
Photograph via snooOG

Reddit's original community for choral music makers, enjoyers, composers, arrangers... or others interested in choral music, choruses, vocal ensembles, and other associated topics.

Reddit's original community for choral music makers, enjoyers, composers, arrangers... or others interested in choral music, choruses, vocal ensembles, and other associated topics.


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Mozart’s Great Mass in C

13:17 UTC


Recommendations SATB Works in Tagalog for Non-Filipino Community Choir?

Hello All!

I’m looking for SATB works in Tagalog for my choir in Tokyo.

Our goal this year is to sing music that represents the backgrounds of the members of our group and we have two Filipino singers who would be helping us with the diction.

I’d ask the two for recommendations but they are fairly new to classical-style singing.

As for the level of the group as a whole, we are a community choir that tries aims to sing music of varying levels but like to sing collegiate-level repertoire or above as we do perform at contests now and again (in the recent past we’ve sung Lauridsen’s “Chansons des Rose” (the entire set), Poulenc’s “4 chansons pour les temps de Noël,” and are also working on music in Chinese, Xhosa, and Spanish).

We’re not looking for anything too virtuosic right now.

Any recommendations for composers and pieces are appreciated.

14:53 UTC


Ave Verum - Josef Haydn & Panis Angelicus by Saint Saens - REQUEST

Hi there, I wonder if anyone might have the below pieces (I am attaching URL)? I am a choral conductor who has myself lots of music to share and will be happy to do so with anyone who can help me. Thank you x

(p.s. the video says Ave Verum by M Haydn, but I have researched it and more videos says it is of Josef Haydn rather) my email is aloni sarit "at" gmail dot com (all together without space). Many thanks!




1 Comment
08:16 UTC


Showchoir directors: opinions wanted..!

I have an incredible opportunity to design a Showchoir event but, first I'd like to get some opinions from boots on the ground. Chime in if you have a moment and a few thoughts...

Does your Showchoir travel beyond state lines and, if so, what events have you attended?

Do you look for specific inclusions? (Are you there for hardware, for example)

Do you pair your travels with other things in mind? (Theme Parks, museums, sight seeing, etc)

Would you consider an event that doesn't offer trophy hardware in lieu of something very unique?

What times of the year are best for you to travel and conversely, what specific time periods in your school year are “verboten"..?

Are there any locations that presently don't offer a Showchoir event, but you'd LOVE to see one there?

Do you generally bus to your present events or does air travel factor in?

Generally speaking, do you take on single day events or do you take multi-day trips?

Your opinions will immediately help to understand the hopes, dreams and needs of the school Showchoir community. Thank you all, kindly..!

1 Comment
13:35 UTC


Does anyone know what song this is?

So this was our primary school graduation song, but I haven’t t been able to find it anywhere. I’m about to graduate high school now, and I really wanted to share it with my friends. Does anyone know it?

All good things must come to an end. The river of time keeps moving on. We must say goodbye my friend. Tomorrow you'll look and I'll be gone. Wherever you go, wherever you travel in this world, may all of your dreams come true. Wherever you go, wherever you travel in this world, always carry a part of me with you.

Time rolls on, we will meet again. Though the journey may take us far apart. Keep the memories dear and then We’ll be together in our hearts.

1 Comment
23:11 UTC


Tudor ((mostly choral)) Composer Tier List ((Thomas Tallis #1))

19:34 UTC


The Real Group Japan Tour!!!! - August 25 - 29, 2024

05:10 UTC


Our Choral Arrangement of "My Mother Told Me" (Opinions Welcome) :)

18:17 UTC


Is someone able to recognize this melody

I remember no lyrics but this tiny chunk of a melody has been stuck in my head and I would love if I could find the song

23:08 UTC


Why use certain sounds in warmups or practice over others

I understand a little bit of this as a church musician trying to spread my wings and sing independently with other amateur singers (unfortunately I never had formal choir classes or postsecondary music…).

I know why we want to use velars for building resonance. I can feel it. So for once it seems obvious.

What I’m stuck on is /u/ (or /u:/ for English speakers in the US; it doesn’t have to be as rounded as say in French). Justine Ward’s method of teaching children Gregorian chant often uses this vowel, singing “noo” (/nu:/) over a passage instead of words or solfège syllables. The result is singing more smoothly — but I don’t see why this vowel is “necessary” or “better”.

And why /n/ or /m/ for exercises? I recently discovered an excellent exercise for vowel purity going from /i/ to /e/ (or a schwa-like vowel…) to /a/ to /u/ with /m/ as the consonant, singing on one note and moving by ascending half-steps.

Yes, yes, there is a little overthinking here, but I appreciate the insights.

16:57 UTC


4 person SATB music for celebration of life

My grandfather passed away recently and my family, who are lucky enough to have all parts SATB covered between the 4 of us, have been asked to sing something. I'm looking for suggestions of what might be good. Looking for:

  • no divisi, or divisi that can be ignored
  • a capella
  • not too, too sad as the aim is to have more of a celebration of life than a funeral

So far, we've thought maybe "Good night, Dear Heart" by Forrest (I know this is a bit sad, but we like that it's beautiful and peaceful), or a 4 part adaptation of Brinsmead's Amazing Grace (although I'm not sure the 8 part piece can be effectively dumbed down to 4 parts). I'd appreciate any and all suggestions you all might have!

