time with it.

An issue I had in my previous game was as follows:

I was playing Poland and a friend of mine was Assyria. I was not given much land to work with on my side of the continent and settling far away wouldn’t be feasible (to my knowledge) at the time. Osaka, an AI was 4 tiles away from my secondary city — which I had to build 4 tiles away from my capital as I didn’t have much room due to city states. Using Assyria and being an early-war civ my friend had taken Osaka (in 1 turn) at about 65-70 turns in.

This was about 10-12 tiles from him but 4 from my secondary city. Though I was planning on being aggressive towards Japan a bit later, it caught me off guard and was a very good move to take this city. However, I was stumped. I had no idea what to do now as that move was extremely aggressive in my eyes to take a capital city 4 tiles from my secondary city as an early-game war civ.

Admittedly, I went to war with him the second he took the city to see if I could be aggressive back since I felt now trapped. After taking nearly 10 minutes to figure out what I wanted to do I decided war was not the answer and halted my units (I only had a spearmen, a boat (trieme?) and a chariot archer so clearly I felt fearful. I headed my units back but noticed his siege tower was 2 spaces from that secondary city of mine. I knew I had to attack it and push it away from my city as I just witnessed a capital fall in one turn.

This tactic was deemed as aggressive but at the same time, I needed to get the unit away from my city. The unit started to flee and I followed it. Simultaneously I did have that boat in the water about 2 tiles from his new capital city (Osaka) to scout and see the land above, hoping to have sight on any more incoming units from his capital. I had this unit there prior to him taking the city but still did not have vision on his units unfortunately. As I chased the siege unit away from my capital he had shot down my boat with his city and disrupted the vision so the next turn I killed that siege tower.

I was then told that he was now going to attack me because of killing his unit. I don’t have much game knowledge truthfully, so I was unaware I aggressed twice in this situation, in my head I was defending since he was an early war civ, but I was told I was the aggressor. With this statement being said, I suppose I am unsure what I would have done there. I will admit I argued my case of why I did that, and ultimately the game was abandoned because it became no longer fun to argue back and forth of why I did this, and why he did that, etc. I wouldn’t say I had toxic behavior, but I was confused as to why I was being punished for (what I now know as wrongfully) defending my city. The explanations didn’t come until after the game ended but I’m still confused on what I could have done to not only prevent the hostile behavior I had towards my “offensive” defense but how I could have handled a situation of an aggressive capital steal 4 tiles from a city of mine.

Alternatively, the people I play with are REALLY good at civ, and were explaining that going to war and not necessarily attacking them was a strategic move because of XYZ. I literally have no clue 😅 and truthfully I forgot to make peace. However, I wouldn't have wanted to make peace due to the fact that my unit got taken so I took one back. I typically play a peaceful game and don’t have any knowledge of war. I know that in order to learn I need to play it but I feel as the way I played it upset my friends and in turn upsets me because what I thought I was doing, there were layers to that I didn’t even realize and thus the skill gap just showed itself as even larger to me.

I also feel that there is a chance he wouldn’t have gone to war with me — however all of my possible land on that shared continent was gone (I had some land south but I was all tundra and wouldn’t be good until later) and I was not close to another continent to settle on until later (or so I think).

TL;DR: An aggressive capital steal was made 4 tiles from my second city and my defense tactic with little knowledge of war was actually offensive. Trying to get better at playing multiplayer with friends that are very good and outclass me in all ways, made a wrong move, pleaded my case why, and inevitably everyone left the game as I wasn’t understanding what I did wrong since at the time I didn’t realize how my plays were being taken as offensive which I now understand were.

  1. How would you as an experienced player handle situations with aggressive capital takes / aggressive settling. I believe my confusion and lack of knowledge made the game fail because I was being the aggressor in a situation I thought I was being defensive. This helped open my eyes to realize there are so many unknowns to the game for me.
  2. What helped you gain knowledge in the game outside of playtime? I just joined the Reddit which I think will be very helpful. I also attempted to watch some videos but I believe AI to be very different from MP
23:24 UTC


No help from war instigators

Is it only me or does it look like the AI doesnt help when they ask you to declare war on someone? Lots of times they come to me like "lets declare war on this dude he is out of control" and I think "i cannot take on this guy alone but it would be great to take him out of the game"... Then I declare war and EVERYONE BACKS OFF??? Like guys you baited me into this HELP

22:48 UTC


This pesky prophet will not be spreading his religion to my cities!

