We share Catalan words and English translations to help language learners expand their vocabulary. See more @ https://WordofTheHour.org
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We share Catalan words and English translations to help language learners expand their vocabulary.
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integritat translates to integrity
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
òrbita translates to orbit
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
deformitat translates to deformity
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agut translates to acute
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carro translates to wagon
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informe translates to report
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pràctica translates to practice
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escultura translates to sculpture
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
exposició translates to exhibit
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més ben translates to better
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a través de translates to through
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colònia translates to colony
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varietat translates to array
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junt translates to together
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
reservat translates to reserved
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cicle translates to cycle
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moll translates to dock
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agafa translates to catch
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durador translates to durable
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casa translates to household
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
cavaller translates to knight
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nas translates to nose
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arrel translates to root
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critica translates to criticise
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lliure translates to free
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il·luminació translates to illumination
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form