A place to talk about the subject of adult male circumcision — the surgical removal of foreskin from the penis.
A place to talk about the subject of male circumcision— the surgical removal of foreskin from the penis.
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Don't ask about non-consensual circumcision. | We’re here to talk about circumcision as a procedure for adult males, or for those who have the mental capacity to provide informed consent for the procedure on themselves. |
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Guidelines for 'IAmA' Threads | "IAmA" threads must contain proof to show that the person behind the username has had the surgical experience or is a member of the profession they are claiming. • Proof can be sent privately to the moderation team if anonymity is a concern. • Medical professionals will be given custom user flair once they have been verified. • No abusive or harassing comments — They will be removed. |
I got the surgery just under a week ago and the head I still way too sensitive to wear pants so I can’t go outside and I can’t even rest the penis down because the head will be in contact with the scrotum, so I have had to hold it up to prevent pain. What can I do to fix these things? And how long will it take for these problems to go away?
I swear if I hear one of you to tell me to wait more and its gonna go away I fucking...
My surgeron told me to wait 9 months and if its not gone I take appointement with him but It take 6 months to have appointement with him so I ll only see him in 4 months nice
Also what are the solution? Is he gonna do another surgery? Does that mean another scar...?
Has anyone tried the underwear with the soft cup that opens? I’ve bought two and they’re both small. So, I’m worried about using them. Any experience? Any recommendations for best underwear?
Hi, any aftercare tips? Expectations? Experiences? Scarring for people with keloids? Thank you
Hi! I’m in day 13 today, I’m feeling a lot better than other days! The only thing that is bothering me is that I have a almost all of the stitches sticking out still (Tomorrow I have an appointment with my urologist to see if he can take them out) and yesterday I stopped using the gauze. The sensibility is not that bad, but when I walk I feel like the stitches are penetrating my scar… idk if you guys recommend that I just keep the gauze for a couple of days until I don’t have more stitches or should i just put up with the pain. (I only use boxers when I leave my room, I’m commando when I’m alone and I don’t have a problem with anything, the pain is only while wearing boxers or shorts).
After Month
He got circumcised two years ago, has been using vaseline but now wants to use something better. He complains that the skin on head is too dry. We are looking for Something that can be found online or in pharmacies. He (my husband) doesn’t want to use a body moisturizer, as he shouldn’t. Thanks
I’ve heard that the first four weeks after circumcision can be extremely challenging, with some people experiencing intense regret, depression, and anxiety. I have ADHd, which often leads to high emotional dysregulation, so I’m concerned about managing my mental health afterwards. The procedure is medically necessary to treat phimosis, and I have no other options left at this point. Any advice is greatly appreciated 😊
Reposting due to text not coming with post.
Got circumcised this summer, been having this bump ever since. It is soft and stretches out when im fully erect. I do get a little irritated there after sex/masturbation. Im unsure whether it is extra skin or just swelling. Will it go away? Do anyone else have the same issue or any tips about the issue?
I'm at third week after circumcision. I don't have pain and swelling got reduced and stitches area coming.my doubt is the remaining fore skin belo the penis head will be attached with the penis or gap will be there between inside penis and skin above on it.
Basically stitches will be between the penis head and fore skin or it will be only for the fore skin.
So I'm into the first or second day of my circumcision (it's just over 24 hours since I had it done).
I was a bit worried about nighttime erections but don't think I had many, if any, last night. I think it's a bit too battered to be thinking about anything like that. I didn't drink much water before bed which may or may not have helped. It was mostly the discomfort that interrupted my sleep.
Thankfully I've no pain but my main issue is just how sensitive the head is when rubbing against clothing, but that's to be expected. I've a bit of swelling around the area and some bruising but nothing major.
I wore underwear in bed last night and normal pj bottoms but today I've just been wearing loose bottoms and no underwear. It's helped with the sensitivity in that I can't really feel it rubbing all the time anyway. They suggested wearing loose jogger bottoms in the hospital.
Think I'm allowed to shower tomorrow but might leave it till Saturday morning or something, not sure yet.