21:56 UTC


11,945 Turns until a New Citizen is Born

21:46 UTC


Well I might have a permanent Ally now.

19:30 UTC


Great Andean Road + Altitude Training = see R5

18:34 UTC


Early game tips?

Hey guys. I'm a kinda new civ5 player and I wanna ask you for tips in the early game. I play tall with 3 or 4 cities and I pick tradition as my starting policy. My build order is usually scout scout shrine worker then an archer if needed, or a granary. Then I build my first settler. My main problem is that my capital is usually good both growth wise and production wise, but the rest of my cities are pretty weak, also I'm struggling with early game happiness. Also don't know if I should settle quicker(like 3 cities+national college before turn 100).

So I usually just lose interest because I feel like I'm not doing well, even tho the ai is pretty dumb in this game.

I play on continents+ small map prince difficulty and standard speed(also legendary start is on)

17:53 UTC


Civ 5 OST got me like...

14:46 UTC


It took one turn. I suppose the AI doesn't switch production for it.

14:00 UTC


Fun Tidbit: Melee Units That Upgrade To Ranged Units Keep The Discipline Promotion

Rule 5: Note the left most shield icon in the promotions for this unit. I took the Discipline policy in the Honor Tree at some point. Since I was playing as Assyria, my first siege unit is a melee unit. When upgraded, it retains this promotion, so along with a Great General, a friendly adjacent unit, and potentially Morale from the Heroic Epic, your Trebuchets could be closer in raw strength to Cannons. I imagine this applies to other units like Camel Archers upgraded from Horsemen, as if they weren't already OP enough.

I lost this game though, couldn't prevent two AIs from building a spaceship at the same time. It's Deity, oh well. But I just love Assyria's research agreements by conquest, so I want to try for domination again soon.

Edit: sorry for any confusion, I guess there was an error uploading the image the first time.


1 Comment
13:25 UTC


Culture Plundered On City Capture Is Always Zero

Per the title, I have always wondered why the city capture popup window mentions culture along with gold and great works plundered. I have no recollection of it ever being anything but zero. Is this a relic of Civ 4, like some of the unused entries in the game's XML files? I never played Civ 4 or 3, just 2 prior. This is Brave New World, for reference, but I did play the base Civ 5 game for many hours and don't remember seeing any culture on city capture in those games either. The only Gods and Kings game I've played was the Into The Renaissance scenario.

12:35 UTC


By popular request.... The 6 month long Great War for Sweden

SO u/bighurt2335 wanted me to share some more stories from my 6 month civ 5 diety difficulty game, so here we go.

Before I get into it, I should explain that this was a heavily modded game with 22 civs and 41 city states, and it was a little different from traditional games.

First difference, is I used a level editor to help each civ establish their borders, so in the first 5 turns every bit of land in the game world was claimed. I also gave each civ a starting bonus of cash, and used a level editor to region-lock most luxury resources, meaning a civ couldn't have like 5 different luxuries, they all got up to 10 copies of 1 or 2 luxuries, meaning for instance that I had Gold. If I wanted incense or silver, I had to trade with or conquer the country where those resources were. I would never find it in my land.

the next major change is that nukes insta-kill/pillage all cities and units, erase all strategic and luxury resources, and permanently transform the land into a barren desert in a 2-tile-radius of the blast. This meant if you nuked a city next to an iron deposit, that iron deposit was gone forever, even if you scrubbed the fallout and rebuilt the city. Also, fallout severely damages units and can be fatal. Also using nukes pretty much guarantees denouncement by every civ in the game.

Finally, the game started in the Renaissance so that religions could be founded, but after 6 pantheons were founded I used the level editor to advance everyone to the great war era. A mod prevents advancing to the modern/information era, so essentially the game is forever in the atomic era. And finally total kills are enabled, so as long as a civ has a single unit surviving, they are still in the game. For this reason, only two civs have actually been eliminated, though several are reduced to a couple of units scattered and hiding in the ocean.

So the war for Sweden.

Sweden sat smack in the middle of the north-western continent, which I have called Wesleyan - all the continents are named after universities/colleges. To their west, across a field of mountains, stood a trio of city states. To their south-west they shared a narrow border with France. To the south they bordered India. And to the east they bordered Poland.

Poland and Sweden had immediate tension, denouncing each other rather quickly and eventually coming to blows within the first 20 turns. Theirs was the third war started, and is currently the second longest-running war in the game.

