Netflix for Cats
Just cats staring at walls.
Important note: Headpressing is a condition with similar symptoms to staring at walls and may indicate damage to the nervous system. If your cat is demonstrating this behavior, please take them to a vet immediately!
1. Only content hosted with Imgur, Gfycat, or directly from the official reddit app are allowed.
2. Any content that may have resulted in a cat getting hurt will be removed.
3. This subreddit is for CATS staring at walls. Big cats are ok to post too.
4. Off topic posts will be removed.
5. Any disrespectful posts and comments will be removed.
To combat spam, /r/CatsStaringAtWalls requires posters to have at least 5 karma to be able to contribute. If you have any issues with this, please contact the moderators.
It is often the black and white ones likes ours. Our Bella caught a mouse (she didn't kill it) coming out of a hole in the garden border. Now, she can actually still stare at that same place for hours on end, living in hope, even though it was at least 3 years ago,
My cat Luna looking at a painting. I think maybe she sees her reflection, but she'll do it to non reflective pictures as well.
She's definitely put herself in timeout.