18:21 UTC


What song is this?

Heard this song at a choir concert earlier this year, but I didn’t catch the name🧐

18:20 UTC


Shit-tons of choral and organ CDs

My Dad who has thousands of CDs that he's already burned to his iTunes account has file boxes full of CDs/jewel boxes of amazing recordings.

WTF do I do with all them?

I'm friends with musicians who work at all of the local universities, none of them want them. I hate to landfill them.

04:17 UTC


Middle school choir names

I am a middle school/high school choir director and I just started a new program at my school. I want to name each ensemble something relating to our mascot (stars) for the full choir they will be the Singing Stars (kids chose that one) and my intermediate treble ensemble will be Aurora. I'm still looking for a name for my beginning treble choir, my TB choir and my advanced mixed choir (this group is my advanced middle schoolers and all my high schoolers because the high school is very small at this school).

I would love any recommendations/ideas because I've thought of a couple others (like Celestial Voices) but I'm not completely sold on them.

Thank you in advance!!

02:35 UTC


How to Gain Experience in Choral Conducting before Applying to MM

For context, I did not major in music: I just got my bachelor's in a science, but I did take a few classes in the music department and worked close to full-time as Music Director of an internationally-recognized collegiate vocal group for two years. I'm attempting to pivot into choral conducting after realizing that careers in chemistry are incredibly soul-sucking for me. I'm feeling like I am not a competitive applicant at the moment, and I would really love to gain more professional experience / supplement my application before applying to MM programs in choral conducting. Would anyone be able to provide me some tips on how I might do this? Thank you in advance!

20:56 UTC


Missa Brevis in D minor

14:15 UTC


A Seed of Grain Lyrics

I am looking for lyrics to a choral version of A Seed Of Grain. The orchestral piece is played in The American President, but in the movie The Bucket list it is performed as a choral piece and I would love to have the full lyrics to it!

03:26 UTC



08:30 UTC


Litany of Action by Minneapolis Choir Co-Op

01:48 UTC


What's your choral music bucket list? 🎶🪣🦵

I heard Miserere Mei, Deus recently and realized I've never really created a choral bucket list. Hearing that live would be on it as well as Totus Tuus. Add hearing Stellenbasch University choir to that list too. Tell me the pieces or choirs, that you would love to hear or participate in singing before you kick the bucket 🎶🪣🦵

05:11 UTC


A sacred choral piece I completed recently

Would love any feedback on this piece I completed recently. It is sacred music, but not liturgical, based on text from St. Ephrem the Syrian. It is meant to be relatively easy, difficulty wise. Please excuse the sampled choir sound, it's not the greatest.


21:05 UTC


Those of us who got hooked on choral music in high school/college, what were your favorite numbers back then?

Every so often I try to look up some of the pieces that I loved back then and I get delightful little harmony dopamine bursts. High school was 25 years ago for me, but I can still remember my part on the songs like it was yesterday. A few of my favorites:

Sing Me to Heaven

Sic Sicut Cervus

Water Night

Sure on this Shining Night

12:28 UTC


Vibrato in Choral Singing

I’m not here to start a fight or anything, but for the choral directors out there, what is your take on use of vibrato in choral singing?

I know there is no one right answer and circumstances are sure to influence what is and is not desirable but…

I personally do not believe that choral music must be sung in straight tone.

Being mindful of vibrato that is too wide, too fast, too slow, etc. is one thing, but saying “absolutely no vibrato,” is too much regardless of the circumstance. At least, in my humble opinion.

It was never explicitly discussed in any of the groups that I sang with in the States, but since moving to Japan, I never stop hearing about how much straight tone is the desired vocal technique for choirs and it drives me nuts because most of the people making a fuss about it do not have any formal training in vocal music.

14:13 UTC


Programming for State Conference

Hi folks! I am a second-year high school choral educator who is looking for some programming help.

Our top SATB ensemble was accepted to perform at our upcoming state music education conference this winter, and I am in desperate need of repertoire recommendations for my students. We have 36 students, majority seniors, so I can argue we can pull off some difficult rep. (for context, of our more successful pieces this year include Barrett’s “Ndikhokhele Bawo”, Vovk’s “Ta Na Solbici”, and Davison’s “The Wind That Shakes The Barley”.)

I’m in search of any and all pieces, but bonus points if they:

• feature an underrepresented composer

• use extended techniques, unique timbres

• tell a story - either a self-contained narrative or dwelling on a specific theme

Thank you so much for your help!

21:04 UTC


My piece, Kyrie for double choir, performed beautifully by Choral Chameleon.

This piece is some years old now, and I’m thinking I’d like to expand to a full mass or missa brevis.

Anybody have thoughts on the composition or ensembles that may be interested in performing more movements of it ?

18:48 UTC

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