Everything came to a head when Poland invaded. They quickly captured Uppsala, and rallied their forces to the Klara River, a river that ran from the northern coast, through Sweden, then down into India, ending at Mumbai. The Swedish capital of Stockholm sat on the river's western bank, and as Polish forces amassed to siege the city, Sweden fought back valiantly, drove the polish forces back, and in the fields between Uppsala and Stockholm they fought a bloody battle for 6 months, locked in an eternal stalemate.

India eventually declared for Poland and invaded from the south, but while Sweden upgraded their early units, India did not, and India's advance force was wiped out in a single turn. Though Sweden couldn't counterattack, they could hold their borders. so for months, the lines would not budge.

Not until that fateful day. Slowly but surely, in a brutal battle of attrition with no end in sight, Indian forces were able to reach Helsinki to the south and take it. The city traded hands often, sometimes even multiple times in a day.

Sweden's forces were battered and the southern front was crumbling. To the east, Poland had acquired some new funding, and amassed a major force at Uppsala. India forged an alliance with the nations that kept their navy trapped in the Patelis Bay, and they were able to sail their fleet around the continent to hit Sweden from the north. Without a significant fleet of their own, Sweden's navy was quickly crushed and Birka, their only connection to the sea, was about to be lost.

On that day three nuclear weapons launched simultaneously. The cities of Poznan and Uppsala were destroyed, and with them, most of the Polish army was annihilated. The third nuke destroyed Helsinki, and with it both Sweden's southern forces and the invading Indian army.

In one move they had sacrificed two of their own cities and created a hostile wasteland that protected the path to their capital.

But their victory was only temporary. India's fleet captured Birka. Poland and India rallied the survivors of their respective armies, and launched a suicidal last-ditch Hail Mary attack on Stockholm. And together, with only two units surviving, Poland took the capital. President Gustavus' cabinet was forced to retreat to Sigtuna, his army annihilated.

With no money and no soldiers, Sweden could do nothing but wait as Poland rebuilt their forces, crossed the wasteland, and laid siege to Sigtuna, conquering Sweden once and for all. They have four remaining units, all non-combatants and surrounded by enemies. within three turns.... Gustavus will be killed, and Sweden forever erased. Their only hope for survival is if one of their units makes it to the territory of the tri-city alliance.

Oh yes, remember that trio of city-states to the east of Sweden? They fought a war between them, and the two losers were absorbed by the winner. So Kathmandu is effectively a full-fledged civ now in all but name, and I have dubbed them the tri-city alliance, as they rule Antwerp and Monaco.

07:38 UTC


What's the hardest difficulty possible for One City challenge with ALL wonder?

I remember trying it a while ago on settler or chieftain; the hardest part was the rng required to found a city initially which could facilitate all wonders (coast for Colossus of Rhodes and Great Lighthouse etc., near a mountain for Machu Picchu and Newschwanstein, and adjacent to desert for Petra), then also the initial influx of wonders needed to build before other civs in the Ancient Era before you can build a science lead (as well as branching out in multiple social policy trees to get related wonders), and the ideology phase in the later eras where you have to choose an ideology, build that world wonder, then change the world ideology in world congress to get the requisite unhappiness to change ideology to get the next wonder and so on, all of this before other civs can get ideology and build those wonders.

00:25 UTC


Mongolia just "stole" my city states?

I've been allied with two city states for the entire game. Mongolia comes along and pledges to protect these two city states. All of the sudden these two city states are now allied with Mongolia. Is this a glitch or a game mechanic that I didn't know about? Now my diplomatic victory is looking bleak...

23:15 UTC


The army that conquered the world

22:02 UTC


Cultural Victory that never comes

This is my first time playing a game to the end and Ive been trying to win a cultural victory with Egypt, my religion is focused in turism/culture and Ive voted it as global religion on the World Congress. My build order was focusing on culture stuff of course and I buillt all wonders that I could, especially those related to culture and turism. Also, I went Authority > Artistry > Industry > Order (focusing turism and spies).

However, for the past 70 or so turns (470 turns by now) nothing has been really happening, I surpassed most of the other civs kinda easily (Indonesia, Portugal and Greece) but Carthage has been a pain in my ass, I just never seem to catch up to them, I have so much money that I dont really have anything to spend with, most of cities (7 cities) are producing turism because I built pretty much everything so Ive been playing a "Next turn simulator" since the other civs cant eliminate me because I have a strong army and I cant end the game because of one fucking player... so it looks like I will win by score lol.

My point is, from what I said did I make any glaring mistakes that put me in this position? And do you guys have any tips for cultural victories?

20:39 UTC

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