Post stupid stuff. Pictures, whatever. As long as you're happy and you're a CA, post whatever you want. Debby Downers will be dealt with accordingly.
The subreddit for those of us who don't want to worry about posting non-chat-related stuff to r/ca_chat but feel worried that posting to r/ca will get downvoted to oblivion by the "elite". Post here. We don't care what it is. If it's a picture of you looking happy with a beer, we upvote. If it's you and a puppy, we upvote. If it's just a picture of your cat after he was spun around in an office chair for a while, we upvote. This is the sub for CAs who just don't give a fuck about criticism, or, as Andrew WK called it, "The best subreddit for crippled alcoholics who are happy with their lives and want to make others happy and don't want to be persecuted by others trying to flex nuts and not party." [citation needed]
This sub is for posting whatever you want. Stacked empties on your cat? Post it. Puked and it looks like Gandhi? Post it. Made a Christmas tree out of your empties? Post it. Girlfriend got naked while drunk? She's a winebitch. Post it. Your name is tourdefranz? Post it.
I don't give a fuck, this will only get 2 or 3 subscribers. [citation needed]
Post your stupid shit that doesn't fit in chat sub or CA sub or drunk sub or whatever sub. Just post shit. We'll upvote it.
As long as it isn't child porn.
I’d say Scotland because Scottish men and women are indistinguishable from your average Gay person but they make the biggest deal out of it.
If they kept their mouths shut they'd be regarded as heroes and defenders of LGBTQ+ but for some reason they talk about it as much as teenagers. Even male to female relationships are role reversed. What are we looking at here?
Do you think Scottish people should be talking at all? Their accent is the least telegenic of all nationalities. It doesn't translate well on broadcast media or online especially not TikTok or Youtube. It works better as a depressant or for short periods of time like tourism e.g. If you do find a regional Scot accent that you like the fun usually wears off after 24 hours.
England and the rest of the world seem to be steps ahead of them in almost every way. I think the best bet for them is to travel more? Insular is an understatement, they're creepy in their outlook.
I honestly don't know what to suggest for them. They live in Western Europe and have everything they want but are obsessed about ruining it. I can understand living in a small town without travel links can inhibited growth but I don't think it's something that should be celebrated especially if all the men look and sound like Frankie Howard and the women like small boys or chipmunks.
Ukraine to become first user of Rheinmetall Caracal air assault vehicles