Dedicated to showing the beauty and elegance of a Female Celebrities back.
Dedicated to showing the beauty and elegance of a Female Celebrities back.
Resolution should be greater than 1024 x 700.
Approved hosts: reddit & imgur.
5 images / 24 hours per user.
Full name in title. Please use full name only in submission title. No need for emojis or a description of what's going on.
Celebrities must be 18+ at time the photo was taken.
NSFW must be tagged or they will be removed.
Please, no fakes.
No pornstars, camgirls, or leaked material.
No sadsturbation language. Jerkoff comments will get you banned, linking to Jerkoff subs will get you banned. Use of inappropriate language in submission titles or in comments will not be tolerated.
Only post direct links. Anything else will be treated as spam and deleted. Video screen recordings and screenshots will be removed.