
Photograph via snooOG


1. Don't act like a basic bitch.

  • Don't act like a 35-year-old Reddit manbaby.
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  • Channit eliminates the garbage parts of Reddit and 4chan. We are here to create an independent culture. Let's each do our part to keep this place from descending into a shithole in either direction.

2. Mods=Gods

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63 Subscribers


Replicating Gravitational lensing with wineglasses

Wineglass lens replicating einstein rings

https://vela.astro.ulg.ac.be/themes/extragal/gravlens/bibdat/engl/DE/didac.html - Piece written explaining similarities

I'll try and simulate this lensing computationally at some point to get a nice side by side

12:49 UTC

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