
Photograph via snooOG

Official community of Citybound, a new city building game.

Citybound is an in-development, indie city building game.

Follow its progress and discuss it (directly with the developer!) in this subreddit.

Homepage - DevBlog- @CityboundSim on Twitter

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4,628 Subscribers


How was this game?

Just discovered it. Was there a multiplayer function to it?

00:52 UTC


Anselm's Jazz Distributed Infrastructure Framework

Skulking around his personal website, it seems Anselm (u/theanzelm) has solid plans to commercialize some of the tech invented while developing Citybound.

Jazz Project on aeplay.org

I'm curious if the project will be open-source or do you have plans to go the Awesomium/Ultralight route with both open/closed sources and volume licenses? Or do you plan to offer commercial support services like other open source software?

1 Comment
20:03 UTC


Cities Skylines is Now Outpacing Citybound's Goals

19:07 UTC


Looks Like Rust is no Longer Available, so CityBound is Dead

Unless someone can revive or fork the Javascript version, that is.

22:37 UTC


Added vehicles, isometric camera, and more!

14:10 UTC


game dead?

is there any news on this project

13:48 UTC


Upcoming Citybuilder Game - Progress

22:27 UTC


PBP compile broken?

Attempting to compile source using Rustc 1.61.0 on Manjaro 22.05 on AARCH64 platform fails.

==> ERROR: citybound-bin is not available for the 'aarch64' architecture.

So, is there a plan or solution for Pinebook, PBP, or RPi architectures?

Pulled latest build down and tried "cargo b" and got this message

error[E0554]: `#![feature]` may not be used on the stable release channel
--> /home/wpeckham/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/chunky-0.3.7/src/lib.rs:10:12
10 | #![feature(vec_resize_default)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

23:57 UTC


Nothing posted in the last 6 months?

03:18 UTC


This just felt apt

23:08 UTC


I know this sub has been quiet lately, but i thought you guys/girls would appreciate the building generator I made in blender.

05:42 UTC


A real classic from 1984

00:53 UTC


How can I play Citybound?

Hi, I'm interested to play this game that I found under the median of YouTube called CityBound. I want to play it, I just don't know how can I play it. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

02:20 UTC


Crazy that this was 7 years ago...

11:00 UTC


Just discovered this through the Hacker News archives

I'm glad to see there's still activity around this! I look forward to digging in and learning from the authors work :) Love from California

06:24 UTC


How to download this?

I found this interesting game while surfing the web but there is not really any instructions of how to install it on Windows. Sorry if this sounds nooby, but please help me.

09:40 UTC


Did a quick render of /u/RedFoxTechnoSoc sketch

09:37 UTC


Bye friends

I just wanted to thank anselm for setting up this community and for motivating to pursue similar goals.

Unfortunately, this project and this sub are dead. We don't get any updates anymore und it seems that anzelm has given up too. Don't be mad at him for that, it was a very very ambitious project and at least I have learned a few things.

I would have wished for anzelm to at least communicate the current status. Even saying that no progress has been achieved would have been nice. I was worried about his health, but someone pointed out that the guy is alive and doing well and just seeking attention on twitter for now. He prefers that over responding to the community here.

Well, I hereby unsubscribe from this sub. Bye friends!

13:29 UTC


When video game turns into reality

13:46 UTC


Just checking in for an update

The last blog post I noticed was back on March 28 2020 and the commits have really taled off for the https://github.com/citybound repository. I am super pumped about his project and would really like to do some simulation work with it too. Things I am interested in are (shortlist):
- looking at new subway systems and transport model

  • Transport modes
    • bikes
    • subways
      • networked subways systems
      • boring company concepts
      • walking streets
      • impact of public docks
  • Impacts of virtual commuting in the system.
    • impacts on data requirements and network system
  • Energy storage
  • Energy distribution
    • Electrical
    • Thermal
    • microgrids
  • Finacial and quilty of life does it cost more to live in a city
    • if yes it can that be brought down
    • is it a better value to live in a city
    • how can we design cities that have a better quality of life
  • also, infectious disease effects driven by building codes and health code rules (compliance)
18:34 UTC


Interesting couple of videos about the shortfallings of Simcity 2013's bad-meshing design I found recently. Defo something that can be learned from and to bear in mind when trying to make a better city builder so I thought they might be useful

17:31 UTC




I imagine there's already more than enough development work to do in Citybound without this, but...

I was curious whether any ideas/plans existed for bicyles (pedal bikes) in the transport system. There are some interesting aspects to designing good cycling infrastructure that can shape the behaviour of individuals' choices - e.g. if cycling routes are *designed* to be useful and pleasant, people will prefer them to driving (thus improving car journeys by reducing traffic jams).

