A group for libertarians in Connecticut, including unregistered but liberty-leaning individuals. Party news, candidates, communications, etc. This is an unofficial page for the political party in Connecticut. It is a priority of the subreddit to further the goals of the state party but that is not this subreddit's primary objective. %%% This Sub Is Not An Official CTLP Account %%%
This is the subreddit for Connecticut residents who identify as Libertarians. As a reminder, please be civil; we are all on the same side here. If you disagree, please disagree respectfully. Please try to be as productive as possible with suggestions.
National Libertarian Party | Alabama | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Georgia | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Kansas | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Minnesota | Mississippi | Nevada | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | Ohio | Oregon | Pennsylvania | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin |
I took the time to create a Discord server to parallel the BAN PUBLIC BENEFITS... Facebook group. If you're outraged about your electric rates/bill and want to participate in actual action to get these taxes-without-consent erased and the bills generally lowered via free market principles and actual economic literacy, please join the Discord server. We are already scheduling events:
For those that are interested in staying more broadly informed on this subject, I went into fairly deep detail on why your bills are the highest in the country, and why your rates are the second-highest in the continental US on my show last week, with receipts included. Spoilers: It's government.
The latest poll sent out by the CT LP says 20% of respondents lived in Fairfield county. Where is the local group though? Even if it is a group that meets remotely and occasionally in person if at all.
Jeremy Kauffman (LPNH) and Dave Smith are debating the LPNH's spiciest tweets right now. Must listen. Please share like crazy. https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1OdKrzXRzkwKX?s=20
The only candidate on the CT LP site is Aaron Lewis for governor (who happens to be anti-choice). The LPofCT Twitter account has nothing about the election, candidates, or issues important to the people of Connecticut.
The purpose of a political party is to run candidates, get them elected, and implement legislation. Whoever is in charge of the CT LP and their communications has failed.
Here's one of many tweets from the CT GOP focusing on issues important to voters in the upcoming election:
At the same time, the CT Libertarian Party is tweeting about how Democrats are "NPCs", Pelosi going to Taiwan, anti-FBI responses to Trump's home being searched, and one particularly tone deaf retweet of someone claiming the 2020 election was stolen.
Where is the engagement with CT voters? What is the CT LP gubernatorial candidate doing today? Which candidates is the CT LP endorsing? How will voting for those candidates improve the lives of CT citizens?
Political parties have one goal: Get people elected. The CT LP seems focused on everything but that.
My parents complain that all the doctors want to leave the state. Maybe it something about the legal climate in Connecticut. They complain about how long it takes to get a doctors appointment and how no one wants to retire here unless they have family here.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to date a nom liberal in CT? I'm 29 and tired of being verbally assaulted when people learn that I'm pro 1A, 2A. That I believe in freedom of choice and not government regulations. Just tired on constantly getting beaten down