Hello CQ! Just putting it put there. I install Starlink to the local area done a few now. Would anyone actually like to have it installed? I am trying to see how other people feel about it. Would you personally pay 500$ (+accessories) for me to come out supply and install the dish within a couple of hours? Do you know someone who has nearly no internet and would benefit greatly? flick us a DM if ur interested.
Sorry if it is slightly off putting, im not sure how to word it lol.
Emerald Agrow is on this week! should be good! See you there!
Anyone in Emerald keen for some OZ Day NSA Fun???
My fave was Hansen’s Seafood [ Mackay ] Not sure if they’re still running….
Hey everyone, I’m working on my 4th year research project at the University of Queensland to help better understanding of people’s reactions to information about a social issue. I would be really grateful if you would be able to do my survey. You will be asked to imagine yourself at a community event and then answer questions (on a scale, such as 1 = not at all to 7 = very much) about your beliefs, feelings and intentions. It should take 20 minutes and you would really be helping me out. Just click on the link below and it will take you to the survey. Your responses will be completely anonymous and you can withdraw at any time. Your participation will also make you eligible to go into a prize draw for one of three $20 vouchers.
I am using a throwaway because I'm not the keenest person to give my actual Reddit name because first off I am shy and since Emerald is pretty small, I kind of don't like the idea of things getting around (especially how easy it is in country towns).
I'm happy to plan something out whether it's a group or just individually meeting up.
I've just moved here for work, I don't know anyone under 40, I've been here for 3 weeks and am running out of films to watch