This video gives a taster on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMJaMy-0ChA&list=PLJp5q-R0lZ08cqCAcefwtHRmuLKXP_ye8&index=3

Apologies if this has been discussed, I couldn't find any mention of bikes searching here or on the website. I'm only a casual lurker, my interest stemming from having played Sim City 2000 back in the day, and Citybound being written in Rust. :-)

1 Comment
11:06 UTC



08:18 UTC


Desirability, community and prestige

The concept of uniform desirability in city-building games was always sort of weird to me. In real life, different people want different things, and wealth tends to be quite gradient over land, usually with stereotypical rich and poor neighbourhoods, and a few blocks where price continually increases or decreases between them, rather than a direct shift from mansions to tenement blocks. Also, games like SC4 and SC2013 seem to imply that low wealth people don't benefit particularly from any sort of desirability, in both of them, the requirements for $ sims to be happy in an area is basically "is it radioactive? If not, we're good.", which, maybe people can *move in* like that, but irl people are happiest, and most willing to stay, when their area is underpinned by culture.

The issue is, in my experience, different people, usually of different wealths, seem to have a different understanding of what culture is - the condos that have shot up in my already fairly middle class neighbourhood as it has started gentrifying are worth over half a million, and the yuppies that reside in them eye you up if you walk back from the shop with unbagged cheap cereal in your hands, or hire site security guys to push you off the block if you hang around there too much at night, because just vibing is too scary and a crime against rich people. I've chatted shit on these sorta places with many working-to-lower-middle class friends, who have many of them pointed out a similar trend that rich people, urban or suburban, tend to seem to want to live in fancy but ultimately boring areas which maximise comfort and minimise perceived risk to all the things they have to loose. My observations seem to suggest they value a "culture of prestige", living on the same block as an art gallery or opera house (which I can certainly appreciate), while sometimes seeming dismissive or somehow uncomfortable around areas with a "cultures of community", like people just hanging around on blocks smoking and talking to each other, things like dive bars, and small entertainment centres like punk venues, which I feel more embody my idea of a sense of community and an area that's more desirable to people looking to cut loose after a long week, even if it isn't so much to property speculators. With that in mind, I decided to lean into this direction when pitching the question of desirability to the community.

My idea was that there would be datalayers for community and prestige, with working class houses getting a happiness boot from living in areas with high community, wealthy ones gaining a similar boost from areas with high prestige, and middle class houses somewhat appreciating both. In my mind, $$$ residences would have a slight positive impact on prestige around them, and none on community, $$ residences having a slight positive impact on community, but none on prestige, and $ residences having a modest positive impact on community, and a slight negative impact on prestige, in their immediate vicinity. Different buildings would likely also have more pronounced and wide effects, such as a lavish plaza increasing prestige in an area around it, a bar somewhat increasing community on it's block, the old school buildings of a university increasing the prestige of the area around them while the student union and dorm buildings increased community more around themselves, and things like social services increasing community but decreasing prestige in their locale.

This could also disincentivise building construct-and-forget slum districts with terrible services or planning in ways that create retail and food deserts, your poorer citizens will live in them, but won't be very happy about it, and to get better happiness you have to put a little bit more effort into planning for more livable and communable districts. On the other side of the coin, it could help prevent things like SC4's infamous mansionspam by making it so that wealthier developments for more affluent households would only want to establish in the direct vicinity of quite rare and expensive prestige-generating buildings like art museums and big fancy parks, or on the outsides of pre-existing high wealth neighbourhoods, and avoid developing directly next to low wealth residences, or near "vulgar" things like factories and jails, with negative prestige auras.

Another interesting thing this could tie into is a future laws system that me and anselm were discussing, that's very much just an idea right now and has little actually written down in it's name, but I thought this might be an interesting place to show how a system like that could tie into game mechanics. Let's say you have a police station, and every time it runs a patrol or investigates a crime in an area, for a time, it lowers crime but also corrodes community a bit in the area it has patrolled or investigated. A mayor might be able to enact ordinances that allocated resources towards things like sensitivity training to reduce how much police activity impacts community, neighbourhood watch ordinances to help soften crime without hurting community, or laws to send social workers to the scenes of minor crimes, instead of cops, as was getting talked about a lot as an idea about 6 or so months ago. Alternatively, a mayor with a crime problem could enact laws allocating resources to things like heavily armed police, curfews, and widespread surveillance cameras in order to beef up the cops as a crime fighting force, even if that involves highly community-corroding techniques that can leave heavily policed areas feeling intimidated and scrutinized by their harsh doctrines.

As always, tell me what you think about this sorta stuff

23:49 UTC

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