
Photograph via snooOG

Dedicated to the medical, scientific, and professional advancement of cannabis.

A place for scholars to post and discuss medical & scientific research, personal experiences, science based content and other higher level cannabis discussion related to the professional advancement of cannabis.

The International Cannabinoid Research Society

The International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines

Project CBD



PubMed Central Canada

UK PubMed Central

U.B.C Health Wiki



1,391 Subscribers


None of my friends or family consume cannabis and I'm grateful that these online communities exist.

I just wanna say that since I've started smoking weed, I haven't sparked up with anyone because no one I know smokes. I appreciate this subreddit for existing and all of the people online who share the same interest as me. I'm curious what everyone's favorite weed communities are. I'd love to meet new people.

1 Comment
03:52 UTC


Last chance: seeking participants for online research study on cannabis use for sleep (closes 10/1) personal info NOT required

18:18 UTC


Questions re Organic Chemistry behind the “conversion” of CBD to other psychoactive cannabanoids such as “THC-O, THCA, Delta-8 THC” etc

I was a CBD shop the other day and a clerk was trying to convince them that the company “ferments” or let’s the plant matter mature over time and it develops all of these strange cannabanoids. Is this true? Or are these synthetically altered products which start as (CBD) but then is altered into these other products?

Would love to know the chemistry behind these processes, is it with reagents and chemical reactions which change the chemistry of the plant? Or just natural processes in the decomposition of these plant oils as the clerk was trying to convince me?

Thank y’all

02:20 UTC


A CBD growing chamber powered by Bitcoin in France

17:02 UTC


Conducting new research - UK cannabis use, looking for help with finding participants for survey!

Survey link: https://uws.questionpro.com/cannabis-use-uk-rec

Looking for cannabis users to complete my survey, 18+, UK based

100% annonymous

Study Information:

My project is about cannabis use in the UK. The purpose of my project is to examine the differences between recreational and medical cannabis use in the UK. This project is important as prior to the recent legalisation of medical cannabis in the UK, cannabis research had been restricted. This resulted in lack of research examining patterns of use, motivations of use and mental health in medical cannabis users and how this compares to recreational cannabis users. This had negative consequences on the implementation of medical cannabis in the UK. There are reports of stigma associated with the use of medical cannabis and hesitancy of prescribing and using medical cannabis due to insufficient research. My project will address this gap and provide insight to cannabis use in the UK.

14:09 UTC


Cannabis Medicine Courses

I'm currently taking a pack of 4, high quality courses with a lot of updated info to educate by myself from beginner to advanced. But in Poland that's it. No events, no conferences. I'm studying Clinical Psychology and I want to have a possibilty to get access to foreign english courses to enhance my knowledge. Can you recommend something worth its price? I would be thankful.

12:30 UTC


Cancer & Cannabinoids: Science based

Hi, I am looking for a cannabis researcher/engineer/scholar to formulate some products for cancer patients and to help in publishing papers. Anyone qualified or interested, please reply. Thanks

1 Comment
02:07 UTC


Cresco Earnings Thursday

13:11 UTC


Disposal & Waste/Trim

Plant Material disposal & waste treatment - Does anyone know of a way to chemically diffuse the cannabinoids into a neutral substance that can be safely transported across state lines?

14:21 UTC


Cannabis Study! Help me help you!

Hey guys, I'm in the first ever undergraduate level course doing a deep dive industry analysis of weed in the US. My research group is doing a a survey to gather consumer data so we can advise retailers & dispensaries on how to best suit the needs & wants of their customers. Please fill out our survey with the link below, it takes about 5 minutes. Thank you! https://forms.gle/syShD8ufEJkAQ21YA

18:41 UTC


Keif? Any clue what this is? Lol

03:34 UTC


What the Weed!?

How do you tell your kids you smoke weed?

01:28 UTC


Educational Disparity

This group has <500 members while r/CannabisExtracts has >60k members...

That says a lot about how important more education is needed I believe.

18:05 UTC


Looking To Further Education

Hi, i was wondering if anyone could hint me the next step I should take in furthering my education in the cannabis field and possibly pursuing a career in that area. I am 18 years old I recently graduated from a tech school in carpentry and got into a car accident in which changed my decision on a career choice. I reside in the state of Massachusetts where it is legal for anyone above the age of 21 to use and grow recreationally. If anyone wants to chime in and give me a couple pointers don’t hesitate

17:27 UTC


drying bubble in sub zero temps outdoors

its -30c outside. i just did a wash of some frozen fresh buds.. can i freeze dry my trichomes outside in a closed Tupperware container on a 25u screen on top of paper towels?

