The US is finally adopting cards with embedded microchips in them. Called EMV (EuroPay, Visa and MasterCard), the chips are far more difficult to clone than the magnetic stripes that we use today and make any data that intruders gather impossible to use. The transition is also enabling use of mobile wallets such as Apple Pay by consumers and merchants alike.
News, experience reports and discussion are all welcome.
The US is finally adopting cards with embedded microchips in them. Called EMV (EuroPay, Visa and MasterCard), the chips are far more difficult to clone than the magnetic stripes that we use today and make any data that intruders gather impossible to use. The transition is also enabling use of mobile wallets such as Apple Pay by consumers and merchants alike.
News, experience reports and discussion are all welcome.
Our friends:
Hi. This is mostly a technical question for my curiosity.
Recently while traveling the chip and pin function of my debit card stoped working in stores and hasn't worked since, even in my home country. The error is either wrong PIN or no PIN. Contactless payments continue to work even those needing a PIN and the card works in ATMs. This has happened in multiple different stores.
Can what I'm describing be a physical problem with the card? My bank is not very helpful saying either that this is a problem with an individual merchant or that I typed the wrong PIN. Suffice to say that since it never happened prior to the first occasion, then happened every time since I don't believe the first explanation and I'm very careful typing the PIN. Odd (as my bank suggests) if every time I use in an ATM or contactless I manage to type correctly but every time I use chip and pin I make a mistake.
I have Thales IDBridge CT40 and I would order ISO 7816 / SLE 4442 smart card. I found open source software for writing data, OpenSC. I previously bought some card and it said card is unresponsive, can I do it with ISO 7816 card and Thales IDBridge CT40. I would write certificate to it (.pem file with public key and .pem file with private key)
Hi. I am a Pre-final year college student . I am gathering info on how these chips work , how are they programmed , how the scanner retrieves the information frm the chip.
If possibe you can direct me to any resources from where I can learn this in depth. Thanks in advance
How would I write my debit card number and pin to a blank via my iPhone I have the nfc app paid version and info
Sorry if wrong place and maybe a simple question for EMV knowledgeable, can UCOTA limits be set on an individual account levels in the EMV standard? Thanks in advance.
Simple enough, I got no idea where to go. I gotta identify this card for washing machine payments. The owner of the laundromat is my friend and wants to find better pricing on new cards, but they mentioned that without the chip name, we cannot do much. I know it is from Atmel, but I can't find the same pattern. Any ideas/place to look for?
I live in a border town and was at Dollar Tree last night. The customer in front of me in line was trying to insert her Interac/Visa debit card. Every time it would have a chip read error and the cashier told her to try swiping it after inserting it 3 times. The screen then said “Please insert card” after she swiped, as I expected because I had thought that fallback was no longer allowed for Canadian cards. However, the cashier told her to try inserting her card upside down 3 times and then swiping and that worked. I’m surprised this would still be allowed. I’m also wondering if it was failing because the card reader was trying to process it on the Interac network and not Visa. I could see the contactless indicator on the card but I’m not sure if she tried tapping it before I got in line.
Does anyone have an explanation of why my contactless debit card doesn’t work at most places? I have PNC and about a year ago, it worked fine tapping everywhere. I’ve noticed at places like Giant Eagle, it has stopped working all together. I was at a pizza shop the other day, and the cashier tapped my card on the reader but it didn’t read. However, I did go to ALDI the same day and it tapped just fine. Is it the stores?
Good Morning,
I am an accountant working on an audit, I have a receipt with the following TC, TVR, TSI numbers:
TC: 0539BD795F3FCB8E TVR: 0000008000 TSI: F800
Could anyone decode these for me please?
I'm in Canada.
Thank you so much for the help!
wondering if there is any way to https://tarkovmerchstore.com/terra-labs-card/terragroup-labs-keycard use this as my debit card. for example connecting the card shown in the link to an app and then connect that app to my debit card and tapping trough the shown one?
Reposted from emvacceptedhere.com:
So yeah, we went a long time without an update again. However, this one is important.
It turns out we have a hard end of life for this website now: 2029. That's the date when Mastercards are no longer allowed to have a magnetic stripe at all. Not just "no longer required to", period (with minimal exceptions). Because of this, stores will increasingly begin having problems running cards in the several years prior to the cutoff, forcing whoever is still not EMV enabled by then to do whatever's necessary to make that happen.
However, that brings up the question of who exactly will be left by that point. I'm honestly not sure it'll be all that many places. As it is now, almost 80% of card present transactions are EMV. In my personal life, even, I go quite a long while before one of my cards gets swiped--even at gas pumps. These days, I can also go multiple days without needing to insert as contactless adoption at the merchant level is significantly improved even compared to a couple of years ago. (I'm a bit annoyed that we needed a pandemic and the subsequent loss of lives for that to happen, but that's a different subject.) Come to think of it, many of whoever's left may very well switch over even before 2027 simply to get contactless support the way user adoption's going.
What about the various aspects of a store's setup? This too is becoming less important over time. Quick Chip is pretty much a standard terminal feature in the US now, for one thing. (I recently got a Treecard debit card--which has offline PIN--but have had quite a hard time getting that PIN reset precisely due to QC. Plus, the two places I've found that still don't have it also don't seem to run issuer scripts, which makes me think that those either aren't sent over to cards anymore or Treecard made a mistake configuring the cards. I'm not fully sure on this yet.) Combined with restaurants as a group having decided not to do pay at the table and even many of the few PIN preferring cards switching over to signature preference, the important bits are now basically a) is EMV working at all and b) is contactless working.
So, will the website shut down? Probably not immediately. However, updates like this one will probably become less and less frequent over time, and I may eventually just make the website read-only. In the meantime, definitely continue to submit additions and suggestions for updates.
Anyway, figured I'd keep everyone here updated.
Not sure if this was previously confirmed or not, but happy to report that I visited a Michaels today and was able to tap my card! :)