Just wondering if, for example, high and tight is better done when you’re younger and then the scar line isn’t so severe by the time you enter adulthood etc? I’m 32, so don’t really want to do something that will take years to look nice again
Hi all, I was circumcised on October 4, so just shy of 4 weeks ago. Recovery is going very well.
However, I’ve noticed that the amount of inner skin left is not the same at different areas. On the top side, I have approximately 3cm left but as I get to both sides, only 2.5cm is left and the underside has 2cm of inner skin left.
My issue with this is that when I get an erection, the underside and both sides are tight and pull the top side part of the inner skin forward creating a sort of ridge instead of a smooth stretched out area for the top side.
My question is, has anyone had a similar result, and also, does the inner skin stretch over time so that it would become more even and avoid the unwanted top part being pulled forward towards the glans?
After a date change, I've finally got my op date for next week.
Not going to lie I'm absolutely sh*tting myself about it, as the whole thing is a bit daunting.
Any tips or advice from you lot about things to do before the op? Thanks!
The urologist told me not to shower for at least 48 hours after the procedure. After that I can shower but I think he said to try and not let the area get too wet.
How did others on here shower after their procedure? I'm not sure when I can go back to normal-ish showers as I forgot to ask.
I experienced that I automaticly do kegels and hold them when masturbating, to feel more more pleasure during nasturbating. Is it a thing others also do?
Im cut low & tight. Only jeeking the heads gives me pleasure as I have very little inner skin left. I have been kegeling since I started nasturbating after my cut many years ago. I tried somethimes to relax my kegel muscle, just relax and not push reverse kegels. It was not as pleasureable then, and I could not orgasm for almost an hour.
Anyone else got similar experience?
So i am in almost 3 weeks after my surgery and as i can see most of the stiches are there, the instructions of my doctor were that the stiches would come off from fay 7 to day 14 and the doctor is in another town so its not very easy to visit him. The stiches are also dissolvable. Is this normal? Tell me your experiences and what do you think I should do:)
I am 2months post op and want to start using scaroil early
Can anyone tell me whats scaroil and how when to use it
Short frenulum prevents me from pulling foreskin back when penis is erect. The foreskin covers the entire head but when it moves back and forth during maturbation, the foreskin doesn't go far enough to reveal the entire head. Now I can do the cleaning nd all when it's flaccid (as i can reveal the entire hesd then) so there hasn't been any issue yet. And masturation doesn't cause any difficulty either. But I am afraid of what'd happen during sex. Could the pressure during sex pull the foreskin back too much and tear the frenulum??
Again I can reveal the head when it's flaccid but not when it's erect
Hi it’s been months since I got my dorsal slit, will it shrink or will it stop growing?
I'm almost a week post op, and one thing is bothering me. Before the circ I had Balanitis (phimosis of course) with swollen and a bit painful glanse. As the doc said there was a huge amount of smagma under forskin that they cleaned. At the moment I'm not sure if the swollen and painful part is gone since I'm still post op and there are normal swelling and feeling brused and sensitive glans. Anyway had similar scenario? I haven't asked the doc about it yet but should I use some cream or something or should I consider balanitis gone?
Hiya, I’ve been circumcised for about 5 and a half weeks now (23rd Sept). It’s been a bit rough. Had an infection, as well as issues with my stitches. I don’t like uploading pics lol, so this is a close up. I’m a little concerned about the lump of red/pink skin that’s poking out from between my circumcision and the head. Also, I’ve noticed some flaky skin appear on the head of my penis. Could that be just general rubbing while at work or something to be concerned about? I work in construction, so quite a lot of ladder climbing etc.
The red dots between my two black circles I believe to be something I saw someone mention on another post, skin tunnel or something? I had some stitches sticking out (like a Diglett lmao) and it concerned me. Next time I checked, I had this huge white head spot there and it burst as soon as I pulled my foreskin back. And this is how it looks 5 days after. Doc said he is happy with how it looks, no obvious signs of infection.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Been rather stressed with all this tbh haha. Haven’t tried sex yet, it looks too rough to use like that, but have managed some nice enough solo goes 😆