14:49 UTC


What is the best ratio of MCT to distillate

What is the best ratio for sub lingual when using distillate MCT And lecithin?

What about for additive...I.E. What is the most concentrated Additive that I can Make from distalite but it still has enough MCT and lecithin to easily emulsify into lyptophylic foods?

Alcohol tinctures are more easily absorbed and bio available to the system.? so I'll assume alcohol based tincture are always superior to oil infusions for sublingual .. correct?

Thank you for your time👽✌🤘

16:58 UTC


How/why different strains of marijuana produce different effects

ELI5: Cannabis flower has hundreds if not thousands of natural compounds that cause different effects when they are present in differing ratios.


The cannabis species that is used for it's medicinal purposes is specifically Cannabis Indica Indica.

Within cannabis are many thousands of different cultivated varieties that have been bred in different climates and conditions or crossed with other varieties to to attain whatever the specific grower is aiming to grow for. This led to many different types of expressions of the plant because cannabis contains 500+ different cannabinoids, flavinoids, and terpenes which make up the plant.

Due to the varying conditions the plants were bred in and the history of cross-breeding, thousands of different varieties with certain traits more predominately expressed now exist.

The effects come from the ratio and "profile" of the cannabinoids and terpenoids that are present in the trichomes of the cannabis plant(where all the medicine is produced).

The terpenes (such as Myrcene, Limonene, Terpinolene, a-pinene, b-pinene, caryophylene) and cannabinoids (such as THC, CBD, THCa, CBDa, CBG, CBC, etc) all produce different effects individually and when all used together as seen in cannabis, it creates what is referenced in the cannabis science community as the Entourage Effect or more recently renamed the "Ensemble Effect."


In addition: Every human and most animals have a very important system in their body that is responsible for maintaining homeostasis (balance) in your body. That system is the Endo-Cannabinoid system and it works by using endogenously (self-produced) cannabinoids to regulate biological function through our immune system and our central nervous system.

Not everyone produces enough cannabinoids naturally and that's why some people use cannabis daily to maintain "normal." Cannabis' cannabinoids exactly mimic the cannabinoids our body produces and is able to be used to treat most abnormalities and ailments with our bodies.

22:46 UTC


Edible Dosing?

Any chance someone could help me calculate my dosing here? I made canna coconut oil. Decarbed half an ounce of mids (S.A.G.E.) at 215f for 90 minutes. I've seen S.A.G.E. have THC levels of anywhere from 20%-25% - I smoked a bit of this & it's not the best quality I usually get, but it wasn't reggie, so I'm going to estimate it's around 15% THC.

After decarbing I added it to my Little Dipper crockpot with 1 cup of coconut oil & 1tbsp of lecithin. I had it going for 6 hours, stirring every 45 minutes or so. I then strained it through a cheesecloth being sure not to squeeze the bag (hoping this would give me as little plant material as possible).

The recipe used half a cup of oil & resulted in 24 pieces. What would be the THC in mg for each piece?

Using the calculation from Leafly (https://www.leafly.com/news/science-tech/dosing-homemade-cannabis-edibles-why-its-nearly-impossible-to-cal).

I had 14g of mids S.A.G.E.. I estimated it to be 15% THC (or 150mg THCA per 1g of flower). 150mg x 14 = 2100mg THCA.

In the decarbing process I lost .88 THC so 2100mg x .88 = 1848 THC being extracted.

In being infused into the coconut oil I lose .6 THC so that's 1848 x .6 = 1108.8mg THC in my 1 cup of coconut oil.

I used half of that in the brownies so 1108.8mg x .5 = 554.4mg THC in the batch of brownies.

I cut the tray into 24 servings, so 554.4mg/24 = 23.1mg per serving.

Is my calculation correct? By this calculation, that means each piece (which is pretty much only a one bite cube) has over double the average edible serving of 10mg THC?

I'm a big guy & have a decent tolerance, but after 90 minutes, even that little piece has me feeling the body high come on. So maybe 23mg THC per serving is correct?

1 Comment
04:39 UTC


What ratios are needed between cannabinoids to start the ensemble effect?

Would 1g of CBD with 2.5mg THC (0.25%) content be enough to have any ensemble effect between the cannabinoids?

16:36 UTC

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